Chapter 36: The Attack

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*at the temple*

"Whoa, amazing" Cole said as he, Jay and Zane looked down with a smile. "It is unlike anything I have ever seen" Zane said with a smile, "so cool" Jay said as he lifted up the new Time Blade they had taken. "I must urge caution, Jay. The Time Blade is a powerful weapon" Zane informed Jay, "um, you think I don't know that? Check this. Boom! Ha! Eight bull's-eyes in a row. Beat that!" Jay shouted as he threw the Time Blade at a few boxes which they had drawn circles on to represent a target.

"I did," Cole said as he walked up to the Time Blade, "oh, really? When?" Jay asked with his arms crossed. "When I got nine in a row" Cole said with a proud smirk. "Okay, yeah, if you wanna count that" Jay said as he rolled his eyes. "But watch this," Cole said as he grabbed the Time Blade and another box. Cole threw the box up in the air and zapped it, causing it to slow down in time. "Ha-ha! You missed" Jay cheered as he laughed at Cole, "did I? Slow-moving target. Easy-peasy, lemon" Cole said as he jumped up to the box and cut it into pieces, once he landed he smirked at Jay and Zane. "And that's how you recycle an empty box," Cole said as he placed his hands on his hips.

"That box was not empty" Zane informed the boys. Jay screamed as he ran over to the now cut up stuffed animal while Cole walked up beside Zane. "Mr. a teddy bear I used to love when I was five, but now he's totally lame and–" Jay said but Cole cut him off, "we know you still sleep with him" Cole teased as he smirked at Jay. "And I don't care who knows it! Mr. Cuddlywump" Jay shouted as he cuddled the stuffed animal.

"Switching to playful mode" Zane said as he grabbed the Time Blade from Cole and spun around in a circle before letting go of it. Nya flinched as the Time Blade missed her head by nearly an inch. "Hey, watch it. I'm working here" Nya said as she looked up from her computer. "Sorry, Nya" Zane said apologetically as he grabbed the Time Blade and walked back over to the boys.

"What's with Nya? She's been on her computer since we got back from the desert" Cole asked as he looked at Jay and Zane, "her attempt to locate her stolen Samurai X suit is consuming her" Zane informed them as he held the Time Blade close to him. "Ugh. She's as bad as her brother" Cole said as they looked over at Kai, who was studying the inside of a snake samurai helmet. "Ah-ha! I've got a clue. Ah, I haven't got a clue" Kai said as he threw the book behind him. Cole picked up the book and looked at it, "he's been reading those Ninjago history books all day" Cole said as he looked over at Kai.

"Ugh, I don't get those two," Jay complained. Zane looked over at him, "you mean three. Y/N has been the same since we've been here" Zane said as he could hear rocks being thrown around outside the temple. "I don't get it! We finally get a victory and they choose to celebrate by dorking out and overworking instead of doing something cool? Let's run straight at each other and see if this will slow us down before we collide" Jay said as they all chuckled and got ready.

*outside the temple*

Y/N grunted as a massive rock was lifted into the air, Y/N threw it up and as it came down she kicked it towards a tree, causing the tree to shake. Y/N panted as she set fire to her fists, punching and kicking the air as she felt the fire start to heat up her body quicker. Y/N stopped using her fire and looked down at her hands as they were redder than usual. Y/N's brows furrowed, "am I burning myself?" Y/N thought as she looked down at her bare feet and saw little to no red marks. Y/N shrugged her shoulders as she walked over to the water fountain and placed her hands in it, Y/N took a deep breath and slowly watched as the water glowed, her hands soon turning back to their normal color.

Y/N stood up and felt the wind blow past her as she closed her eyes and felt it blow through her (h/c) hair. Y/N opened her eyes and sighed deeply, "I hear you, Morro" Y/N said softly as she lifted her hands up and whipped them to the side, making air slices towards the tree. Y/N smiled as she watched it cut off two branches. Y/N sighed as she walked over to the tree and grabbed the two branches, moving them to the side as she sat down under the tree and closed her eyes. Letting the wind blow past her and the sound of birds chirping surround her thoughts.

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