He steals all of the sheets

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Okay for me it'd be the other way around because I am a blanket hog! haha but hope you like it! Remember requests are always open! 

Zayn: You insisted that you needed extra blankets on the bed, and he insisted that would only make it sweltering underneath the sheets. In other words, your subtle hint that he wasn’t the best at sharing his warmth didn’t work, and you were stuck shivering most nights as he was curled in a comfortable cocoon of fabric. He didn’t question until he found you one morning, curled in thick, cotton sweatpants and one of his sweatshirts, clutching your pillow to your ear and legs curled to your chest. “You take all the sheets,” You told him bluntly, your blank expression not faltering. “Why didn’t you tell me?” “I did. Indirectly. But I did.” He blinked, sleep still heavy in his eyes and gentle breaths still not up to par with being away. Unwinding the blankets from underneath him, he held one side open like a cape, a sleepy smile finding it’s way to his parted lips, “C’here then. Let’s try this sharing thing.”

Liam: What usually ended up occurring was simple; he would come home late from the studio, give you a quick kiss on the cheek and then be off to bed. And when you were finally ready yourself (two or three hours later), and you found him passed out on the bed, you didn’t have the heart to shake him away and take your rightful share of the sheets. So instead, you shivered and tried to keep the chattering down so you situated yourself in a warm imprint on the mattress, forcing yourself to sleep. And most nights, he’d wake himself in the middle of the night (either because he had some sort of ridiculous nightmare, or because the jostling of your tossing and turning) and notice that you were barely asleep with goosebumps adorning your visible skin. And he’d scoot closer, encasing your body in his arms, lips pressing to your hair to shush your sleepy murmurs. “Got you, love. Go to sleep.”

Niall: You propped your head up on your elbow, flicking your thumb over the home screen of your phone. The bright lights blinded you at first, but the numerical clock at the top of the screen was clear. Three in the morning, pitch black except for the slight reflection of the moon through the blinds. Light splashed onto the white of the sheets, revealing Niall’s curled up figure. A slight corner of the sheets was all you possessed, curled in your fist and barely covering your ankle. Drumming your fingers over the mattress, you plotted what you could in the fuzziness of your drowsy mind. Wrapping what you could in both hands, you tugged with all your might. This unwound the sheets from underneath Niall, rolling him toward the edge of the bed. His eyes flew open right before he was tumbling over the edge, sounding with a loud thud! You simply giggled, scooting over to claim what you needed of the sheets. “Thanks, babe!”

Harry: He was gone, knocked out. No matter how many times you coughed, tossed, tugged on the sheets, nothing was waking Harry from his slumber. Sighing, you settled yourself in as close as you could get to him. Hand raised, you hesitated, watching his gentle breathing flutter the small bits of curled fringe that fell over his eyes. Poking your tongue between your lips, you began to repeatedly poke the indention in his cheek, your finger sinking with the squidgy skin of his dimple. He smiled in his sleep, the new curvature of his lip causing your finger to poke through his lips and lightly graze over his teeth. A horrified gasp left your lips as you wiped the edge of your index finger over the hem of your shirt. By the time you refocused your attention, his emerald green irises were peering at you from underneath his curls, an amused smile adorning his lips. “Need something?” He inquired gruffly, opening out the sheets he had been previously holding captive.

Louis: "Louis!" You whined audibly into the silence of the room. It’d started out as a joke, a playful pout crossing over his features, the blue of his eyes holding amusement. But when he’d turned away from you, curling all the sheets to his body and huffing out, you just assumed he would roll back over before he drifted off and pull you under all the sheets with him, like normal. But, in his spite and in his drowsy state, he managed to fall asleep without realizing he’d curled every single form of warmth around him, leaving none to you. "Louis!" You cried again, poking at his shoulder blade in an attempt to silence his soft snores and jostle him from his slumber. A grumpy swear left his lips as he rolled onto his back, neck twisting toward you. Eyes opened heavily like he had concrete blocks tied to them. "What?" You glared at him, which only painted a smile across his lips. "C’here love," He mumbled, opening his arm and tugging you flush to his side, wrapping the blankets around the both of you. Pressing a kiss to your hair he added, "Sleep."

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