Chapter 15: Peak-a-Boo

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*at the Bounty*

Once they got back to Wu, Misako, Ronan, and Nya. Kai decided he would try and grab a flag off the Bounty ship since it was fixed and ready to go. As he tried twice he looked up at the flag. "Seriously" Kai said as he shook his head before going once more, falling as he landed. Ronan watched as he smirked while watching him. "Aw, just short. Like your temper, Kai" Ronan teased, "let me try. I'm for sure better Airjitzu're than you, Kai" Jay said as he looked over at Kai. "Oh, yeah? And when did that happen?" Kai asked with his hands on his hips. "Like now!" Jay shouted as he used his Airjitzu, just barely making it to the top as he fell back to the others.

"Oh yeah, that was so much better than me" Kai said with his arms crossed, Jay looked at him with a surprised and confused look, " was" Jay said as he looked up at Kai. "That wasn't Airjitzu, that was Fail-itzu" Ronan said as he looked down at Kai, Jay and Zane. "Or Stupid-itzu" Kai said as he looked down at Jay.

Master Wu walked over to them with his staff in hand. "To master the powers of Airjitzu, we must uplift, not put each other down, Ronan," Wu said as he looked up at Ronan in the end. Ronan bit an apple with a smirk "you close shop for a week, you gotta let me have some fun. Aren't Nindroids supposed to be precise?" Ronan asked as he looked down at them with his apple in hand.

"These new suits are heavy. Why can't we just use our old ones?" Kai asked as he looked at the shoulder plates. "These are embedded with Deepstone. They will protect you from being possessed" Wu explained as he looked at the new suits. Jay stood up slowly. "Yeah, well, maybe the name 'Airjitzu' isn't uplifting enough. Maybe we need something more inspiring, like...Cyclondo!" Jay said as he tried Airjitzu. This time going over it without even grazing the flag. "Miss. Again. Hey!" Ronan shouted as Jay stole his apple when he fell past him. Jay laughed "Cyclondo!" Jay said as he took a bite of Ronan's apple.

*inside the Bounty*

Back in the Bounty, Cole was sitting in his room, he sighed deeply as Nya passed. "Don't feel like training?" Nya asked as she walked into his room, "in case you haven't heard, I'm a ghost. And don't tell me we can fix this, cause we can't. Y/n already tried to tell me that. This is just... who I am now" Cole said as he tried to grab the cup in front of him, but his hand kept going through. Cole laid down on his bed as he looked up at the ceiling. "I don't feel anything anymore," Cole said as he shook his head.

"Sensei told us our paths in life are never a straight line. Take me for instance, I thought I was always destined to be Samurai X, but now I'm training to become the Water Ninja, no matter how horribly awful I am at that. All I know is, Ninja never quit" Nya said as she hopped onto his bed and put her fist in the air. Cole sat up as he looked at her. "But I'm not a Ninja anymore. I'm a ghost" Cole said, Nya put her hands on her hips.
"Then what do you do? I think that's something you have to answer on your own" Nya said with a soft smile.

Kai walked over to Cole's room, "Misako's about to debrief us about the next clue" Kai said, Nya nodded, "we'll be there in a moment" Nya said. Kai smiled, "and sis, that color suits you well" Kai said with a smile. "Thanks. It's my favorite color" Nya said as she looked at the new suit Wu gave her. "No, Nya, thank you" Cole said as he stood up and hugged Nya. As Nya went to hug him back her hand went through him, causing her smile to fade slightly. Cole looked at his hand as he put back onto her back, and as he did, he didn't go through her, which made him smile.

*in Y/n's room*

Kai knocked on Y/n's door gently, "Y/n, you in there?" Kai asked, "come in," Y/n said softly. Kai opened the door and looked around the room when his eyes met Y/n's form. She was sitting in a corner near a window with a picture frame in her hands as she looked outside. "Hey, what's wrong?" Kai asked as he walked up to her and sat down beside her, looking down at the photo, he saw a picture of Y/n and Morro when they were younger. They looked so happy as Y/n hugged Morro.

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