You've never been called beautiful

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Zayn: He frowned when you shied away from his statement, avoiding the hand he held out toward you. Your curled hair fell over your shoulder, and the shimmering in your dress seemed to dull with your mood. Zayn gently touched your upper arm with his fingertips, coaxing you to look at him. “What’s wrong?” You cleared the rock in your throat, swallowing down your insecurities. “No one’s ever said that to me,” You admitted, casting your gaze away from his and you smiled lightly at the floor. “It’s just, weird, you know?” The frown became permanently etched on his features as he pulled you close by your wrist, hand tucking your curls behind your ear. “You are beautiful,” He insisted, “and I’ll tell you every day until you believe me.”

Liam: "What did you just say?" He paused his actions, gently slipping his phone from his grasp and letting it clatter onto the counter top. Drumming his fingers against the surface he eyed you from under his hooded eyelids, cocking one eyebrow, "What do you mean, what did I just say?" You swallowed thickly, folding your forearms over each other. "I’m not beautiful," your voice was flat. His eyes narrowed, shoving back his chair and hopping to a standing position. "Are you telling me that you’re boyfriend has never called you beautiful?" You opened your mouth to lie, but Liam stared you down, brown eyes boring through your forehead. With a sideways glance to the floor you muttered, "Well no." Liam scoffed, turning his back to you as he reached for a glass, "Well then he’s a bigger asshole than I thought."

Niall: He laughed rather loudly, one hand clutching his stomach and the other slapping onto the surface in front of him. You eyed him, expression not in the slightest amused as you let him shake the laughter out of his system. When he inhaled sharply, nearly choking on his own spit, he caught your serious expression and your folded arms. “Wait, you’re being serious?” You sighed in defeat, your arms drooping to your sides and head whipping to the side. “Yes, Niall.” His joyful expression transformed into one of confusion as he reached for your wrist, tugging you back around to face him. “Well I don’t know why no one has ever told you how beautiful you are,” He mused, brushing his fingertips over the rise of your cheeks. “Because I haven’t been able to stop saying it since I met you.”

Harry: "No one has ever told you that you’re beautiful?" Harry echoed, blinking at you in disbelief. You rapidly shook your head, dropping your hands to your sheet clad lap. He scooted closer across the bed, reaching up to tuck the strands of hair that had escaped back behind your ear. "So no one’s ever told you how pretty and soft your hair is?" You shook your head. "So that would mean that you’ve never been told how cute your features are, like all the little freckles on your cheeks and the way you get wrinkles around your lips when you smile, or the brightness in your eyes?" You shook your head, skin heating up at his words. "Good," He murmured, pressing his lips against your forehead, "I like being the first one to tell you just how amazing you are."

Louis: He frowned in confusion when you immediately turned away from him, the faint hint of red splashed across your fair skin. “Why are you blushing, love?” He chuckled lightly, reaching to wrap his fingers around your wrist. You didn’t meet his gaze, busying yourself with picking lint pieces off the fabric of your pants. Crawling onto the bed side you, Louis plopped down in front of you, taking both your hands in his. “Surely someone’s told you before, how beautiful you are.” You shook your head, chewing on the inside of your cheek. Two fingers slid under your chin, tilting your head up so you would look him in the eye. Red was still splayed all over your cheeks and your bottom lip trembled. “You are beautiful,” He stressed in a whisper, opening his arms to beckon you closer to him. He pressed his lips against your hair, holding you tightly against him, “I want you to believe that.”

To the girl who asked for an imagine, you had a very great idea but I couldn't find a way to put it together. Sorry love. But if you have any idea for a prefference i can see what I can do! 

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