Marry Me?

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White taper candles burning low, chilled flutes of bubbly champagne in front of you, and Liam, dressed head to toe, in a classic black suit. It was the perfect anniversary dinner. The entire evening was reminiscent of your first anniversary date; same restaurant, same table by the window, and the same handsome guy smiling across from you. “Liam, tonight has been so amazing,” you murmured, taking his hand across the white linen tablecloth, “thank you, for all of this.” “Well the night’s not over yet,” he hummed. With a raise of his eyebrow and a quick kiss to the back of your hand, he gestured to the waiter walking by. “Excuse me, we’d like to order some dessert,” he quipped, smirking at you, “a big slice of chocolate fudge cake, please.” You smiled at one another, and you could see the unknown thoughts brewing behind Liam’s coffee eyes when suddenly, he shifted. Moving to your side in one fluid motion, he dropped onto one knee. “(Y/N),” he whispered, earning a surprised gasp. The whole room stopped, turning to the two of you. “You’ve captured my heart, and shown me true love. I love you, (Y/N), and I want to give you forever,” he murmured, producing a small, black velvet box from his pocket, “will you marry me?” “Yes! Yes, of course,” you breathed, crashing your lips to his.   


Empty Chinese food containers littered the coffee table, head resting on Zayn’s shoulder as you sat curled up together on the worn sofa. He kept his tattoo-covered arm wrapped protectively around your waist keeping you close. The movie credits roll across the TV screen, each of you far too content to move a muscle. “This is perfect, isn’t it?” he hums, pressing his lips lovingly to your hair. “Yeah, it really is,” you murmur, sighing into his chest. “(Y/N)?” he whispers, your name like a poem against his lips. “Hmm…” you mumble quietly. “I wanna ask ya something. But I know I’ve never been very good with words. So, I made you this instead.” With a light touch, he places a small, hand-drawn booklet in your lap. “Flip it,” he instructs, enjoying the confused grin settling on your face. He watches your eyes grow wide, taking in the cartoon images he’s drawn of himself. Filling the square pages is a cartoon Zayn. He pulls out a small black box from behind his back, and drops down to one knee before you on the paper. As the last few pages flip, he pops the lid on the box, revealing a glinting diamond ring. Scribbled in a word bubble along the top of the page, it reads, “Marry me…?” in Zayn’s familiar handwriting. There, kneeling in front of you is Zayn, a similar box and ring in his trembling hands. “What do ya say? Wanna be my wife?” he asks, beaming at you. “Yes, yes, yes!” you squeal, kissing him hard on the lips.


With a push of the door, you entered the dimly lit flat. “Harry? You home?” you call into the house. Something catches your eye, and there, taped to the mirror on the wall, is a folded piece of paper. Scribbled in Harry’s neat scrawl, it reads,Hi, love! Meet me at the place where we first kissed… I’ll be waiting. Love, H!With a giddy smile, you scurry to the car. There, standing on the great stone bridge, in the middle of the park, is Harry. The memory of your first date comes flooding back and your heart races as you move quickly to his side. “Hey, beautiful. I see you got my note,” he murmurs, pulling you in for a quick kiss. “Hi,” you whisper, breathlessly, “So, what are we doing here?” As if on cue, and just as the sun begins to set, the dozens of surrounding trees illuminate in hundreds of twinkling lights. “This,” he gestures to the vast park, “is the place where I first fell in love with you. I knew from the first time I met you, that you’d stolen my heart. And not a day has gone by, that I haven’t fallen just a little more in love.” Slowly, he takes your hands in his, and drops to one knee, “(Y/N), will you marry me? And spend the rest of our lives falling deeper in love?” With tears in your eyes, you nod, “yes, Harry. Yes!” Getting to his feet, he pulls you into a beaming kiss, spinning you in an elated circle.  


One hand wrapped securely with Louis’, the other gripping a steaming cup of coffee, the two of you walked side-by-side. Taking a careful sip, you sighed. “Hmm,” you scrunched your eyebrows at the cup. “What is it, babe?” he asked, raising his own eyebrows. “It’s this coffee. I’m not entirely sure I like mine. I mean, I know you always say I need to try new things, but with coffee… I don’t know,” you rambled, “What did you get?” Letting out a hearty chuckle, he handed you his cup. He watched as you took a cautious sip, thinking hard about the flavor as it coated your tongue. Nodding thoughtfully, you smirked, “Damn, I like yours better. I should really stick with my gut. Because when ya like something, ya like something, you know?” you shrugged. Suddenly, he stopped, feeling the weight of the little black box taking up residence in his jacket pocket. He’d been carrying the diamond engagement ring around with him for weeks, and he knew there would never be a more perfect moment than this. “Yeah, I know exactly what you mean,” he murmured, dropping to one knee. Slowly, he pulled the velvet box from his pocket and smirked up at you. “And I also know, that I will always choose you,” he smirked, “so, I wanna know, will you marry me?” Face splitting into a wide grin, you kissed him, “yes, oh my god yes!”


Sun pouring in through a crack in the curtains, you woke to the sweet sound of music filling the bedroom. Your eyelids fluttered lazily open, and in a chair across the room, sat Niall. His guitar propped comfortably in his lap, he strummed along expertly on the strings. Rolling over to face him, he greeted you with his warm smile, and bright, topaz eyes. “Morning, princess. How’d ya sleep?” he hummed, his accent still holding traces of sleep. “Hmm,” you sighed, contentedly, “not bad.” “Whatcha playing?” you asked curiously, smiling at the soothing movements of his calloused fingers. Lips pulling into a knowing smile, he began to sing softly to you, “…I’ll say, will you marry me? I swear that I will mean it.” Giggling quietly, you tiptoed your way over to him, his ‘crazy mofos’ t-shirt hanging loosely from your body. “What has you playing that song?” you queried, replacing his guitar in his lap. “Well, I couldn’t think of a better way to ask you,” he whispered, generating a small, square box, and popping it open before you. At the sight of the glinting diamond ring, you let out an audible gasp. “(Y/N), I love you more than anything in the whole world. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?” he sang once more, as you quickly pressed a kiss to his lips, “of course I will, Niall!”        

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