You build a fort

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Niall: “You’re telling me you’ve never built a fort?” he asked in utter dismay. You shook your head. “No, I can’t say that I have.” He was looking at you like he was seeing you for the first time. “Cancel all plans, tonight , we build.” He ran from the room and gathered sheets, pillows and blankets and brought his creation to life before you using the backs of the dining room chairs and the couch. It didn’t look like much when he was finished, but Niall proudly fisted his hands on his hips and grinned. “Look at the castle I’ve built for you,” he smiled. When he gestured you to climb in, you did. “Lay down,” he slid in behind you. The space was small and warm, and Niall’s chest was against your side as he gazed at you. “It’s like our own little world, isn’t it?” he whispered, hands tracing the curve of your cheek. “I like this,” you smiled, turning to face him. “I don’t have to share you with anyone in here.” He grinned and pulled you into his chest. “You don’t have to share me at all,” he disagreed. “I’d happily follow you to a secluded island where it would just be us, always.” You kissed the spot over his heart softly. “Forever with you on an island?” you laughed. “I could think of worse things.”

Harry: The power had gone out, and it looked like it was going to stay that way. “Let’s just build a fort and ride it out,” you suggested. That was one of the things Harry loved most about you: your playfulness. He grabbed the pillows and flash lights, and you grabbed the sheets. You sat the chairs apart and draped the sheets over top, using hairbands to secure them down. “Wow,” he said as you created your masterpiece. “This isn’t my first time,” you winked. When you were done, you both crawled inside and sat facing each other. “This is cozy,” he grinned, leaning forward to place a soft kiss to your lips. “It is,” you fished your phone out of your pocket and clicked over a playlist. “It’s just you and me, tonight,” you smiled. “I wouldn’t have that any other way. This is nice, we never get to do this.” He took your hand in his and ran his long fingers over your palm. “What do you see when you think about the future?” He asked, eyes on your fingers. “Just you,” you squeezed his hand. “I see you.” he brought his eyes slowly to yours and blinked. “Really? You want a future with me. I mean I had always hoped, but…” He seemed to be at a loss for words. “Of course I do.” He bit his lip and reached in his pocket. “Won’t hurt to give you this then,” he said with a small smile as he pushed the ring box into your open hand.

Zayn: "I can’t believe you got me in here," he groaned. He blinked up at the paper stars you had hung from the top of the sheet and he let out a sigh. Why were you so damn cute? It was infuriating. "It’s cause I’m your best friend," you poked him in the ribs. "Yeah, yeah," he shrugged you away and stacked his arms behind his head. Laying like this with you in your tiny little fort brought a strange sensation to Zayn’s chest. Had he ever laid so close to you before? And why did your skin feel so damn soft? "Which star did you see first?" you asked him suddenly. "Um, that one," he pointed to the blue, glitter star that hung from the corner of the tent. "Did you make a wish?" You were so damn sweet, so damn soft that Zayn curled his hands into his sides. "I don’t think I did," he said slowly, wondering how he could wish for anything else other than you. "You have too!" You swung your wide eyes to his and he felt his breath stop. "Alright," he said slowly, staring at that blue star and wishing he could find the nerve to tell you what he felt. "Did you do it?" you asked. "Yes," he said hoarsely, wondering why it took him so long to realize that since the first day he saw you, he’d been yours.

Liam: He heard noises coming from his son’s room and he froze as he walked past the door. He listened for another moment and heard his low voice and then a laugh. Liam cracked the door and stepped in. The outline of his son was visible under the sheet thanks to the flashlight he clutched in his tiny fist. “James, what are you doing?” The sheet fell away and little James stuck his ehad out. “Dad, this is my fort and Batman is saving people,” he waved his batman toy in Liam’s direction. “Gotham is up this late?” Liam laughed, sitting beside him on the bed. “Dad,” James said petulantly, “Justice doesn’t sleep,” If Liam loved his son anymore, he thought he would burst. “How silly of me, of course not. Got room for one more under your tent of Justice?” With a happy smile, James lifted the sheet and Liam slid under, picking up his Joker figurine. when the door opened a second time, neither Liam nor his son heard it. It was only when the sheet lifted, and a loud protest of, “hey,” filled the room, did they look up. “Hi honey,” Liam said to you. “Mom! Dad and I just saved a whole city!” James said excitedly. You looked at the twinkle in father and sons eyes and felt your heart burst. “Come on, you can be bat girl, and I can save you,” James said excitedly. As you slid under the sheet you heard Liam whisper, “that’s my job.”

Louis: "Listen, if mom says it’s okay, we can make it a tent," he said to his two kids. The eldest girl let out a shriek of laughter and turned her eyes to you. The youngest joined her, jumping up and down. "All those sheets, Lou," you groaned, thinking of the mess afterwards. "Won’t mean anything," he said softly, his eyes on his excited kids. "Alright, go ahead." The shouts that echoed off the walls nearly deafened you as the linen closet was torn apart. "Mommy, you have to go in the castle with us," the eldest said. "Yes mommy, daddy made it for you." Louis winked at you and held the flap open to the greatest fort you’d ever seen. "Come on girls, before the dragon comes. I hear he likes…PRINCESSES!" With a shriek, your girls dove inside the tent. "Lucky for you," Louis said catching you around the waist, "You have a prince to come save you." He followed you inside the tent and laid down, his arm and your arm flush together as you kids snuggled on both sides. "Daddy, will you protect us from the dragons?" The youngest asked. Louis smiled and pressed a kiss to her temple. "Always, princess. A knight never leaves his girls behind." The sigh of relief from her lips made you smile. "And mommy too?" Louis met your eyes and he smiled. "And mommy too, I’ll never leave her."

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