Chapter 49: True Potential

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*a few days later* 

After a few days, the Ninjago was back to normal. Harumi was questioned by the police while the Sons of Garmadon were sent to Kryptarium Prison. Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane and Nya sang while Misako and Pixal watched with smiles on their faces. Baby Wu cheered as he danced and listened to the Ninja sing.

Y/N was sitting down at a table as she smiled down at baby Wu, she then looked over at Lloyd and noticed he wasn't joining in on the fun. Y/N looked over at Misako and watched as her smile faded.

Y/N stood up and placed a gentle hand on Misako's shoulder, "I think you should talk to him, he would probably rather you talk to him than me" Y/N said softly, Misako looked at Y/N and nodded as she walked up to her son. Y/N knew what she was going to say to him, and she knew that Lloyd cared for Harumi. Harumi made it seem like she understood him and cared for him, when in reality, she was breaking him piece by piece. Y/N sighed as she looked away from Lloyd and Misako.

"You love him, don't you?" Pixal asked as she nudged Y/N slightly. Y/N thought for a moment before answering, "he's not mine to love," Y/N said as she watched Cole and sing to Wu. "But you still do?" Pixal questioned. "More than he'll ever know" Y/N said as she glanced at Lloyd, Pixal smiled at her gently as she placed her hand on Y/N's shoulder, "he may come around" Pixal said as Y/N looked back at her, "no one ever gets over their first love, Pixal. Not even Nindroids" Y/N whispered the last part as she looked up at Zane and watched as he stared at Pixal slightly before looking away when she went to look at him.

Y/N forced a smile, as she watched Wu come up to her and grab her fingers as he pulled her closer to the stage, trying to get her to dance. Y/N smiled down at him as she danced with him, allowing her to let her mind drift away from Lloyd for as long as she needed, even if it was only one moment. A moment Y/N could be herself without worrying about what was happening in Ninjago, in her relationships, her past, and her mind.

Soon enough, the music stopped. "Hey, don't–" Cole shouted into the mic as he looked at Darreth. "Come on" Jay whined as they all frowned. Y/N looked back and saw Misako looked confused at Lloyd. "What is it, Lloyd?" Misako asked, Y/N picked up baby Wu and brought him over to the TV as she looked at the News. "Look" Lloyd said as he and his mother turned to the TV. "It's always good to see my beautiful Gayle Gossip, ah" Darreth said as he turned up the volume on the TV.

"Where an assailant rammed a stolen garbage truck into the front of it. I'm hearing word it was a jail break. A prisoner was freed from custody"
Gayle said as she put her fingers to her ear, "okay, maybe not always good. Hey, didn't you just put the princess in jail? You don't think it's her, do you?" Darreth asked as the other Ninja walked over to them, Cole placed a hand on Wu's back as Y/N held him on her hip.

"Okay, I'm getting verification the prisoner that was freed was the recently apprehended Jade Princess, Princess Harumi. Security footage caught the two on video...
" Gayle said as a video of Harumi ran out of the jail with none other than Garmadon following after her. Y/N's eyes widened as she then looked over at Lloyd and Misako. "Holy cow. That looks like–" Darreth said as they all turned to look at Lloyd.

"That...that's impossible" Lloyd said as he looked at the screen, "could be anyone" Kai said as he tried to ease the tension. "But he has four arms" Zane said, which earned a slap to the shoulder from Kai, "so does Mister E. Heh, who doesn't have four arms these days?" Jay questioned with a slight smile. "We stopped the ceremony, didn't we?" Lloyd asked as he looked at his surprised mother, who was at a loss for words. "I'm telling you, that's not him. If that's Lord Garmadon, heh, I'm Lord of the Jig" Jay said as he crossed her arms over his chest.

"That-that's when she said 'kneel before Lord Garmadon.' It was terrifying!"
the cop shouted as he had a sling holding his right arm. "Ah. Okay. That's definitely him" Jay said as he cringed slightly, "you better start jiggin" Cole said as he faced Jay.

Y/N walked over to Misako with Wu still in her arms. "Misako, can you find a place to keep Wu somewhere safe?" Y/N asked as she handed Wu over to Misako as he giggled slightly. "I have a corner pad on the east side. You two can make it your own. Heh, heh. Just don't mind the underwear laying around" Darreth suggested as he looked at Misako and baby Wu. "We'll take him there now" Misako said as she nodded at Darreth. "The rest of us, we've got work to do" Kai said as he looked at the Ninja.

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