Road Trips!

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Zayn: The car is filled with silence aside from the light roar of the engine and the whip of the wind. The radio had been turned off some time ago when a small conversation was started up, something to do with the hotel when you arrived at your destination. But after that died out and the minutes trickled past a half hour to an hour, the silence became a little too overwhelming. Tucking your bottom lip between your teeth, you ducked forward to flick the dial to the radio. You gently turned the volume knob to increase the volume of some top chart pop song. Zayn’s gaze could be felt on the side of your head as you straightened, fiddling with the strap crossing over your shoulder. “Would you like me to sing instead?” He murmured lightly, cocking an eyebrow, “I think I could do Macklemore better than he does.”

Liam:  "I’m hungry," You admitted quietly, twiddling your thumbs in your lap. "You must be joking," Liam uttered in a higher octave, casting a quick side glance at you. "We were just at a gas station where I asked you repeatedly if you wanted something to snack on to which you aggressively denied.” The corner of your lip was seized in order to suppress the smile the threatened to spill. The clicking of the turn signal could be heard as he turned off on the upcoming exit, uttering a string of jumbled words under his breath. He turned off into an almost identical gas station to the last, parking up near the building. With one wrist sprawled across the wheel and the other pulling his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose, he cocked an eyebrow. “Go. And hurry up, we’re burning day light.”

Niall: "You just used the bathroom like twenty minutes ago!" Niall exclaimed, tearing his gaze away from the road to shoot you a ludicrous expression. "We haven’t even made it out of town yet, the traffic will be awful.." he trailed off when he caught your pout; bottom lip jutting out and eyes widening to the size of full moons. "We have to be at the wedding tomorrow Y/N. And we have a hotel room reserved for tonight, and we aren’t anywhere near that.” Your pout was consistent, faltering only to poke your lip out further and tilt your head to the side. “I really have to use the bathroom, though,” You argued. Sighing, you folded your arms over your chest, letting your head fall against the seat. “I suppose I can wait until we stop for gas ag-” You didn’t get a chance to finish your sentence before he was pulling off the highway muttering little shit under his breath. 

Harry: "You don’t have all that many choices," Harry reasoned with you, nudging your arm across the counsel. "There’s all the greasy, disgusting, greasy, not-real-meat fast food places. Take your pick.” You rubbed at your temple, debating. “What do you want?” He sighed heavily, slumping against the steering wheel as his curls fell out of place around his face, making a protective shield from his face. “I’ll get whatever you want, Y/N, just pick something before I pick for you,” His voice was muffled against his forearms. “That’s what I want you to do!” You argued, “I want you to pick.” “If I pick, you won’t like it.” You frowned at the side of his head, using your silence as your response. “Fine, you know what, we’re going to Taco Bell.” His hand raced for the gear shift, only to stall when the inevitable slipped from your lips, “But I don’t really want Taco Bell…”

Louis: Both windows were rolled down, Louis’ phone plugged to the audio jack with the music blaring, sunglasses perched high on the bridge of your noses while the wind from the outside whipped your hair across your cheeks and had it sticking to the substance of your lip gloss. With one hand on the wheel, Louis cast a glance to you, a seemingly permanent smile etched over his lips as he assessed you. Feet kicked up on the dash, your eyes were cast out the window at the passing scenery, your eyes crinkled. Reaching for his phone, he quickly muted the music, causing you to turn your head. “What are you thinking about?” He inquired seriously, focusing his attention on the road. “What are you thinking about?” You reaffirmed in inquiry, peering at him from over the shades of your lenses. “Touche.” 

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