Chapter 9: The Greatest Fear of All

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*Ninjago City*

As all of the elemental masters made their way to Ninjago, it started to get bigger as they got closer. "Chen and his Anacondrai army have a day's start on us. Be prepared for anything and everything" Lloyd said, Y/n's dragon flew a little closer to him, "how did we lose so much time?" Kai asked as he looked over at Lloyd. "You know, you took an oath never to leave a man behind" Garreth said from on Zane's dragon. "And we're not all quick learners," Jay said in a defensive tone.

"Mastering your fear to create Power Dragons takes time," Y/n said in a calm tone as she looked at the city ahead. "Well, we're running out of that. There's Ninjago City. Hurry" Nya said as she pointed at the city ahead. "Hurry is my middle name! Hyah!" Turner said as he and his dragon were the first to fly above the city on Ninjago, with the others close behind. "Remember, whatever happens down there, we're stronger together united. We fight as one" Y/n said, Lloyd nodded as Garmadon smiled. "Let's do this!" Jay shouted as they all landed somewhere.

Kai ended up landing in the middle of the road, Skylar smiled down at a woman and her daughter, but only fear struck the poor woman. "Serpentine!" The lady yelled as everyone ran and hid.

Y/n flew down next to Kai's dragon, looking at Skylar with a sad but gentle look on her face. "I wish I still had the power to change," Skylar said as she put her hand in front of her face. "You have changed. You're with us now" Y/n said gently, Skylar smiled at her. But then a car started to honk, Y/n looked down and noticed the car under Kai's dragon's foot. "Could you be a dear and move your dragon?" An old lady asked, Y/n flew up a but and landed on a building, while Kai's dragon moved its foot.

"Thank you young man" the lady said as she drove off. "If we're the first ones they've seen, where's Chen and why hasn't he attacked?" Garmadon asked as Kai's dragon vanished, Y/n flew down and her dragon disappeared, as did Lloyds.

"We have to get you and my father off the streets before we alarm everyone. Everyone else, stick together and watch over the people" Lloyd announced as the other elemental masters rode their dragons and flew above Ninjago. Skylar looked down at her left arm and noticed it started to turn back into a normal human.

*Samurai X Cave*

Nya, the ninja, Garmadon and Skyler walked into the Samurai X's secret cave, immediately being welcomed by Zane's falcon. "And hello to you, my old friend," Zane said as the falcon landed on his arm. "You're all back" Master Wu said as he turned to look at the ninja, Misako looked at the ninja as well with a big smile, spread across her face. "Zane, look at you. You're all shiny" Master Wu said as the ninja walked up to him and Misako.

Misako walked up to Lloyd, "but where is your father?" Misako asked as she looked around in search of her husband. Cole, Kai, Nya and Y/n moved out of the way as Garmadon came into Misako's sight. "It's me, Misako," Garmadon said with a frown as Misako gasped. "Don't worry, we have reason to believe the spell may be wearing off" Skylar said as Y/n looked over at Master Wu, then back at the ninja. "But if that's true, it only makes Chen more desperate to act now. Everyone, this is Skylar, Chen's daughter" Kai said as he looked over at Wu and Misako.

Miasko smiled as she walked up to SKylar. "You're amongst friends, Skylar" Misako said, Y/n smiled as she then looked down at the ground. "Thank you for looking after my Misako" Garmadon said, Wu nodded "as any good brother should" Master Wu said as he placed a hand on Garmadon's shoulder. "Yes. A good brother" Garmadon said as he held his head low.

"There isn't much time. Our friends are on standby, but we don't know where Chen will strike first" Lloyd said as he looked at the ninja. "And if we're not all there to stop him when he first attacks..." Cole said as they all walked near the map. "Ninjago will succumb to war. Our greatest fear will come true" Garmadon finished. "Then the greatest victory will be that which has no battle" Master Wu said. Y/n smirked, she had to admit, she did miss his wisdom remarks. "But how do we prevent a war? How do we stop an enemy we know so little about?" Jay asked as he threw his arms up. Falcon then pressed a button, which showed the prison. "We find someone who does," Y/n said with a smirk.

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