You and I

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Now we all know the you and I video came out yesterday! Any of you watched it? I did and I loved it! What did you guys think? Well anyways here you go! 


The drive felt endless. Torturous. Traffic moved too slowly and people were idiot drivers. Every few minutes your eyes had flicked to the clock on the dashboard, causing your heart to race as you drove. Now you sat perched on the edge of one of the plastic airport chairs. Foot tapping anxiously to an unheard beat you had stuck in your head, your eyes scanning the room once more, hoping, by some miracle, his flight would arrive early. You counted down the seconds and hours, but that only seemed to make time drag on. You’d tried everything at your disposal to distract yourself. You’d pulled out the book you’d brought along, but your mind raced far too much to focus. You flipped mindlessly through gossip magazines, but every article you read was rubbish. You’d even scrolled through emails, Facebook, Twitter. Nothing seemed to hold your interest. Getting to your feet, you paced the dingy carpeted floor of the terminal. Just then, two calloused hands slid over your face from behind you, covering your eyes. “Guess who,” came the familiar Irish accent, a soft whisper in your ear. Whirling around, you squealed, “Niall!” Throwing your arms around his neck, he chuckled. “Miss me, love?” Crashing your lips to his, you hummed, “you have no idea.” 


The bedroom was dark, filled with midnight dreams, and a calmness in the air. You lay with your head on the smooth, bare surface of Liam’s toned chest, listening to the slow, steadying beating of his heart. His arm was draped around you, thumb tracing the line where your pajama shorts met a sliver of your bare skin. Your fingers danced lightly across his chest, keeping time to his heartbeat, and he smiled into the darkness. “(Y/N), you know what I was thinking?” Liam whispered. “What’s that?” you asked, eyes fluttering lazily. “I was thinking,” he hummed, “there’s never been a couple quite like us.” “What… what do you mean?” you giggled, shifting slightly in his arms, to better see his face. “I mean, sure there’s iconic couples, like Clark Kent and Lois Lane. Or couples like Prince William and Kate Middleton. Even Ken and Barbie,” he chuckled, laughter vibrating the whole mattress. “But they’re the epitome of theperfect couple,” you murmured, going along with his silly, two in the morning conversation, “and we’re just, us.” Slowly, slipping his other arm around your waist, he pulled you in tighter, and gently kissed your temple. “Yeah, but did they ever hold each other tight like us?” Resting up on your elbow, you leaned in and placed a smiling kiss to his pouty, pink lips.  


The air was warm, too many sweaty bodies crammed into the barroom. The music was too loud for the small space, and everywhere you looked people grew more intoxicated. Sitting at a tall table near the back, you perused the room, anxious for Harry to return with your drinks. Abruptly, you stopped, spotting him standing in the middle of the crowded room. He pushed his slender fingers through the tousled mess of curls atop his head, as he talked animatedly with some tall, leggy blonde girl. You tried to shake off the sudden feeling of jealousy settling in the pit of your stomach. After all, Harry was famous, and girls threw themselves at him all the time. Still, somehow this moment was different. Craning your neck to see them, you watched as the blonde swatted his chest, and Harry smiled that infamous, dimpled grin. Throat feeling tight, eyes prickling with the threat of tears, you needed air. Brushing past Harry, you ran out the door. “Whoa, (Y/N),” Harry shouted after you, “where are you going? What’s wrong?” “Don’t play dumb with me, Harry,” you choked, “I saw you, and that blonde bimbo.” Gripping your wrist gently, he pulled you back to him. “That girl, is no one. And nothing can come between you and I,” he assured, pulling you into a long, adoring kiss, “I promise you that.” 


The cinema was busy, filled with couples out for Friday night, date night. Stepping through the heavy, double glass doors the heady aroma of buttery popcorn wafted up your nose as it popped steadily behind the counter. With your hand gripped in Zayn’s the two of you gazed up at the list of movies showing. “What are you thinking?” Zayn asked, squeezing your hand, with a smirk. “Well,” you hummed, squeezing him back “you know I’m a big fan of anything romantic.” Laughing, he leaned over and placed a kiss sweetly to your cheek. “And you know, I like action movies,” he nudged, pointing to the show times. Biting your lip, you stepped in front of him, taking his other hand in yours. Batting your long, black, mascara covered lashes up at him, you whispered, “so, what are we going to do?” Shaking his head, he smiled, settling his chocolate eyes on yours. “Meet in the middle?” he queried, nodding his head at the sign once more. “A comedy,” you quipped happily, rising to your tiptoes to peck a quick kiss to his lips. Buying your tickets, Zayn handed you the paper slips. “Now, snacks,” he murmured, “how about popcorn, and whatever candy you like.” Grinning like a little kid, you giggled, “sounds perfect.”   


The faint sound of buzzing against wood extracted you from your dreamland, pulling you to the reality of the dimly lit bedroom surrounding you. Reaching for your ringing cell phone left on the nightstand, you slowly forced the sleep from your drowsy eyes. “Hello?” you mumbled, holding the smartphone to your ear. “Good morning love,” Louis’ voice rang through the receiver, a hint of longing in his tone. “Its still night here, Lou,” you grumbled, voice quiet and tired. “Shit,” he muttered, “I’m so sorry. I keep forgetting. Dammit.” “It’s okay, babe,” you chuckled, sitting up, back resting against the wooden headboard. You clicked on the bedside lamp, casting a warm glow across the pale blue bedspread, waking yourself up enough to form coherent sentences. “Everything okay?” you asked, voice full of love and understanding as you spoke. “These major time differences suck,” he whispered, letting out a long, heavy sigh of breath, “I see what it’s like for day and night.” Gripping the warm sheets, you pulled Louis’ pillow into your lap, hugging it tight. “Yeah, I know what you mean,” you soothed, pressing your nose to the pillowcase, taking in the last lingering scent of Louis’ cologne left behind, “I miss you everyday, Louis.” “You have no idea how much I miss you too,” he murmured, “I love you.”   

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