Don't make this harder than it needs to be

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Louis: My fists were clenched tight around the edge of the table I was sitting on and I could feel my breathing quicken even as I tried to calm it. “Don’t squeeze your muscles,” the nurse said and I nodded my head, cracking a half-hearted smile. “It helps if you look away,” she told me. I nodded again and looked to the left but I couldn’t take it and turned my head at the last second to watch the seemingly life-ending needle. She chuckled lighty when I pulled my arm away from her on instinct. “Here,” Louis said. He took my hand and looked me straight in the eye. “Don’t make this harder than it needs to be, love. Just keep your eyes on me.” I nodded again and kept my eyes on him as the nurse completed the shot. He gave me a bright smile, kissed my nose and said,” All done.”

Zayn: I heard his heavy footsteps close behind me as I ran down the hall and let out a small screech. I felt his hand just brush my arm before I ran into the kitchen. We ran in circles around the island in the middle of the room until we were both halfway of opposite ends. Breathlessly, he said,”(Y/n), don’t make this harder than it needs to be.” I chuckled and dangled his shirt in front of him and I saw a smile crack amongst his lips. He let out a playful growl and began chasing me again. I was just inches from my bedroom before he took hold of my torso, toppling over me until we were both on the bed, our chests falling and rising as we caught our breath. “Don’t go,” I whined. He sighed then said,”As far as you and I know, I lost my shirt.” I smiled and he rolled on top of me, kissing my lips tenderly.

Niall: I was reading a book while Niall watched the TV that rambled in the background when the fire alarm went off. I jumped and my book nearly flew out of my hands. I looked up and saw a small cloud of smoke coming form the kitchen. Together, Niall and I ran to where the fire was coming from. “You forgot to set the timer?!” I yelled to him over the loud beeping. “You didn’t tell me I was supposed to set a timer!” he helled back. I turned off the oven and opened the door, coughing and stepping back as a huge cloud of smoke came rolling out towards us. “Holy shit!” he yelled. He grabbed the ovenmitts and reached into the oven to get the cake (which was still in flames) and threw it onto the stove. He took off the mitts and fanned them over the cake. “Don’t make this harder than it needs to be!” I reached for a cup and filled it with water form the tap, throwing it onto the flames. When everything was in control, Niall and I looked at each other and neither of us could suppress the laughter that came bursting out.

Harry: Trembling, I began to walk toward the door. I heard Harry nearly crying behind me and my own tears rolled down my cheeks. “(Y/n), please don’t,” he pleaded, grabbing my arm and turning me towards him. “Harry, it’s obvious you and I aren’t what we used to be.” I took in a shaky breath and said,” Please, just don’t make this harder than it needs to be.” “No,”he nearly yelled,” I am going to make this way harder than it needs to be because I’m not ready to give you up. I’m not ready to give this up.” I tried to think of the words to fight back but I knew if I opened my mouth I risked releasing the sob that was now stuck in my throat. “I know that with recent events you and I have been a little out of sync but I am willing to work every single day until I die to get it right with you just- please, give me one more chance.”

Liam: My back was pressed firmly into the mattress and Liam’s soft gaze was cast down on me, watching my every move. He raised his hand to push the hair away form my face and I took a long breath and nodded. He smiled lightly and began to press into me. I winced and clenched my core before he stopped and whispered,”Hey, don’t make this harder than it needs to be, baby. We don’t have to do this.” His eyes looked over me carefully. “No, no, I want to,” I protested. “Okay, then you have to trust me and just relax, alright? I promise, it will be easier that way.” I took another deep breath and nodded again. He kissed my lips softly and began pushing into me once more and this time I sighed in content as Liam’s hands entwined with mine.

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