Chapter 46: The Quiet One

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*the Bounty* 

Y/N was walking beside Cole as she held the baby in her arms, "what do you think the baby's name is? You think he looks like a Cole Jr?" Cole asked, Y/N rolled her eyes. "I think you should let Y/N take care of the baby and help us out. Okay, Zane, give it another try" Jay said as he glared at Cole. "Zane? Come in, Zane" Kai asked through the comms. "Oh, great. Now the radios aren't working" Jay whined, but he quickly went silent when a loud roar came from deep in the forest.

"What do you think that was?" Cole asked as Y/N put on a little baby carrier they made while Cole placed the baby on her back. "Probably just some cute little critter?" Kai said in an uncertain tone, "or a big critter" Y/N said as she looked into the forest. "A great big vicious critter with lots of teeth and claws and pincers" Jay said as he started to hyperventilate. "You can't tell all that from how it sounds" Cole protested as he looked down at Jay, "oh, yeah? If you listen real carefully..." Jay said as they all went quiet but jumped when they heard a beep from the comms.

"Did you guys say something?" Zane asked over the comms. "Heh. Any luck reaching Lloyd?" Y/N questioned as she nervously chuckled. "Pixal and I have only been able to repair the shortwave com-link. It appears we won't be able to find them until we get the Bounty over these trees" Zane explained. "Great" Y/N whispered under her breath. "Ready to test the thrusters?" Zane asked. "Let's give it a go" Cole said, "fire it up" Kai responded. "Go for it!" Jay cheered.

"Ha, ha. It's working" Cole cheered. "I'll say. Fi-ya" Kai cheered but stopped when the thrusters started breaking again. "Aah! Cut it off" Kai shouted. "Abort, abort!" Jay yelled, "shut it down! Shut it down!" Kai shouted. The thrusters stopped and Zane ran over to see the damage. "That's it. I've had it" Jay said as he was covered in smoke. "Ha, ha, ha" Zane said as Pixal came up beside him. "First, we crash land in who knows where, surrounded by who knows what and now this" Jay said in a frustrated tone."Well, at least Cole Jr's fine, so we can give the diapers to Jay" Cole cheered as he looked at the baby who giggled slightly.

"Hi-hi-hilarious. What? What was that?" Jay asked as he looked behind him to see Nya in the Samurai X mech. "Look what I found" Nya said as she placed the mech's hand on its hips. "My suit. I mean...your suit" Pixal said as she corrected herself. "It's okay, Pixal. Unh. It's yours now. There was also a note on it from Lloyd. He and Rumi are going to the temple" Nya informed the Ninja as she hopped out of the mech. "Then they're okay," Y/N said in relief. "But we're still grounded. Let's get back to work...before the Sons of Garmadon pick up our trail" Kai said as they got back to work.

*a few minutes later*

Y/N was sitting against the Bounty as she had the baby in her lap facing her. She hummed a soft tune to the baby as she watched him giggle gently. She watched as his eyes grew heavy, Y/N placed her pinky finger on the bridge of his nose and gently dragged it up in between his eyebrows, continuously doing it until he fell asleep.

"You shouldn't have been involved in this, you're too fragile" Y/N whispered as she looked at the sleeping baby in her lap. Y/N sighed, as she remembered a time where she was young and fragile like him, a time where Y/N trained harder than she could ever imagined.


"Again" Wu said as he had his hands behind his back, Y/N punched a punching bag hard, "again" Wu ordered, Y/N threw another punch and felt Wu hit his staff under her arm. "That was sloppy, again" Wu said, Y/N punched the bag harder as sweat trailed down her forehead. "Again" Wu ordered once more. "Agh!" Y/N shouted as she punched the punching bag with her earth's strength, breaking the bag, sand falling out from the hole in the bag. 
Y/N panted as she pulled her fist out of the bag and watched the sand fall.

"Well done, now focus on the earth beneath you, feel the vibrations around you" Wu said as 
Y/N closed her eyes and steadied her stance. "I don't want you to just manipulate the earth, I want you to control it," Wu said as he walked around Y/N. "Now, try it again," Wu said as he stopped in front of her. Y/N opened her eyes as she stomped on the ground and had a boulder come out of the ground, Y/N felt a bead of sweat drop down her face as she focused to hold it up.

"Control it, 
Y/N" Wu said as Y/N's body shook. Y/N shouted as she punched the boulder and watched as it slammed into a wall. Wu smiled as he looked down at her, "nicely done. Now, go wash up" Wu said as he looked at Y/NY/N bowed at Wu, "thank you, Master Wu" Y/N said as she quickly ran into the monastery to get cleaned up. Wu sighed as he looked at the sky, "so young, yet full of so much power, one day I hope to watch you grow into a strong warrior" Wu whispered as he watched seven year old Y/N close the sliding doors behind her.

*end of flashback* 

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