What Type Of Boy Firend He Is

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Niall - He’s the fun, adventurous one. Niall is constantly keeping you on your toes, making you step out of your comfort zone daily. Whether it be surfing, parachuting, cliff diving or rock climbing, you would give him the same wide eyed look when he told you what your next adventure would be. “Come on, babe. It’ll be fun!” he explained, practically jumping up and down, unable to contain his excitement as he’s got the booking forms online. You rolled your eyes and sighed, “Fine. Someone has to make sure you don’t kill yourself.” He kissed your cheek and began typing in both of your information on the form.  

Zayn - He’s the kind, gentle one. You enjoy each other’s company, even if you’re just sitting together watching t.v holding hands. You both grew close very fast, and can feel how the other is feeling in a matter of seconds. When bad days come, he’s right there to hold you and comfort you. When good days come, he’s there to share them with you and to brighten them that much more. He’s your best friend, and always will be. You’re sat on the couch, fingers running through his hair and you catch him staring at you. Turning your head and smiling, you whisper, “I love you,” to him, before kissing his lips. 

Liam - He’s the strong, protective one. No matter what the situation, he’s always there to help you or pick you back up. If you need a shoulder to cry on, he’s there. If you don’t feel comfortable, he’s there. When you’re hurt, he’s there. You can never thank Liam enough for being there for you when you needed him, practically at your beck and call. It was always when you two were going to sleep, comfortable in your warm shared bed when you could really let him know how much it means to you. You could hold him, kiss him, and whisper sweet things into his ear as you ran your fingers up and down his chest as he kissed the top of your head, murmuring, “Goodnight, love. I love you with all my heart and more.” You smiled and hugged him closer, “I love you more, Liam. More than you’ll ever know,” as you slowly drifted to sleep holding one another. 

Harry - He’s the respectful, goofy one. You’re constantly having fun with each other, always putting smiles on each other’s faces, goofing off. You loved to hear the sound of his laugh, loved to see the smile on his face. It was the best part of your day. The two of you enjoyed the beach, and running around splashing each other. It was amazing how comfortable you were with each other, and you hoped to always be able to feel like this with him. At the end of the day, you were lounging on the beach chairs, watching the sun set as his fingers were twisting the ends of your hair. “I love you,” he whispered into your hair before kissing it. Smiling, you tipped your head back and kissed him, replying, “I love you.”

Louis - He’s the funny, comfortable one. Anytime a bad day comes your way, Louis is always there to make you feel better. Whether it’s with an inside joke, a pun, intentionally goofing off and hurting himself, he’d do anything to see that smile he loves so much come back onto your face. You’ve had so many laughs in your relationship, and you always look forward to waking up every morning and seeing the love of your life right next to you. Everyday is a new and exciting adventure for the two of you, and you can’t help but smile and eventually laugh at his silly, but lovely attempts at brightening your day. “You’re such a loser,” you joke, shoving his shoulder lightly. “Only for you, babe,” he smirks, leaning in for a kiss which you gratefully accept. 

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