Chapter 43: The Oni and the Dragon

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*in the med room* 

Y/N gasped for air, "Lloyd!" Y/N called  out as she sat up in the bed. Y/N looked around and when she looked to her side she saw Lloyd sitting next to her, he was looking down at her, his mouth open as if he's saying something. "Lloyd" Y/N said as she hopped off the bed and walked to his side, placing her hand on his cheek, "Lloyd, can you hear me?" Y/N asked as she looked into his green eyes. Y/N sighed when there was no response, Y/N looked around the room to see Cole asleep in another chair across the room, he looked tired, as if he hadn't slept in a while. 

 walked out of the room and down the hall to see Harumi walking around the upper deck, but she was frozen like the others. She then saw Jay and Nya talking while Kai talked with Zane. "Morro! Where are you! Why did you bring me here!" Y/N shouted as she looked around. "No 'hello' to your big brother? Shame" Morro said as Y/N turned her body towards the sound of his voice. "There's no time for that" Y/N said as she shook her head, "well...there actually is that is" Morro said as he walked away from her.

"Hey! You didn't answer my question," 
Y/N said as she chased after him. "And what was your question, again?" Morro asked as he glanced back at her, "why did you bring me here?" Y/N repeated. Morro chuckled, "what's so funny?" Y/N asked as she crossed her arms.

"I didn't bring you here, Y/N. You brought yourself here" Morro said as he walked over to Harumi's body. Y/N followed him closely, "what do you mean, I brought us here?" Y/N asked as she stood beside Harumi. "You sense danger is near, correct? So, think of me as your guardian angel, if you will. When you feel as if you are in danger, your body shuts down, and that's when I appear" Morro explained as he walked around Harumi. "Are you saying Harumi is my so-called danger? The thing my body wants me to avoid?" Y/N asked as she looked at her brother, Morro shrugged, "you tell me, sister" Morro said as he walked down to the lower deck.

Y/N followed him quickly. "But what could she do? She's a princess, she could barely protect herself back in the palace" Y/N said as they walked into the medical room, where Y/N's real body was lying. "You never know, maybe something so delicate and kind could be the most dangerous thing you've ever seen," Morro said as he looked down at Y/N's wound. "That looks painful, you think they'll let you fight still?" Morro asked, Y/N rolled her eyes, "they aren't the boss of me. I'll fight whether they want me to or not" Y/N said as she walked over to Cole and looked down at him, Morro glanced over at the two.

"I see you've been opening up to him," Morro said, 
Y/N smiled, "yeah, I guess I have" Y/N said softly as she then walked over to herself and Lloyd. "You like him," Morro said as he looked up at Y/N, "I don't know, I don't even know what we are. Are we friends? Teammates? I don't know" Y/N said as she sighed deeply. Morro smiled softly at her, "you'll figure that out sooner or later, you're still young, Y/N. You have time" Morro said as he ruffled her hair, Y/N chuckled, "says you, you don't age" Y/N said as she smiled at her brother, who was his fifteen year old self, while she was now eighteen. "You better heal up soon, you'll need all your strength" Morro said as he kissed Y/N's head.

*back in real time* 

Y/N gasped as her eyes widened. Lloyd flinched next to her as he looked down at Y/N. "What! What happened? Are you hurt?" Lloyd asked as he looked at Y/N's bandaged wound, Y/N looked at him as she took deep breaths, "I'm fine, I just had a dream" Y/N said as she looked away from him slightly. "Do you need something? I can get you water or food" Lloyd asked, Y/N glanced at him, "both would be nice?" Y/N asked, Lloyd nodded as he smiled down at her, "coming right up" Lloyd said as he left the room.

Y/N looked down at the end of her bed to see Cole was up. "How's your wound? Does it hurt at all?" Cole asked, Y/N shook her head, but as she went to sit up she felt a pain in her arm. Cole made his way over to Y/N as he stacked a few pillows up so she could sit up slightly. "How long was I out?" Y/N asked as she looked up at him, "just a few hours, you would twitch and groan every now and then, but other than that it was like you were just sleeping" Cole explained, Y/N nodded, "that's a relief" Y/N said as she looked at the roof. Cole sat down where Lloyd once was, "what was the dream about?" Cole asked, Y/N glanced at him, "my brother" Y/N whispered slightly. Cole nodded.

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