Enhypen - Believe me, please | 🥀 |

633 6 11

Sickie: Niki

Caregiver: Enhypen

Request/Idea - minlixisthebest


Getting off the plane, Enhypen set foot in Singapore's airport as this was the next location for their 'FATE' world tour. It's been approximately 4hrs 30mins since they left Taipei and since it was a late ass flight, the group decided to head to the hotel and just get room service for dinner as they had to get up early-ish the next day. It felt nice though, Enhypen being able to stretch their legs after sitting for so long and being able to freely move throughout the airport without being bombarded by Engene and cameras in their faces. Even though Enhypen has been on a lot of world tours, Belift managed to have some sympathy for the group of seven.

Not even five minutes into the ride to the hotel, Sunghoon looked to his right to look out the window and see where they were but saw their maknae, Niki, knocked out cold, head up against said window. Sunghoon took off his sweater, moving Niki's head to the shoulder and slid the sweater under his head so the younger would be more comfortable. He knew he'd have to wake Niki up when they got to the hotel but for now, Sunghoon would let his dongsaeng sleep. While on a world tour, any sleep the members could get would be good. Half an hour later though, the van arrived at the hotel and Sunghoon began the task of waking Niki up.

"Niki~ wake up" he called out as he lightly scratched the younger's scalp.

"Hmm" Niki groaned, clearly awake but keeping his eyes shut, not wanting to wake up.

"Come on Niki, you gotta wake up. We're at the hotel and a bed will be much more comfortable than a van seat and my shoulder" Sunghoon lifted his head to take back his sweater.

"No~, let me sleep" the youngest whined.

"You can sleep when you get to your hotel room."

"Mmm, fine" Niki slowly sat up, taking a good few seconds to contemplate life before standing up to leave.

Enhypen shuffled out of the van, waiting for the staff to grab their luggage before heading into the hotel. To the group's surprise, one of the hotel workers sat at the counter behind a computer, seemingly not doing any work. It was quick enough process to get signed in and get each member into their room. Sunghoon was too tired to even unpack let alone get room service this late, even if it was open which it probably wasn't, so the idol just changed into pyjamas and proceeded to curl up in the bed. As soon as Sunghoon's head hit the pillow, he was out. He'd just make sure to eat more in the morning as he wasn't eating dinner.

~ The next day ~

It was a rather quick morning for Enhypen because they had to get to the concert venue early to start rehearsing the setlist. The night the group was heading to Taipei's airport to go to Singapore, one of the managers told the seven to pack up their stuff the next morning as they wouldn't be going back to the hotel. It seemed stupid to get on another flight right after Singapore's two concerts and not get some time to rest but unfortunately, that's what Belift chose. At least they'd have a few days in Macau before those two concerts so maybe that's why Belift chose to do that.

One hour later, a whole lot of sitting and a fast food breakfast, Enhypen arrived at the concert venue only to be met with Engene and cameras waiting for them, probably to make up for last night. Despite being still somewhat tired, each member put on a smile for Engene to assure them that nothing was wrong, they were just tired. The loud crowd helped wake the group up though as when they made their way into the concert venue and backstage, the members (at least the extroverted members) were a bit more energized.

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