Summer vacation

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Liam: Summer vacation had just started, and you were finally free of college! Soon, you would start a job in London, but for now, you were just enjoying the fresh and warm air. One day, your boyfriend Liam suggested a trip to a campsite about six hours away, and staying for the weekend. You thought this was a great idea, so you packed your suitcase that night. The next morning, you woke up and went downstairs to get some coffee before heading off, but instead of seeing just Liam, you saw Harry, Niall, Louis and Zayn at the table as well, chatting away. Louis turns, and sees you standing there. “Well, finally you’re awake! Get changed, and we’ll go!” You go back upstairs to change, but you didn’t realize that the boys would be joining you and Liam. Nevertheless, you’d still have fun. You come back downstairs, but you didn’t see the boys. You look out the front window, and you saw hands waving at you to get in the car. You grabbed your suitcase, and put it in the back of Liam’s car. You hopped in the passenger seat, and out of nowhere, Harry yelled, “ROAD TRIP!” Everyone laughed, and then you hit the road. The entire car ride was filled with laughing, singing, and insane car-dancing. You finally arrived at the campsite, and you ran straight for the lake. The boys laughed, and followed you down to the lake. You had a fun filled weekend with water gun fights, truth or dare, and you even got to have a night of bliss with Liam. ;)

Zayn: It was mid-July, and you and your friend Zayn were looking for something to do. “Hey, wanna go to the beach? It’s hot as hell, and I haven’t been to the beach in ages.” He asked you. You thought about it, and you agreed. You grabbed your swimsuit and put it on, and threw a cover on, and you came back downstairs. Zayn asked if you were ready to go, and you said yes. You got in his car and he drove towards the beach. You smiled, because you had liked him for a while, and you were hoping something would happen today between the two of you. He pulled into a parking space, and you got out and walked to his side. He smiled at you, and put his arm around your shoulders while walking towards the water. You took off your cover, and Zayn had to take a second look at you. “Damn y/n, I knew you were attractive and everything, but… Damn.” You laughed at him, and pulled him into the water with you. He splashed you and dunked you under the water, and the two of you laughed and played in the water for hours. But before long, the sun was staring to go down, and you sat on the sand with him. You were a little cold even after putting your cover back on, so Zayn grabbed a blanket from the back of his car. You sat under the stars for a while, and the he looked at you, and mumbled something quietly to himself. “What was that?” You asked him, and just shrugged and smiled at you. He leaned in and whispered in your ear, “I said you look beautiful, and I think I’m falling for you.” You turned your head to say something, but he kissed you before you could say anything. You smiled into the kiss, and so did he. “Be mine. I promise to love you more than anything in the world.” You nodded, and he kissed you again.

Harry: It was a few weeks before school started back up again, and you and Harry wanted to try something different. So what did he think of? Skydiving. You couldn’t help but giggle and agree when he suggested it. You set your alarm for 8:00 in the morning, so you two could get to the skydiving area by 10:00. “Ok, you ready babe?” He said to you as you got into the plane, and the instructor was strapping parachutes to the backs of you and your ridiculous boyfriend. “Uh, I guess…” You said, a little unsure, but excited to be doing something fun with your boyfriend before school started back up again. He reached out and held your small hand in his large one, and gave it a reassuring squeeze. You squeezed back, and smiled at him. When the plane had finally got up to the height that it was supposed to, the instructor gave the two of you instructions on what to do and when to open the parachutes, but you weren’t paying attention, because of the height and view of the ground below. Thankfully Harry was paying attention though. “Ok, in 3… 2… 1… Jump!” The instructor yelled as he jumped, and you gripped Harry’s hand tight and jumped out of the plane. The instructor was right below you, and so he would yell when to open the parachutes. “I can’t believe you talked me into this!” You yelled to Harry while laughing.

Louis: Louis was going to be gone basically all of your summer vacation for a tour with the boys, and were really sad, because you were hoping for some quality time with him. Oh well, he’s famous, so yeah he’s going to be gone when you don’t want him to be. But, you were hanging out with him the day before he left, and you had an interesting conversation. “So, Y/N, I was thinking something. Maybe, if you want to, you could come with me on the tour? We’re both going to miss each other like crazy, so why not just come with me?” You looked at him, with a ‘deer in the headlight’ face, and you cocked your head slightly. “You mean, like, all three months? To Europe? With you and the boys?” You looked to the ground, and then back at him, with happy tears already rolling down your face. “You know the answer to asking me to go on tour with you will always be yes, right?” He smiled, and hugged you while wiping away your tears. That night, both of you packed for the tour. “Louis?” “Yeah, Y/N?” “I love you. So much.” “I love you too, babe.” He hugged you from behind, and kissed your cheek. “We’re going to have so much fun together. We’ll get to see Paris, the city of love, and so many other places. This really is going to be the best summer ever.” You spun around and kissed him. Little did you know, Louis had a little present for you in a little red velvet box that he was planning to give you on the top of the Eiffel Tower.

Niall: Your boyfriend Niall had always been a big fan of the fact that you were a dancer, and that you competed constantly. You had a huge competition in Manchester in June, and you really wanted him to go. Of course, you’d probably go on a mini vacation and stay in Manchester for a few days before the competition and a few days after the competition. Niall had just come home from recording, and you were going to ask him to come along. “Niall, can I talk to you for a minute?” “Sure babe, what’s up?” He sat down on the couch, and you sat down next to him. “Well, you know how I have that huge dance competition next week in Manchester?” “Of course, how could I not? You’ve been talking about it for the past month.” He laughed, and you giggled. “Yeah, I know, I’m a little excited. But anyways, I kinda wanted to take a little vacation and stay there a few days before and after the competition, and I wanted to know, if you wanted to come with me? It would mean the world to me if you came with me to this competition.” He smiled at you, and simply nodded. “Of course I’ll come with you. I’ll take every chance I can to support my princess.” You leaned over to kiss him, and you could feel him smile into the kiss, which then caused you smile. “You know, I don’t think I’ve seen any of the dances you’re competing with. Maybe you could show them to me, I could judge on sexiness?” You laughed and went to get your computer to pull up the music for your dances.

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