You're best friends and he dislikes your boyfriend

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Niall: “Niiii! Let’s go to In-N-Out, like now!” you yelled in your best friend’s ear. “Ow! Okay, okay. But you need to calm down, woman,” he said, half wincing. “Haha, sorry. I just haven’t been in a while. Last time I went was when you were in town. When was that, September?” Niall raised an eyebrow mockingly. “Oh, really? Why? Mr. Universe can’t handle some burger and chips without self-hating?” he asked with a smug look on his face. “Hey..” you pouted, “be nice. Jake’s just trying to be healthier, that’s all.” “Oh, God, (Y/N). He’s a tool! Why can’t you see that? I can’t stand being around the guy for more than three minutes!” he argued. “Well, isn’t it fortunate that you’re not the one dating him then?” you laughed, grabbing your purse and ready to go. “Yeah..” he said quietly to himself as you headed towards the door, “but it’s unfortunate that you are…”

Harry: You showed up at Harry’s front door, looking –and feeling –defeated. You rang the doorbell, and you tried your best to put on a happy face as he greeted you. “Hazza! Wanna do a movie night?” you attempted, waving a stack of DVDs. He looked puzzled, but moved aside to let you in. “Um, sure, but I thought you were meeting the wolf of Wall Street for dinner in the city tonight?” Your smile froze and you stayed dead silent. The humiliation of getting stood up again was one thing, but what you were dreading even more was another lecture of disapproval from your best friend about your boyfriend. His confused expression turned into a concerned one, “oh no, (Y/N). Not again?!” You tried to shake it off although you felt your eyes watering. “It’s his work. He’s so busy all the time, probably got called into another meeting or whatever.” Harry’s brows furrowed, but he pulled you into his arms. “So what, he can’t even spare two minutes to make a phone call and cancel?” You shrugged, inhaling the pleasant scent on your best friend. “Who knows? We’re not ultra-busy 24/7 like him.” Harry broke the hug and looked you straight in the eye. “You forget who you’re talking to, babe,” he smiled and caressed your cheek, “I have to be in 57 countries in less than 2 months, but I’d drop absolutely everything for you in a heartbeat –everything.

Louis: “I’m so sorry, Lou! We’ll do it on Thursday, I promise!” You felt awful for having to cancel on happy hour with Louis, especially since he’s only in town till the end of the week. “But why? You were so excited to go to the pub last night.” You didn’t answer the question, and that was enough to confirm Louis’ suspicion. “God, it’s Ryan, isn’t it? What is it this time? Am I a bad influence on you, (Y/N)? Do I talk too loud, curse too much?” You threw your arms up as he brought his sass on. “Lou, stop! Do you know how hard it is for me that you two can’t get along? Why do I always have to feel like I can only have one of you?” “Well,” he started, calming down a bit, “maybe because it’s true. Maybe you have to choose between us. So be honest with me here, love, which one of us do you think makes you happier?”

Liam: You shut your eyes as you took in another breath of the crisp, fresh air that surrounded you. “Mmm, this is nice,” you mumbled. “It is, isn’t it?” Liam added, “this park hasn’t changed too much from the time when we were just kids trying to get ice cream from that truck over there.” “Yup. Those were the days, man,” you responded, imitating Harry in their movie. Liam chuckled and scooted in closer to you on the grass. “So how’ve you been, love?” “Great.” “Good to hear. How are things with Max?” “Not so great,” you replied shortly, not wanting to get into details about your relationship. Liam, being the cool-headed, wise person that he is, had never openly expressed his dislike towards Max. But you knew that he was seriously not impressed when Max showed up at your house one night, drunk with lipstick stains all over his face and shirt. You should’ve dumped him there and then, but you fell for his soft golden hair and clear blue eyes. “You know, (Y/N), there are tons of gorgeous lads out there who aren’t jerks, ones who can treat a girl right, especially a fit babe like you,” he turned to look at you. “Yeah, I know. Like you,” you caught yourself halfway, stopping yourself from saying more. You blushed and Liam held your gaze, “Yeah. Like me.”

Zayn: “Hey, so, Nick is gonna be a little late, which is good, because that means another episode of Modern Family!” you grinned excitedly, honestly happy that your boyfriend wasn’t picking you up on time. “Why, frat boy needs to win another round of beer pong or something?” Zayn snickered. Things were fine in the beginning between Zayn and Nick, but that was before you all went to party at a friend of Nick’s and everyone was gushing about how gorgeous Zayn was. To make things worse, a few people who thought that you and Zayn were together even commented on how cute you were with each other. Ever since then, Nick had been giving Zayn the cold shoulder, even after he tried to straighten things out. “Stop being mean, Zayn. He’s just a little jealous and insecure about us being so close, even though I’ve told him countless times there’s no reason to be,” you explained. Zayn remained quiet for a second, and then went on to ask, “is there really none?” Your head shot up in surprise, not expecting that from your best friend. “Is Nick really just being a jealous asshole, or is there really something between us to be jealous about?” he repeated.

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