Someone breaks into your house

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Harry: You both sat up from the bed when you heard a loud noise from downstairs. Harry immediately took control. ‘Y/N. Hide in the bathroom and close it please.’ He whispered loudly. ‘But, Harry, I-‘ you tried, whispering as well. ‘Just do it, Y/N! I’m going to look downstairs.’ He took your hand and led you to the bathroom. ‘Just be careful, Harry.’ You said nervously. ‘Off course baby.’ You both flinched when you heard a loud noise again. ‘You call 911. And just stay here. Lock it!’ You nodded when he closed the door. When you turned the key to lock it, you heard Harry leaving the room. You called 911, and when they said they were on their way and hung up, you were alone again. You didn’t hear anything from downstairs. You were so so worried that something might’ve happened to him. You unlocked the bathroom door and stepped into your bedroom again. When you were about to open the bedroom door, suddenly you saw the door knob move. Someone was opening the door from the other side. You stumbled back, not able to reach the bathroom again and praying it was Harry. When the door opened and you saw your favorite curls in the world, you sight, relieved. ‘What the hell are you doing here?’ Harry said, not whispering anymore. ‘I told you to stay in the bathroom!’. ‘I’m sorry… I didn’t hear anything, I was scared something happened.’ You answered. He nodded and pulled you in for a hug. ‘There was a robber. I saw him. But he got scared and ran away through the back door. He probably thought no one was home.’ ‘Do you think he’ll come back?’ You asked into his chest. ‘I don’t know. Maybe. I checked and I don’t think he took something. I will ask one of the security members to stay here for a couple of nights. You never know.’ He answered kissing your forehead. ‘One thing I do know is that you don’t have to worry about anything. I’m not going to let anything happen to you. All you have to do is listen when I tell you to stay in the bathroom. You get that?’

Louis: You were working onto your laptop for school when you heard a noise coming from the living room. Thinking it was Louis coming home. You walked towards the noise but you froze when you saw a masked man instead of Louis. You tried to walk away but he was already there to grab you and push you against the wall. He held his hand on your throat, trying to threaten you. ‘Where do you keep your money?’ He yelled in your face. You barely could answer him because his hand was so tight and you even saw black spots because of the lack of air you got in. Suddenly the hand let go of your throat and he fell to the ground. You saw Louis standing behind him with a pan in his hand. Louis checked first if the man was really unconscious and then he took you into his arms. ‘You ok, baby?’ He asked, cupping your face and looking worriedly in your eyes. ‘Now I am.’ You answered, still a little bit in shock from how fast it all happened. ‘I have to admit it was not fun coming home and seeing a man holding my girlfriend like that. How to get furious in two seconds, check.’ He said while taking his phone and dialing 911. ‘You go to the bedroom for a second, love. When he’s gone I will come and get you.’ He said while placing the phone to his ear, waiting for the police to pick up.

Liam: You were in your room picking clothes for a date with Liam when you suddenly heard loud noises downstairs. Liam was there a moment ago working on his laptop, but now it didn’t seem he was still alone. You rushed out of your bedroom and you saw Liam fighting with a masked man. You saw the man breaking out of Liam’s grib and heading to the stairs. When Liam saw you were standing there he rushed to the man again. When he had his foot, Liam yelled your name. ‘Y/N, GO AWAY FROM THERE AND CALL 911!!’. You immediately did what he said you to do. You ran into the bedroom again, locked the door and called 911. ‘There is someone in my house. Please come fast!’ You yelled into the phone. ‘My boyfriend is trying to stop him.’. When you told your address, they said they would be there in about five minutes. You hung up and suddenly you realized it was silent downstairs. You didn’t hear anything. Suddenly you were so scared the man did something to Liam. You stepped out of the bedroom again, no one to be seen. ‘Liam?’ you called, whispering.  When you didn’t hear an answer you decided to go downstairs, not knowing what to do when suddenly the man would stand in front of you, but on this moment, Liam was more important. ‘Liam?’ you called again, a bit louder know. ‘Liam? Where are you?’. Suddenly you see something move in the corner of your eye and you are so relieved seeing Liam’s face, walking over to you. You stormed into his chest and held him tightly. ‘You had me a bit worried there.’ You said. ‘I locked him into the basement. Is the police on their way?’ He asked, still a bit confused about what just had happened. You nodded and kissed his lips. ‘I’m glad you’re safe.’. ‘Me too…’ He answered. ‘Not because of the obvious reasons, but because if I was the one in the basement, I don’t want to think about what would have happened to you now, you little rebel. If I tell you to run, you run. You don’t come back, calling my name, not knowing what happened! You hear me?’

Zayn: After a date night with Zayn, he pulled the car into the drive way of the house you had together. You both got out of the car, but when you were heading to the door, you both notice the door standing open. ‘Shit…’ Zayn murmured. ‘Stay behind me, Y/N.’ He commanded. He stepped into the house and you followed him. When you both entered the living room, you see all of the closets open and papers and stuff lying on the ground. ‘They sure as hell searched the place for money.’ Zayn groaned. ‘Stay here.’ He said. He checked every room downstairs, eyes on you. Then he headed upstairs to check if anyone was there. ‘Clear!’ He yelled from your bedroom, walking out and going downstairs again. ‘Seems like they only took the money they found. Luckily I’m not that stupid to hide a big amount of money in the house. I don’t think they took anything from your stuff, but you should have a look. I’m calling the police in the mean time.’ He said. While he was dialing the number he looked at you when he realized you did not move the whole time, even when he told you to look for your stuff. ‘Babe?’ He said. ‘Are you ok?’ He pulled you in for a hug. ‘You’re save honey. It sucks, I know. But I’ll ask Paul to guard our house for a couple of days. In case they’ll come back. You have nothing to worry about. Nothing will happen to you. I’ll make sure of that!’

Niall: You were on your way home from work when you got a text from Niall. ‘Call 911. Someone in house. Don’t come in!’. You had to read it a couple of times before it fully sank in. You called 911 like he asked and drove home even faster. When you pulled onto the driveway, the police wasn’t there yet. You stepped out of the car, debating on what you should do. Niall asked you not to come in. But what if he needed help? What if something had happened and you could fix it or do something. You got disturbed in your thoughts when suddenly you heard Niall’s voice yell your name. You saw a man in black clothes run towards you and he pushed you aside when he tried to escape. You fell on the concrete. You heard sirens and you saw the police chasing the man with their car. Everything went so fast. It was like you were dreaming. Suddenly you feel Niall’s hand on you cheek. He helped you getting back on your feet again. ‘How are you? Are you hurt? What do you feel?’ His eyes had a worried, but also angry look. ‘I’m ok… I’m ok I think. Are you ok?’ You asked, still a bit confused. He nodded. ‘I got a hold of him. I wanted to keep him inside till the cops were here, but he slipped away. I was so happy you weren’t home, that I didn’t have to worry about you. But then you were here and he was running towards you and-‘ You stopped him by putting your finger on his lips. ‘I’m ok. You’re ok. That’s what matters.’ You said softly. He nodded before kissing you. ‘You’re absolutely right.’ A couple of seconds later the police came to you with the message they had caught the man. 

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