Chapter 29: Operation Land Ho!

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*Jay's parent's junkyard*

As Jay fell through the portal, he started to scream as he soon fell into a pile of broken parts. Jay groaned as he finally landed on the ground, "what is that racket?" Ed asked as he and Edna walked out into their back yard and went to the rubble and saw Jay. They both gasped as Edna started to climb towards Jay, "our son!" Ed said, "oh, you mean our adopted son, Ed. Remember?" Edna asked as she looked at her husband. "Of course I remember, Edna. But this is the second time he's landed on our doorstep, and if you think I'm not going to help him, well, you don't know the man you married" Ed said as he looked at Edna. "Of course I know. That's why I married you. Oh, I hope he's all right" Edna said as she and Ed stood beside Jay as he laid unconscious. "Now, how does someone just fall from the sky?" Ed asked in a confused tone. "" Jay croaked out as he looked at his parents.

*Ed and Edna bring Jay into their home*

Ed and Edna had helped Jay into their trailer as he was now wrapped in a blanket and eating soup as he explained what had happened. "And then when I tried to save Nya with the Traveler's Tea, she said since I had the most important wish, I was the one who needed to be saved. Then she pushed me through the portal. I had no idea where I was going. I guess with my parents on my mind, it sent me where I needed to be" Jay said as he looked at Ed and Edna. "Oh. Hear that? He called us his parents" Edna said as she smiled warmly at Ed, "so that's why Ninjago is falling apart" Ed said as he looked at Jay. "If I could take back the wishes, I would. But I can't. It cost me my friends, the love of my life, and most importantly, the two people who care for me the most" Jay said, Ed growled slightly as he shook his head. "And now it's up to me, and me alone, to stop the wedding and save the world. Just one guy against a Djinn and his entire army" Jay said as he waved his spoon around.

"Now, you stop it. Stop making excuses" Ed started, "excuse me?" Jay asked as Ed turned to look at Jay with an angered tone. "Every time you're over your head, you make a joke and you try to laugh it off. Right now is not a time to be a man of words, but a man of action" Ed said as he waved his arms at Jay. Edna moved over to her son. "Ed, don't be so hard on him" Edna said as she placed a gentle hand on Jay's shoulder. "Now, he needs to hear this, darling. The world is falling apart, and he's eating soup" Ed said as he motioned to the bowl in Jay's hands. "But I told you, It's just me," Jay argued.

"Hush, puppy! You're liked by everyone who meets you. You're telling me a boy from a junkyard can't scrap together a few new friends to help him out in a jam?" Ed asked as he looked at Jay. Jay smiled at his father as an idea clicked in his brain.

*later that day*

Later that day Jay was ready as he walked out of the front of the junkyard with his parents following him. "Good luck infiltrating the wedding, son" Ed said as he looked at Jay, "thanks, mom and dad. I'll let you know how things go" Jay said as he started to walk away from his parents. "And after you save Nya, bring her over for a bite. We'd love to see her again" Edna said, Jay smiled at her awkwardly as Jay turned his back to them and started to make his elemental dragon. "I still think you were hard on him, Ed" Edna said as they watched Jay fly away on his dragon. "And that's why I married you, sweetheart" Ed said softly as they walked back into the junkyard.

*at Darreths audition*

Jay was now at an audition as he waited for Darreth. Once Darreth walked out of the door with a dog, Jay smirked. "But I would know a Ninja when I saw him. A brown Ninja" Jay said as he looked at Darreth laughing with his hands on his hips. "Still have the suit? I'm looking for some help" Jay said with a smirk as he placed his hands on his hips. "I've been waiting for this day. Who else did you have in mind?" Darreth asked as he spun in a circle and changed into his Ninja uniform.

*after making his new team*

Jay soon rounded up a whole team, with Darreth, Soto, Skylar, Echo Zane, Ronan, and the commissioner. All of them were now in an office as Jay started to speak. "Okay, listen up. Nya's about to wed someone I despise. And I'm not going to mince words: after he does, big surprise, he'll become all-powerful" Jay said as the boys gasped. "Normally, I'd rely on the help of the Ninja. But they're trapped inside a magical sword. Go figure. So I've come to you to help me get close enough to wish Nadakhan isn't a Djinn, so we can stop the ceremony and save Ninjago. I know this is a lot to ask, and it's all right to say no" Jay said as he looked at the others for their answers.

"A chance to fight Nadakhan again? Count me in" Soto said as he placed his fist on his chest. "I'm in too. There's no greater mission than that of love" Darreth said as he raised his hand. "Not to mention the whole 'saving Ninjago' thing" Skylar said as she placed a hand on her hip. "And saving my hide. Let's do this" Ronan said as he hopped off his chair, "but resources are low. It is one thing to use the Destiny's Bounty to mount an assault. But they've already taken that" Echo Zane said as he looked at everyone. "Along with nearly half the land in Ninjago. And every hour, another chunk goes missing" the commissioner said as he shrugged his shoulders.

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