Silent Treatment

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Zayn: Work was getting to you, commitments were getting to you, Zayn was really annoying you. You found it had to explain to Zayn sometimes what was wrong, which lefted you in a difficult situation. To top everything of your period had just kicked in, yay! Zayn felt there was something of about you today that was different. He swooped you up from behind, his arms tightly around your waist and his lips kissing your neck. “(Y/N), tell me what’s the matter?” Zayn softly whispers into your ear, and for the first time you tell him your problems.  

Niall: Niall had pissed you of to the extent were you didn’t want to speak or see him. Everything you had told him to do today he had completely ignored you. The irish boy finally realized that he had pissed you off and was trying to get you to speak to him. He kissed your neck and your collarbone, he hugged you and wouldn’t let go, he tried to tickle for feet til you laughed, but you kept a straight face. You finally gave in when he wittering on about something funny Louis was doing that day. 

Harry: “Fine then…” you whisper into your boyfriend ear while straddling his waist. He knows what you are doing and tries to move you, but stops as soon as your lips connect to his neck, gently biting down and kissing jaw line. “You are such a tease, ya know?” the annoyed boy said in frustration. You moved back with a wide grin and faced Harry. “You spoke, I win!” you said happily moving from his waist.

Liam: Your face is sad as a cuddle up with your boyfriend. You placed your head in the crook of his neck and began to trembled, as if you were crying. Liam being the fool fell for it. “Baby don’t cry, what’s the matter? Tell me?” Liam soothingly whispers. Slowly you move you face from the crook of his neck to reveal your happy face. “I knew that would work” You say laughing.

Louis: You spent at least the last half an hour practicing your sad face. Slowly you made your way up to the room Louis had been sitting in the whole day. You opened the door you reveal for sad face, as soon as Louis saw you he sprung up out of bed and hugged whispering the words into your hair “It’s okay baby”. You started to laugh, that when Louis knew he had been played, ” I have taught you well” he says smiling while poking you in the cheek.  

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