I'm Here

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Niall:  You jolted off the bed, chest rising and falling rapidly as you struggled for a decent breath. It wasn’t real, it had just been a dream. It was terrifying, watching Niall walk away from you as if you’d meant nothing to him, as if the years you shared never even existed. Niall sat up beside you, arm wrapping around you as his lips traced your shoulder. “You okay?” He whispered, voice still heavy with sleep. You nodded, pushing your hair out of your eyes, looking at him over your shoulder. His hair was stuck up at all angles and you grinned. He was so damn cute. “Bad dream?” He asked. You nodded again, hands still shaking. “It was awful, you left and I-” he hushed you immediately, pulling you back down to the pillows and wrapping you up into the safety of his chest. “I’m here,” he soothed, lips raining down on your face, “I’m right here and I’m never leaving you, ever,” he promised. “I know, I know,” you whispered. Your heart was still racing and Niall sighed. “You know that I won’t, how could I ever walk away from you when you’ve made my life so whole? I wasn’t kidding when I told you I wanted forever. I’ll never leave you, I’ll always be here.”

Harry: “I’m not going anywhere,” you fisted your hands on your hips and glared at him. “I’m sorry, but you’re stuck with me, probably forever,” you snapped, stomping into the kitchen. He sighed, hands pressed to his lips to keep from smiling. You were really cute when you were trying to be angry, and his heart slammed into his chest. “So you go to your damn tour and all your damn cities and I’ll be here, waiting for you to get back.” Your voice cracked at the end of your sentence, the burn of tears stinging your eyes. He knew you were only mad because he was leaving, he wasn’t all too pleased about it himself. “And I’ll be back, I’ll be back so quickly you won’t even know I’m gone,” he promised, moving to stand behind you. He wrapped his arms around your waist, cheek resting on your shoulder. “Promise?” You sniffled. “Look at me,” he turned you around and cupped your face, thumbs brushing away your tears. His green eyes were tender on your face as he said, “I’m right here, and I’ll come home to you, always.” He held out his pinky and you grinned wrapping your finger around his. “Forever,” he promised.

Liam: His son couldn’t sleep, there were monsters under his bed, or so he said. Liam was kicking himself because he let him watch Dracula. He promised he would be fine and now Liam was sorely regretting letting his ten year old watch Dracula. “I can’t believe you let him watch it,” you laughed, turning down the bed. Liam flung a pillow at you and stuck out his tongue. “All his friends saw it, I didn’t want him to be left out,” he insisted. You slid into bed together, his hands just sliding up your thigh, his lips on your neck when the door flew open. “I can’t sleep,” he son cried, diving into bed and separating the both of you. “Can I stay here with you?” Tears rolled down his cheek as he wiggled under the covers. “Of course,” you whispered, letting him nuzzle into your arms. Liam sighed. He was dying to touch you. “I’m here, my little man,” you whispered, pressing kisses to his forehead. Liam smiled, watching how you were with his son. There was no one else he could imagine sharing a family with, no one else he wanted to go through the bad dreams with. But his were all sweet, and it was all thanks to you.

Zayn: He was worried about the distance. He trusted you and you trusted him but it wasn’t even that. Zayn was worried that maybe you’d start to forget him. He’d woken up too many mornings without you and he had to fall asleep without holding you. At first he thought it was just a huge case of home sickness, but the longer he was away the worse it got. “I miss you,” he sighed into the phone. It was early, which was odd for him but he couldn’t sleep, he needed to hear your voice. “I miss you too,” you sounded alert, a sure sign that you’d been up for hours. Zayn always wondered how he fell in love with a morning person. “I wish you were here,” he hugged his pillow, eyes fluttering closed. “I’m here,” you responded. “No, like really here.” He said. “No, like I’m really here.” A knock rang out and he froze, looking from his phone to the door. He bounded off the bed and flung open the door and sure enough there you were. “Holy shit,” he caught you up in a hug and squeezed, lips frantically meeting yours. “That’s it, we travel together always,” he said against your mouth. “Don’t ask me to be without you, ever, please.”

Louis: He had a shit day. Everything was shit. Traffic was shit, rehearsal was shit. All he wanted was to come home to you. Finally after an hour drive home, he kicked the front door shut behind him. You were in the kitchen making dinner when he grabbed you around the waist. “Hey,” you said surprised as he lifted you and set you on the counter. “You okay?” His hands ran up your thighs as you brushed the hair back from his forehead. He shook his head, letting it drop to your chest. “What happened?” You murmured as his arms linked around your waist. “It was just a bad day and I just wanted to be with you,” he mumbled, nuzzling against you. “Well, I’m here now,” you whispered, lifting his head and giving him a quick kiss. He lingered, lips slowly moving over yours. You were the only one who made anything better, you were the only one to soothe him and heal him, you were the only one who made him feel like he could fly. “I don’t think I’ll survive you,” he whispered against your mouth, “but that’s fine, I don’t want too.”

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