He confirms you two are dating

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It was in an interview. The usual question every girl wants to know. “Who’s single, who’s taken”. Zayn, Liam, and Louis both raised their hands, Niall confirming he’s still single, before the interviewer reached Harry. “Harry, you’ve been seen with a beautiful mystery girl, is she just a friend, or is she more?” Smiling he answered. “Well since we’re live, I will confirm I am in a relationship, I’ve been in one for a couple of months, we’ve wanted to keep it on the down low, for a bit, knowing how hardcore our fans are. That mystery girl is Y/N, and she’s pretty amazing”, he finished blushing.


It was over twitter. You two were recently photoed on a date at an ice cream parlor, of course paps, and fans were outside watching filming, and taken pictures, which you both knew would end up on every social network faster then you two could say “peanuts”. You two continued on with your date before eventually leaving and heading back to his place. He soon went on twitter, seeing mention after mention asking if you two were friends, if you two were dating, if you two were cousins, before he decided to tweet about it. Soon getting a mention from twitter that he tagged you in, it read; “as you may know I was pictured on a date at an ice cream parlor today with a beautiful girl, well that girl is my girlfriend, please respect that I’m happy, and I hope you guys welcome her into the 1D fandom. x” smiling to yourself, you two spent the day watching toy story marathons.


It was over Instagram. He finally made his account public, but with doing so, the fans saw every picture, including a few that he posted of you two. It became a frenzy. Not knowing that he was seeing someone, after he called off the engagement between him and Perrie, fans were confused. But it didn’t take long, for them to send him questions, asking if you two were together, finally after a couple of days, he posted a cute picture of you two confirming that you two were in fact together. The fans realized he was happy, happier then they’d ever seen him, and it was because of you, they respected that. Oddly enough, you were the girlfriend who didn’t receive hate.

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