He Hogs The Bed

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Niall: "Niall!" you yelled, pushing his back and sliding him over a few inches. "What’s your problem?" he groaned, his back still facing you. "Your sleeping habits are my problem, dick head!" you spat back, getting angry. You both weren’t very pleasant people when you were tired. "Whatever, I paid for the bed." he replied, snatching the covers. "AND I FUCKING PAID FOR THE SHEETS SO YOU CAN’T USE THEM!" You yelled, snatching them back and kicking his butt so he slid even further over. Even though you had fought, you woke up wrapped in his arms.

Liam: You scoffed to yourself as you felt your butt start to slide off the mattress. The only solution was to get up, wake around the bed, and then get back in on the other side. “What’s the matter? Where are you going?” Liam asked half asleep when he felt you get up. “Go back to sleep, bed hogger.” you said under your breath as you pulled the covers up from the other side of the bed. “I’m sorry.” he said, giving you a kiss on the cheek with a giggle. After a few hours, you found yourself getting up and moving back around the bed. 

Louis: You were suddenly woken up when you felt yourself slipping off the bed. You let out a yelp after your body hit the ground with a loud thud. “Oh my God, are you okay?!” Louis yelled, looking down at you from his spot on the bed. “I’m fine, I’m fine. I just got pushed outta bed by my boyfriend is all.” He let out a boisterous laugh as you crawled back up and under the covers. “I’m so sorry baby! What hurts?” he asked, still laughing. “Well I fell right on my ass.” you spat back. “Want me to massage it and make it feel better?” he said with a mischievous grin. “How about you kiss it instead?”

Harry: After a few very rough rounds, Harry was so exhausted he was snoring. Not only was he snoring, but he had his arms and legs across the entire bed practically. “Harry, baby. I hate to wake you but if you don’t move over I’m going to fall off the bed.” you whispered, tapping his arm. His eyes fluttered open and he slid over a bit before reaching across your waist and yanking your body against his. “Much better.” you said with a smile. 

Zayn: You sighed and opened your eyes, staring at his stretched out body. He had just gotten back from touring so you knew he was tired and you didn’t wanna wake him. You gently grabbed his arm and folded it over his chest. Then you lightly pushed his leg over a tad, giving you enough room to sleep comfortably. A few moments later though, he whipped his am right across your face. “Oh well.” you mumbled, giving up.

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