Telling the other boys you're pregnant

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Liam: You walked out the bathroom, wiping your hands on pants, as you heard the boys walk into your home. “Hi, guys.” Liam put his arm around you, and you nervously smiled, “Guys, we have something to tell you. We’r—” Niall shot up from his seat, running to the bathroom, “Hold that thought for like 5-10 minutes, (Y/N).” You giggled, shaking your head. After a couple minutes, you heard Niall screaming. Louis frowned, “Niall, are you really that constipated?” Niall ran out of the bathroom, “I accidentally touched (Y/N)’s pee stick!” Liam frowned, “Wait, are you sure it’s a ‘pee stick’?” Niall nodded, “It’s has a plus, which means I’m positive it’s a pee stick.” You groaned, this was definitely not how you wanted to tell them. Liam grabbed your test from Niall’s hand, “Surprise, we’re pregnant!” All the boys jumped up from their seat, hugging and congratulating the two of you. You looked over at Niall, who looked like he was about to cry, “Niall, what’s wrong? Aren’t you happy for us?” He looked up, “I touched your pee stick. I can’t be that happy at the moment.” “I washed it. You touched water, not my pee.” He sighed with relief, hugging you, “Oh thank god. Congrats, you two. I know for a fact that this baby will love me more than it might love the two of you, so get ready for Uncle Niall to come over everyday!”

Niall: "I think I might cry." You smiled over at Niall; the two of you just came back from the doctor’s office, ecstatic from the news of your pregnancy. On the drive to Zayn’s house, Niall couldn’t stop moving, "I’m so excited for our baby. Who’s going to be godfather? You think Liam could be godfather, and Harry could be godmother? What should we name him or her? I like the names Michael and Aurora." You giggled, "Niall, if you don’t shut up, you’re going to kill all 3 of us." When you two pulled up to Zayn’s home, Niall practically skipped over to the boys. "Why are you so happy?" He brought your forward, smiling. Zayn frowned, "You’re giving us (Y/N)?" Niall chuckled, "No. We wanted to tell you that (Y/N) is pregnant! With my child! At least I’m pretty sure it’s mine." You laughed, "It’s yours, Niall."  Liam’s eyes widened, "Niall got (Y/N) pregnant? You know what that means?" Louis’ jaw dropped, "Niall impregnated (Y/N). They had sex." You giggled, "That’s how you make a baby." Harry smirked, "And everyone said Niall was the innocent one. I’m proud of you." Niall laughed, "Thanks for believing me and my ability to make a baby with (Y/N)."

Zayn: You took a deep breath, walking into the living room where all the boys were watching t.v. You’ve been trying to find out a way to tell Harry you were pregnant, and considering he was having a good time, you thought now was as good as ever. “Zayn?” He looked up at you and smiled, puling you onto his lap, “Yeah?” You took a deep breath, “I know this is a weird time to tell you, but I’m pregnant.” His eyes widened, “A-are you sure?” You smiled, nodding your head, “According to my test, I’m positive.” He chuckled, “Nice pun. Let’s go tell the boys.” Zayn practically skipped over to the other boys, “Guess what!” Niall frowned, “Is this another joke? ‘Cause we told you, Zayn, stop listening to Harry.” Liam nodded, “We only laugh because Niall laughs.” “Because they’re that stupid.” Zayn frowned, “I guess you two won’t be anywhere near my baby.” Their eyes widened as you giggled, “Wait, you’re pregnant?” You opened your mouth to answer, when Harry beat you to it, “Yes! We’re gonna have a baby! God, it feels good to be pregnant.” Harry walked up to Zayn, patting him on the back, “You act like you’re the pregnant one.” Zayn rubbed his stomach, grinning, “I am.” Louis nodded, “Look at his little stomach. That’s love weight, not fat.”

Harry: You smiled at the boys as you handed them their presents. You and Harry decided to put pictures of your ultrasounds to tell them about your pregnancy. “Can we open them?” Harry smiled over at you, gently squeezing your hand, “Go ahead.” Niall ripped his open first, immediately frowning, “Is this an alien? Or a deformed animal?” Liam rolled his eyes, “It’s a baby, Niall. Unless (Y/N) has an animal inside of her.” Niall shrugged, “She might.” Zayn smiled, “Mine says ‘It’s a boy’ on the top.” “A boy animal?” You giggled, “No, Niall, I was not impregnated by an animal. Harry and I are pregnant! With a baby boy.” Niall ran up to you, bringing you into a hug, “Oh my god, we’re pregnant! We’re gonna have a baby.” Harry chuckled, “You mean (Y/N) and I, and be careful; you’re going to crush our baby.” Niall cooed, “Our baby. Aw, we’re gonna be like a little family.” Zayn smiled, “You realize that once you have this baby, you probably won’t see him.” Louis nodded, “We’re going to rob you off your child.” Niall began rubbing your stomach, “Don’t you dare touch my child.” Harry shook his head, “It’s not your child, Niall. Go make your own if you want one so bad.” Niall narrowed his eyes, “We’re in a band, Harry. This child is all of ours,” he turned back to your stomach, gently poking it, “Hi, baby. It’s me, Niall, one of your 5 daddies.”

Louis: “They’re almost here, are you ready?” You nodded, looking over at Louis. You two found out about your pregnancy last week, and you wanted to find a creative way to tell them. “They better appreciate all the effort I’m putting into this dinner.” You laughed, “You?” Louis nodded, “I’m dressing up for a dinner at my own home. This is so much effort.” Once you heard the doorbell, you immediately opened the door, letting in all the boys. “Why are you dressed so nice for a dinner in your own house?” Louis appeared behind you, “Because we have a surprise. Now get in, so I can take this damn suit off.” In your dining room, a big smile was plastered on your face, “Okay, so just look for your name on the cards.” Harry looked up, “Why do these all say ‘Uncle’?” Louis chuckled, “Why do you think?” Zayn cocked his brow, “(Y/N), you’re pregnant?” You smiled, nodding your head, “Almost 2 months along.” They brought you into a hug, “We’re so happy for you guys. Congrats on having sex.” Liam turned to you, “You’re going to need to make 4 more kids.” You cocked your brow, “Why? I don’t want to push that many out.” Liam shrugged, “So we can all have one, and I’m stealing this one.”

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