Chapter 44: Snake Jaguar

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*Ninjago City* 

Y/N and Lloyd were on the trains that ran over the city and in the air. Y/N held onto the train with her metal manipulation while Lloyd held onto her arm. "Where was Zane last seen?" Lloyd asked into the comms. "Central Station. But once they went underground, Pixal lost his signal. We haven't been able to pick up Cole's intercom either" Jay said over the comms. "If they're taking Zane to their hideout, then Cole could be held captive there" Y/N said as she glanced at Lloyd.

"We can't lose Zane. Y/N and I are over Central now" Lloyd said as Y/N let go of the metal. Both Y/N and Lloyd jumped off the train and onto a roof before they soon made it to the ground. Y/N and Lloyd made it down to Central and saw no sign of them anywhere. "No sign of Zane or Cole. They could be anywhere by now" Y/N said over the comms. "Y/N, did you find their hideout?" Kai asked, "no sign of Zane or Cole. They could be anywhere by now" Lloyd repeated over the comms. "Don't worry. We'll find them. Kai and I will search the other stations" Jay said. Y/N sighed as she looked at the map of each station.

"Where are you, Zane?" Y/N whispered as she looked at the map.

*the Bounty*

Once Y/N and Lloyd made it back to the Bounty, Y/N heard they found Zane chasing after the Mask of Deception. "Do you think you'll make it?" Nya asked, "I don't think. I know" Zane said as he chased after the bikers. "Hey, when can I get a bike like that?" Y/N asked as she watched Zane move faster than any vehicle she had, "when your arm heals" Nya protested as she raised a brow at Y/N. Y/N scoffed as she looked at Nya, "it's practically healed, I can move it!" Y/N argued, "you sure about that?" Nya asked, Y/N nodded. "All right, but I have to test one thing out," Nya said, Y/N smirked as she crossed her arms in front of her chest, "go for it" Y/N said with a proud smile.

Nya smirked as she walked up to Y/N and placed her hand on the wound, slowly pushing down on it, Y/N yelped as she hit Nya's hand off her wound. "Hey, that's not fair!" Y/N shouted as she held her arm, Nya shrugged, "I guess you aren't fully healed then" Nya said as she looked back at the comms.

"I've caught up with the mask,"
Zane informed them. Y/N looked at the screen and watched as the man known as Big Man put on the Mask of Deception. Y/N's eyes widened as three earth spikes were lifted out of the ground, "Zane, are you seeing what we're seeing?" Y/N asked as Nya, Harumi and herself looked at the camera. "I was going to ask you the same thing" Zane said with a sigh as he dodged each spike.

"If you're having trouble, I built in some additional help" Nya informed Zane, "I see that now. Activating..." Zane said as he pressed a button which caused the front of his bike to come off like a falcon. The falcon destroyed the spikes. "It's good to see you too, my old friend. Or should I say, new?" Zane said, Y/N smiled as she remembered the old falcon, who had helped the Ninja lots.

Zane fought the masked man, who they later found out was called Mr. E. Y/N watched as her body tensed, Mr. E took his swords out and Y/N felt the burning sensation in her wound again. Y/N placed her hand on her wound gently as she watched. Y/N gasped as Zane hopped off his bike before both Mr. E and Zane's bikes went off the edge. Mr. E fell off his bike as they both laid there. "Zane!" Y/N shouted. Y/N watched as Zane looked up at Mr. E. "You''re like me. A Nindroid?" Zane said over the comms. "How could this be?" Y/N questioned as she looked at the screen and watched as Mr. E put his arm back in place. 

AUTHORS NOTE: here is Chapter 44, just like I's super short. I didn't even get to 700 words! I might just post Chapter 45 since this one is so short.
I don't know how long Chapter 46 will be, and you'll see why in the next chapter. So if it is short, I am sorry!

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