Chapter 7: The Forgotten Element

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*in the forest*

Y/n looked around her as she heard rustling coming from the bushes. It was too dark to see much so she used her other four senses, and noticed three pairs of feet coming at her, Y/n turned to her left quickly and made a sharp earth pillar, putting it right up to the person's neck as she heard a gasp. "If your friends here make another move you're dead" Y/n said coldly as she couldn't see their faces. "Y/n, it's us" the one with the pillar to his neck said, Y/n squinted but then put fire in her fist as she walked closer, noticing Lloyd, Garmadon, and Nya.

"Oh my god" Y/n said as she got rid of the earth pillar and immediately hugged Lloyd. "I thought they had caught you" Y/n said as she felt him hug her back, "can't get rid of me that easily" Lloyd smirked as Y/n let go of him, "thank goodness for that, cause now we have to save the others" Nya said as Y/n looked over at her and nodded, "let's get our ninja back" Y/n said with a smirk as she looked over at Lloyd. Lloyd nodded as they started their plan to get the ninja and the others back.

*the underground ceremony room*

Back in the ceremony room, men chanted while others drummed. Clouse put up his hands, "bring in the prisoners" Clouse said with Skylar beside him. One of the guards pulled the lever as some guards brought in the fighters that were caught in the woods, "so the ninja were right. This was never about any of us winning the tournament, this was always about something sinister" Turner said, Shadow looked at him, "what gave that away? Was it his cult following, or the giant snake head?" Shadow said in his normal calm tone as they walked with the guards.

"We've been fighting each other for so long it took us all losing to finally pull us together. Too bad it's too late" Neuro said as he looked down at the ground. Meanwhile Jay was humming with a smile on his face, "why are you humming? You do know they're about to take our powers?" Kai asked as he started to get annoyed with Jay. "Since these cursed shackles have blocked out powers I choose to use the power of positive thinking. Lloyd and Y/n will come save us. You just wait" Jay said as they made their way on the platform Clouse and Skylar were on.

Skylar looked at Kai before looking at the ground, "go ahead and look away, but you know as well as I do after he takes our powers, he's still gonna need yours" Kai said as he glared at Skylar. "You don't understand. My father gets everything he wants. I had no choice" Skylar said as she shrugged her shoulders. "Just tell me one thing. Was it his idea to make me fall for you, or yours? Because it worked" Kai said disappointedly, Skylar gasped a bit then slightly smiled to herself.

"Lock 'em down" one of the guards said as all the fighters kneeled down and got chained to the floor. "All rise for Master Chen!" Another guard said as fire blew up from pipe holes, the drums started playing again and the men cheered. Master Chen floated down in his chair with the snake staff in hand, "look at me. I'm floating" Master Chen said with a smirk on his face. Master Chen set his chair down in front of Skylar and Clouse as he laid back in his chair. "I just got distracted by how awesome this place looks. Well done, Clouse. You've really set the mood" Master Chen said with a bright smile. "And look at this. Soon I'll have more power. It's good to be me" Master Chen cheered as he kicked his legs like a child.

"You may have us, but you still don't have Y/n or the Green Ninja" Jay smirked. "Ah yes. I bet right now they'll swoop down to save you in the very last moment and teach me a valuable lesson, as both of them are leaders I presume?" Master Chen mocked as he sat back in his chair "well, I'll wait. I love lesson" Master Chen said with a smirk as he leaned back into his chair lazily.

"Any minute now" Jay said as all the fighters looked up to see if Lloyd or Y/n were in sight. After only a few seconds Master Chen sat up, "that's enough. I'm bored. But here's a lesson: Don't be a sore loser. Only one can remain!" Master Chen shouted as he jumped out of his chair and started to suck the powers out of all the fighters. All of them yelled as their powers were drained and filled the staff. "The power is mine! All mine!" Master Chen shouted as he lifted his staff up to the air.

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