Your kid goes on stage preference

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Throughout the entire night, Whitney had been non-stop crying and whining. She only wanted to be with her dad but he was busy performing on stage. You had tried getting her to play on your phone but that only lasted for so long. You thought maybe walking around with her in your arms would do the trick but that wasn't the case either. It came to the point where you were on your knees, bribing her with ice-cream to try and calm her down; but the four year old was adamant on being with her dad. The boys were playing their last song when Whitney had become extremely irritable and hard to handle. You finally had enough and gave in to her wishes, "Okay baby. You can go onstage, but you have to stay with daddy." She ran on stage and ran to Niall who looked at you. You shrugged and he laughed as the fans roared at her presence. For the first time that night, the tears had stopped and she broke out into a wide grin.


You were sat backstage at one of Liam's shows talking to Lou about your current pregnancy. You were expecting a baby girl and Lou was sharing stories about her pregnancy with Lux. You could hear the boys and the fans but there was a familiar voice followed by Liam's chuckles. You turned your head to see that Michael had run out onto the stage while you weren't paying attention. "What're you doing, buddy?" you saw Liam glance over at you and you gave him an apologetic look. "Can you say hi to everybody?" "Hiiii!" Your two year old blurted out and all of the fans cheered. "And can I get my lovely wife out here? I don't think Michael is going to go willingly." You rushed out to take Michael out of Liam's arms, but before you leave, Liam pulls you towards him, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek and Michael a fist bump, before the two of you head backstage again. Your cheeks were flushed, you were embarrassed to have caused such a scene but the fans didn't seem to mind.


It was Twitter Q&A time at the concert. You were backstage with Sophia and the kids, listening as the boys read through the questions. "Is Drew a better dancer than you, Louis?" At the mention of his name, Drew looked out onto the stage and ran towards his father. Fans screamed, not expecting the sudden appearance. "Well, let's see for ourselves shall we? Can we have some music?" Louis questioned as he turned to the band. The music began and the two of them both broke into the same dance. "Like father, like son, right bud?" the other boys laughed before Louis spoke up again, "I don't know guys I think Drew might've edged me out on my own dance!" once again the fans erupted into screams and cheers. Drew was in a fit of smiles when Louis gave him the 'Best dancer in the Tomlinson family' award.
When your son was offstage he ran back to you and hid behind your legs. "You just danced in front of all those people with your goofy father and now you're acting shy?" He giggled before running off to play with his toys.


There was no doubt about the fact that your son had inherited your husband's charisma. Even at the age of five he had the ability to make a girl blush. He'd most likely picked it up from seeing how Harry was with you.
So when the two of you were in attendance at one of Harry's concerts, he was non-stop complimenting every female who was working/standing backstage, including Lux. Throughout the concert, some fans had spotted Eric from the side-stage and started chanting his name. On hearing this, Eric ran straight towards the crowd. You burst into laughter and saw Harry doing the same. "WE LOVE YOU ERIC!" The fans shouted in unison.
By this time, Harry had handed the microphone over to his son. "Hold the microphone, bud,". Eric took it willingly, "I love you too babes,". The fans were laughing at the remark and so were the other boys. "Just from that you can tell that's a product of Harry" Louis spoke up into his microphone, causing more laughter from the crowd. "What can I say? The Styles' now how to get the ladies!"

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