Chapter 10: The Corridor of Elders

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*with Kai*

"Chen has—Kai village—Everyone" Nya spoke over the radio. "I can't read you Nya. Repeat" Kai said.

*with Jay*

"Attacked first—Nothing–Stop them!" Nya said once more. "You're breaking up. Where do you need us? We're all scattered and there's no time to play fill in the blanks" Jay asked in the truck.

*with Lloyd*

"Hurry!---too late!" Nya said again. "Tell us where we need to go, I can't use my dragon power, so if anyone is close–" Lloyd said, but as he went to finish his sentence the radio buzzed. "Nya? Nya? Can anyone hear me?" Lloyd asked as he shouted into the radio.

*with Y/n*

Y/n was sitting in the truck, she started to get colder as the cold air touched her bare skin. Y/n shivered as she hit the radio, "come on you stupid radio!" Y/n shouted as she hit the radio. "Work!" Y/n shouted, Y/n yelled as she hit her fists against the steering wheel. "Piece of shit," Y/n said as she got out of the truck and slammed the door.

Y/n walked up to a tree and punched it, making a hole in the side of it. Y/n looked at her fist and noticed the blood on her knuckles, Y/n sighed as she walked back to the truck and hopped into the drivers side as she tried to get the truck started. Once the engine roared Y/n cheered to herself, "yes! Thank goodness" Y/n said quickly, as she started to drive she made her way to a much warmer part of the villages, Y/n saw Nuero and stopped to talk to him.

"They're heading west. I tried to stop them, but I'm just a mind reader. I couldn't help anymore" Nuero said in defeat. Y/n looked at him, hope in her eyes. "But you can help me. Can you send a message to all of the fighters at once?" Y/n asked, Nuero sighed deeply, "I can try," Nuero said as he placed his fingers on his temples.

*Samurai X base*

Once everyone got the message, they all met up back in the Samurai X base. "Thank goodness, you got my message" Nuero said, Y/n smiled as she saw Lloyd walk towards her, "you're ok!" Lloyd said as he walked up to her quickly, Y/n giggled, "why wouldn't I be?" Y/n asked as she watched him look her over, his eyes soon landing on her right knuckles. Lloyd grabbed her hand gently to examine, "what happened?" Lloyd asked as he looked at Y/n, "I just hit a tree, it's nothing to worry about" Y/n said as she pulled her hand out of his.

Lloyd nodded softly as he watched her look at the others, he felt the need to help her, but he knew she wouldn't allow him to. Y/n motioned for Lloyd to go check up on his father. Lloyd walked up to them and watched as Wu handed Misako tea while moving in closer so Garmadon was away from them. "He knows about the letter?" Lloyd asked, Y/n followed close behind Lloyd as she already knew about Garmadon taking Wu's letter and making it his own. "The message was delivered," Garmadon said as he shook his head.

"So why were we asked here? We should be fightin' snakes" Turner said as he looked at everyone, "because anyone can fight. Only one side can declare victory" Master Wu said, "in the time it took you to get here, Chen has taken over the entire Eastern seaboard, and is moving inland. With each village destroyed, they grow stronger" Nya said as she showed on the map which villages had been taken over. "That's a lot of red. Karlof not like red" Karlof said as he smashed his fists together, "how are we supposed to stop them? Most of us have lost control of our dragons, not to mention we're outnumbered ten to one" Gravis said as he looked at the others.

Zane stepped forward, "actually, 62.4 to one" Zane said in an urgent voice. Y/n sighed as she leaned forward and looked down at the map. "Look, I'm scared like the rest of you, it may look like we've lost, but it's not over. When we thought we lost Zane, it nearly tore us apart. But we didn't quit. We let it fuel us. We grew stronger" Lloyd said as he tried to lift everyone's spirits. "There's hope. The Corridor of Elders" Master Wu said as he pointed to a spot on the map.

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