You get your period while out with him

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Liam; You both had decided that you wanted to take a short walk in the park. When you got there, he ran over to the swings. You smiled at how much of a kid he could be and admired how hot he looked grinning at you while swinging back and forth. You walked over and sat down on the swing next to him. "This is so much fun Y/N!" "I know Li! Why don't we come here more often?" He laughed at your reply and you two kept swinging, giggling at something funny one of you would say. You were tired of swinging, wanting to go play on the slides. When you got up from the swing you felt a slight wetness in your panties...and not a good kind. "Shit..." You mumbled realizing that today was the day your period was due. "Uh, Li, We've got to go home. I'll just meet you there okay." "Wait Y/N! Why do we have to go? We were having fun!" "Because Liam, I'm pretty sure there is a massacre in my underwear right now." You gave him a stern look. He looked at you puzzled but then quickly realized what you meant, not arguing and power walking with you home.

Zayn; Niall had invited the boys and their girlfriends over for a BBQ party. You always loved those, but today weren't exactly in the best of moods. Your period was actually a couple days late and you were worried it meant you were pregnant. Zayn had always used protection and you were on the pill so you pondered on how it could of happened. Not letting it try to ruin all the fun you got all dolled up and headed of the Irish lad's with Zayn. "You okay Y/N? You seem a bit off today.." He asked in the car. "It's periods a few days late. It must just be stress from work." You gave him a small smile and reassured him. When you got to Niall's Zayn went off to talk to Louis and you headed over to Eleanor. You had told her what was going on yesterday. "Are you feeling alright Y/N?" She asked you. "Yeah I'm alright, just I think I have to pee." You excused yourself to use the restroom. When you got there you saw that mother nature had planned to arrive. You did a little victory dance and fixed yourself up. You came back to the party glowing. You went over and pecked Zayn on the cheek, whispering in his ear "I have good news." He eyed you and pulled you over to the side. "I'm not pregnant!" You whisper yelled. "To be honest, I was kind of hopping you were. I've always wanted kids." He shyly laughed. "Not yet, Malik." You both laughed and continued partying.

Niall; You had gone back to Dublin with Niall to visit his family. Your period was due to start within the next couple of days, which you were actually thankful for. Knowing how Niall gets horny, you didn't want to have sex in his parents house and this gave you the perfect reason not too. Dinner was set and the two of you sat down to a wonderful meal. Niall had kept trying to slip his fingers up your shorts. "Niall..." You whispered getting irritated, "Stop...Your parents are right there." He smirked and only continued his actions. You excused yourself from the table and used the restroom. You heard footsteps trailing behind you, but you quickly shut the door. Luckily your period came and you couldn't be more happy. You just couldn't wait to tease Niall with this. When you opened the bathroom door, Niall was right there grinning like and idiot. He pushed you back in the bathroom against the sink attacking you lips with his. "Mmm babe, I want you so bad right now." He mumbled kissing your neck. "How bad NIall? How bad do you want me?" You knew how much talk would turn him on, along with you rubbing him through his jeans. When his fingers trailed towards your core, you pulled away, stifling a laugh. "Oops sorry babe, can't. Period." You smirked, hearing him groan as you made your way back to the dinner table.

Harry; You were walking around the mall, shopping for things you didn't need, but of course wanted. You were currently in Victoria Secret's trying clothes on. Harry kept coming back with lingerie that he wanted you to model for him. You laughed and only did it to please your cheeky boyfriend. Before you pulled on the next outfit you peeked down in your undies and saw that your period had started. Fortunately for your sake, you had tampon in your purse. You put your normal clothes back on and walked out of the dressing room. "Where are the sexy clothes?" Harry whined when he saw you. "I got my period so there is not need to put on the sexy clothes if you can't have the sexy time babe." He formed his lips into an 'o' shape. "So I'm guessing you want to go home now.." He asked. "Yes, I would." "Well can we at least buy the sexy clothes for next week?" You laughed at how restless he was with this stuff and nodded, watching as he practically skipped to the checkout line.

Louis; It was a very hot day so you and Louis had decided to take you to the pool to cool off. You threw on your suit and a cover-up and headed out to the back yard. It was sunny, so you decided that you should tan before jumping in the pool. While you were sitting there you noticed how you began to get really bad cramps. You didn't eat and swim, so they couldn't be stomach cramps. "Oh fuck.." You said before rushing to the bathroom. Mother nature had decided to bring your gift today, the hottest day of the year. You didn't even want to move now. You wanted ice cream, and a movie. And lots and lots of cuddles from your boyfriend. "Hon, what's wrong?" Lou asked through the door. You opened it and huffed, "It might only happen every three months, but that doesn't mean I like it anymore." "Period?" "Yep." He walked off into the kitchen grabbing the ice cream tub and two spoons. You moved to the couch and sprawled you limbs over the cushions. You groaned, but heard him laugh when he saw you. "Here babe, ice cream." "Your the best!" You moved over so he could sit. He pecked you forehead, "I know Y/N, I know."

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