You Have A Moment With Your Daughter

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Harry: After spending about an hour in his office sorting out his latest tour, he was looking all around the house for you and your two daughters. “Vivi, where is mummy?” He asked your 4 year old who was watching Sesame Street. “Upstairs, now shhhh!” she hushed him, making him chuckle. As he made his way up the stairs he heard loud squeals and giggles in the distance, he instantly got very excited. Your 6 month old daughter Audrey was a very quiet baby and the two of you were worried about her not giggling or squealing when she was littler. “Listen to that! Audrey Bear has a voice!!!” You squealed to your little girl and Harry followed the sound of your voice into the master bedroom. “Are those giggles I hear?” He said opening the door to see you holding your little giggly girl above your head. “It is! She started about an hour ago.” You told him handing her over. He smiled at his little girl, “I never thought it would be possible to have a kid as cute as Genevieve but I was dead wrong. Audrey has definitely tied with Vivi.”

Louis: You two had 3 boys but his youngest siblings Ernest and Doris were like children to you two before you settled down and had your 3 boys. One time when Ernest was down for a nap, you were trying and failing at feeding Doris her baby food. You were so frustrated, what if Louis thought you were totally incompetent with children? “Alright Dori, I’ve been through this. I was a baby too, I know this whole solid food thing is weird but please let me feed you.” You begged her. She just looked at you and giggled. “Okay, one more time. Then I’m making your big brother do it!” You sighed spooning the mush into her mouth… and she ate it. You couldn’t believe your eyes. Doris just ate her food! “Good job Babe.” Louis voice said from behind you. You turned around and ran into his arms, “I did it! I won’t be a horrible mother someday.” Louis chuckled, “What?! Why do you think you’d be a bad mum?” “Because I couldn’t get her to eat for the life of me.” You sighed. “Oh, Doris always gives my mum trouble too. And she’s had 7 kids, she’s practically a pro.”

Niall: Tonight, you and Niall were seeing Niamh in her school musical. Brenna and Conor were home with a babysitter and tonight was all about Niamh. The two of you held hands the whole show and watched your daughter sing her heart out, she was truly a vision up on stage. “She’s a performer, just like her daddy.” You whispered to him after she finished her ballad. “And she’s a beauty, just like her mammy.” He kissed your hand. As she took her bows, you and Niall were out of your seats screaming your heads off. You two couldn’t be more proud of your little girl, she managed to get over her stage fright and preform like a pro. After the show, you guys waited for her to meet you in the school’s lobby. “MAM!” You heard a familiar voice echo and turned around to see your Niamh running into your arms. You scooped her up into the biggest hug, though she was 12 years old, she was still your little baby. “You were wonderful baby.” You held her and kissed her head. She hugged you tightly, “I wouldn’t be able to go on stage without you out there Mam. Thank you.”

Liam: He was meeting you and Lucy at the local frozen yogurt shop after work, he looked forward to seeing his lady and his girl all day. It was the only think that could get him through his long boring meetings. He saw you feeding yogurt to your 7 month old daughter in the store window then he caught your gaze. You motioned for him to come in excitedly. “Hello Darling.” He walked in and over to you to kiss your head. “Hello.” You giggled. “And hello Little Darling!” He kissed your daughters bald head. “Sit down Liam, I want to show you Lucy’s new trick!” You bounced happily. He sat down and grinned at you, “Okay I’m ready!” “Do what Mummy does!” You told your little girl and started making various movements and she mirrored you. “That’s amazing!” Liam exclaimed. You nodded, “I know, she just started doing it today! She’s so smart!” Lucy let out a squeal of happiness. Liam chuckled at his two lovely girls, “Both of my girls are amazing.”

Zayn: Leah had a passion for dance, just like you. Everywhere she went, she was always dancing uncontrollably. As a former dancer, you’re her coach not just her mother. Zayn loved when Leah danced and you coached her, he thought it was the coolest thing. He loved photography and he always used his Leah and your son Zander as his models. Today, you guys were on the beach having a photo shoot and Zayn was snapping millions of pictures of your daughter as she danced in the sand. “Beautiful!” You exclaimed as Leah landed her leap, “Just remember to keep that bottom knee straight.” She nodded and leaped again and landed in a strong pose. “That a girl!” You nodded. Zayn looked at his pictures for a quick moment, “Y/N! Look at this.” He passed you the camera to show you the most beautiful picture of your daughter. Her leap looked amazing her form and height was impeccable. “I want this framed.” You said. Zayn winked, “Anything for you Coach.”

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