Chapter 52: Iron & Stone

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*this is the disguise Y/N will be wearing! If you don't like it, you don't have to use it! It's just what I am going to be using!*

*The Dead Ends camp* 

It was the next morning, Y/N, Cole, and Wu were hiding beside what seemed to be an arena. "They're headed towards that arena. But I don't think they're going to see a show" Cole said as they hid up on the rocks. "Then we have to go in there and break them out. Come on!" Wu said as he jumped, Y/N grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him back up, "are you crazy? The place is crawling with hunters, and getting caught isn't on my to-do list" Y/N said as she looked at the arena while Cole used his hands like he was holding a spyglass. Y/N sighed, "we're gonna have to wait it out" Y/N said as she leaned onto the rocks.

"Don't put off till tomorrow what can be done today" Wu said as he looked at Y/N and Cole, Y/N's eyes made their way over to Wu, "uh? Did you–? Did you just use my words against me?" Cole asked as he looked behind him and at Wu, "they were my words first. You just borrowed them" Wu said with a proud smirk on his face.

Y/N placed her hand on Cole's shoulder as she sat beside him, "we're not putting anything off. We're trying to come up with a plan. What do you expect us to do? Take them all, just us both?" Cole asked as he looked over at Wu, holding an actual spyglass in his hands.

"Since when did you have that? I borrowed it earlier. Like how you borrowed my wisdom" Wu said as he looked around in the spyglass. "There. We can use that. We can use disguises" Wu said as he passed Cole the spyglass with a smile plastered on his face. "Ah...I don't know. Disguises haven't worked out so good for me in the past" Cole said as Aven looked around, Y/N gasped as she saw Wu running by the clothes.

"Master Wu!" Cole whisper yelled, "Get back here! Wu!" Y/N said as she slid down the rocks, followed by Cole as they chased after Wu to the clothes rack.

*in the Pit*

Y/N, Wu and Cole were dressed in different clothing, with white stuff on their faces to blend in with the Dragon Hunters. They walked down the steps of the stadium as Y/N looked down at the arena to see Jay, Kai and Zane in the middle of the arena with some random crazy person, who Y/N assumed was named Chewtoy, based on the Dragon Hunter's chants.

"Look, there they are," Wu said, Y/N held his hand as she looked around, "but we're in the cheap seats. If we're gonna help, we have to get closer. Come on!" Cole said as he bumped into a man with long thick hair, the man turned to the three of them as he glared down at Cole.

"Sorry, my husband wasn't looking where he was going" Y/N said as she grabbed Cole's hand gently and kept Wu behind her. The man examined their faces as he scowled at them. "I don't recognize you" the man grumbled, "and I don't recognize you!" Cole bit back. The man chuckled as he placed his hands on his hips proudly, "everyone knows I am Skaar the Skullbreaker. Now, who are you?" Skaar asked as he flexed his muscles then looked down at the three of them.

Cole placed his arm out to cover Y/N slightly while Y/N held Wu close to her. "Uh, we're new to camp. The name is Rocky Dangerbuff. And this is my...wife, Kora Dangerbuff, and this is our son, Dangerbuff Jr" Cole said as he looked back up at Skaar. The man studied the three of them before smiling, "aye! From the Dangerbuff clan! Ha. I know Stalwart Dangerbuff. I bet he'd like to see you. Let me fetch him..." Skaar said as he turned around. Y/N grabbed Wu's hand as the three of them ran back up the stairs.

"You're right. Bad at disguises" Wu said, Y/N chuckled as they made their way through the top row. "I didn't hear you speaking up" Cole said as he looked at Wu, "a master knows when to keep his mouth shut" Wu said as he followed Y/N, "I helped" Y/N said as she pushed Cole's shoulder slightly. "So much help, wife" Cole said as he rolled his eyes, "it was the first thing that came to mind" Y/N said as she followed him closely.

"Open the gates! Reveal the Oni!" Iron Baron shouted, which was the leader of the Dragon Hunters. The big doors started to open, revealing a gray dragon, with tusks and green stuff all over its body.

The dragon attacked Chewtoy as it threw him in the air. "Wha–? Huh? Aah!" Chewtoy shouted as the dragon threw him around. "Okay! Ding-a-ling-a-ling" Chewtoy shouted. Y/N cringed as she looked down at the scene. Chewtoy was then thrown into the stands as Y/N looked down at the arena. The crowd cheered as the dragon roared.

Jay ran to what seemed to be a bell. The dragon blew out its breath as earth spikes came out of the ground.

"Change for us, Oni! Show us your ugly faces!" Iron Baron shouted as Kai and Zane ran from the earth dragon. Shooting rocks at the Ninja every so often as they ran.

"Zane!" Y/N shouted as she waved her hands in the air, Zane looked up at them and Y/N smiled, "Y/N! Cole! Master Wu. You're here" Zane said as he smiled up at them. "We've come to help," Cole said as he looked down at them. "Then you should leave" Zane said, his tone more serious than before, "Wait? What? We're trying to save you!" Y/N said as she looked down at him, "Master Wu is a descendent of the First Spinjitzu Master, he's part Oni. His mere presence is only making things worse" Zane said, Y/N looked at Wu as it all clicked.

Kai played dead as Jay rang the bell. "We should go," Cole said as he pulled Y/N slightly, "maybe not. I wanna help" Wu said as he looked at the chains which caved in the arena, preventing the dragon from ever leaving. Wu, Cole and Y/N ran over to one of the cranks holding the chains as he pulled the lever, the chain started to retreat. Y/N watched as they fell to the ground. "Now we go," Y/N said as she gave them both a serious look. "Ha! At least now they have something to work with" Cole said as Y/N grabbed Wu's hand as they ran out of the stadium quickly.

Y/N heard the stadium go wild, Y/N smiled, "they did it" Y/N thought as she ran with Wu and Cole. 

AUTHORS NOTE: here is Chapter 52! It's a little shorter since it focused more on Kai, Jay and Zane! But I'm hoping the next episode will have a little more Cole and Wu in it! I might post another chapter tomorrow since the exam should be easy!
Also, that is the outfit Y/N will wear when they are in disguise, but other than that she will be in her torn Ninja uniform.
Let me know if you'd like to see more of something or add something more to it!

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