Punk Niall

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*Wendys POV*

You and Niall were taking a walk in the middle of the night. You didn't know why but since you were both off you decided to go with. You guys were taking a careless walk until Niall had another idea.

"Come with me babe." Niall said reaching for your hand. You slowly took his hand. 

He led you to this building. The lights were off inside as it was midnight. 

"Niall, we could get caught!" You exclaimed. 

"You trust me right?" He asked. 

You nodded his head which was enough for him. He picked the lock and led you guys in. He walked over to the bar. You gulped and looked around. This looks like a restraunt. He waved you over. You walked over to him sitting on the bar stool. He leaned over and kissed you on the lips very passionatly. You of course kissed him back well that was until you heard the sirens of a police car. Your eyes widened as Niall grabbed you and ran for the back door. The cops were close behind you. Niall put you down so you could run faster.

Niall slowed down to catch his breathe. You stopped once you heard a cop jump onto Niall pinning him down to the ground and hand cuffing him. You were to shock to even do anything and before you knew it you were also getting hand cuffed. You were so shocked you started crying. Niall looked up and his eyes widened.

"No don't this was all my idea let her go! She didn't do anything." Niall said. 

The cops looked at each other and shrugged letting you go. You walked over with them to the cop car though. 

"Go to Liams and have him get the money to bail me out." Niall said. 

You nodded you head and ran to Liams. Once you got there you banged on Liams door. 

"W-Wendy? It's like one in the morning what's wrong?" He asked. 

"Niall he got arrested." You said. 

Liam groaned and slipped on his shoes. You two got iinto Liams car and drove off to bail Niall out. 

So? What do you guys think? Comment and let me know and if you want an imagine all you have to do is give me a boy and an occassion!

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