Chapter 39: Out of the Fire and Into the Boiling Sea

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*the swamp* 

"Ew. No matter how many times you see it, watching those suckers hatch is gross" Jay said as he watched one of the capsules crack open. "Jay. Less watching, more helping!" Y/N shouted as they ran up the mountain. "You know guys, I was thinking now that we got Ninjago's workers out of here, maybe we should join them," Jay said as he dodged a snake's fist. "What about Master Wu?" Lloyd asked, "he's gone. It's a strategic retreat" Jay said as he looked over at Lloyd. "Yeah, 'strategic retreat' is just a fancy way of saying 'giving up', Jay" Cole said as he threw a Vermillion Warrior off of himself. "What do you think, Lloyd? You're the master-in-training here" Jay said as he looked over at Lloyd. "We need to regroup at the Temple. Zane, cover ice" Lloyd shouted.

Y/N grabbed something from behind her and when it flicked open it showcased the Bow Borg made her. "Where did that come from?" Jay asked, Y/N smirked, "never leave it" Y/N said as she pulled out an arrow and pointed it at the Vermillion Warriors, then when she let go of the arrow it hit the ground, "uh. You missed" Jay said as he pointed at the arrow in the ground. Y/N rolled her eyes as she looked at Jay, "" Y/N said as once she said one, a shock wave pushed the Vermillion Warriors backwards, that's when Zane took the chance to turn the ground into ice and create an ice dome around the exit. "Oh!" Jay said with a surprised look on his face as he looked at Y/N. "Yeah!" Y/N said in a sarcastic tone as she flicked his forehead, "news flash, I never miss" Y/N said as she then looked over at Lloyd.

Y/N flinched when the ice started to break, "quick! Before they get through!" Lloyd shouted as they started running back into the sewers, Zane stopped and Y/N looked over her shoulder to see Zane stop. "One moment. I'm getting a signal" Zane said as everyone stopped and looked over at Zane. "Oh, yeah? Does it sound anything like this...move your butt, Zane!" Jay shouted, Y/N folded her bow so it could be better to put in her waist band.

"Cyrus Borg. I must retrieve him" Zane said as he took one step back towards the ice dome, "wait. You're totally outnumbered" Cole stated as he looked at Zane, "he's right. There's, like, a million more Vermillion out there" Lloyd said as Zane turned to look at them, "there's no way you could possibly save him all by yourself. So I'm coming with you. What? We're Ninja. Saving people is, you know, what we do" Jay said as once he made it over to Zane he noticed their confused stares. "Yes, we do" Lloyd said as he, Cole and Y/N ran up to the two. "Take cover!" Y/N shouted as the ice dome fell.

*a few minutes later*

Once the Vermillion left, they all popped their heads out of their hiding spots behind the rocks. "Ha. What luck. They left" Jay said with a slight chuckle, "except all the Vermillion forces in the swamp are apparently headed to the same place we are, The Dome" Zane said as Lloyd jumped off the rock and then turned around to help Y/N down, when he put out his hand to her, Y/N took it as she slid down the rock.

"I didn't say 'what good luck', Zane" Jay said in a sassy tone. "So what do we do? We're in deep trouble the moment they spot us" Cole explained as Y/N looked down and smirked as she picked up a Vermillion helmet. "Then let's make sure they don't" Y/N said as she held up the helmet.

*a few minutes later*

Once they found more Vermillion armor Y/N was putting on her chest plate when she noticed something wasn't right. Y/N looked down at the chest plate and noticed how flat it was. Y/N groaned slightly as she tried to put it on, but felt how uncomfortable it was.

Then she remembered what Wu had said to her before she met the Ninja, "When finding your sub elements, you must also think about what connects them to your main four, with water, you can bend the fluid in a human's body. Connect with your main elements, find your sub elements" Wu's voice ran through her mind as she looked at the metal, and then at the ground, Y/N placed the plate on the ground and she took a step back, she looked around and noticed the boys talking to each other.

"Let's give it a try" Y/N said as she placed her hands out in front of her body. Y/N took a deep breath in as she flicked her fingers up and watched as the chest plate turned from a male chest plate into a female's chest place. Y/N smirked as she picked up the chest plate and nodded, "sick" Y/N said as she placed it on her chest and made sure it was secure before walking over to the boys.

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