He hears his son/daughter sing one of his songs

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(His POV)


I wake up this morning to the sound of my newborn son crying to be fed and for some reason I love the sound of it even though I also love my sleep. I’m sure you love your sleep as well but you’re already up and making breakfast for everybody just like you always do on Saturday mornings. I roll on my back and sit up to see the small boy with his face scrunched up while moving his fists furiously all around the place. “You, my friend, lack coordination. Just like your father.” I tell him with a sleepy smile and stretch my arms over to pick him up from his bassinet. “Good morning, baby boy.” I lay him on my inked bare chest and walk out of the room to find you on your way up. “Baby Styles is hungry.” I say and hand him over to you. As the newborn latches onto you and his cries die down I hear our four year old singing in her room. “There you go.” You say soothing Stephan and look at her door “Ever since she found your album it’s all she listens to.” You chuckle and kiss me before heading back downstairs. I smile to myself and open the door slightly only to peek inside. Brooklyn is jumping all around her room with her hair brush in hand while singing one of my favorites. “I don’t care what people say when we’re together” Her voice is high pitched like any other four year olds but I can already tell she’ll be good at singing like me. She’s wearing one of my old T-shirts with a head scarf over her hair that’s way to big and I chuckle. “I knew I was missing a head scarf.” I say to myself and walk inside to join her. She giggles and claps along as she sees me and we go on to finish the song “I know you wanna leave so come on baby be with me so happily.” 


“Am I going crazy or do I hear one of my songs playing somewhere?” I ask you as I walk into the house after a day full of meetings. “Patrick is showing his father’s albums off to his girlfriend.” You say folding some clothes over in the living room. “Is he?” I ask and walk over to you. My arms sneak around your waist and you lean against me placing a kiss on my lips. “They’ve been at it for a while.” You say and go back to folding. “(Y/N)…” I hum as my fingers sneakily move under your shirt. “Not now, Niall. He’s out side and he’s with company.” You push my hand off with a small smile. “Later.” I sigh and point at you. “Later.” I repeat and you chuckle. “Go say hi.” I nod and walk out into the backyard where Patrick is sitting across from his girlfriend on a blanket with a radio in between them. My albums are laying beside her and she’s nodding along to the cool music. “Best I ever had, hips don’t lie, you make me wanna” He stops singing and hisses cheekily at her. “Having fun?” I interrupt them and they look up. “Oh hey Dad, I was just showing Jess some of your music.” “It’s really good, Mr. Horan. It sounds so different to what we listen to nowadays.” Jess says and I shrug crouching down beside them. “I told you to call me Niall, Jess.” I say and she looks down with an embarrassed smile. “That’s my favorite album.” I tell them and she hands it over to me. “We wrote almost all of it and the tour was crazy good.” I smile looking at the cover and remembering one of the best years of my life. “Best fans in the world.” I sigh happily. 


“Cause you and I” I hear the high note echo through the house as I walk out of the shower. I put on some sweatpants and a shirt and head over to my daughter’s room. She’s sitting on the edge of her bed looking at a paper when I see her and her eyes go wide. “I’m sorry, Dad. I know it sucked.” Penelope apologises and runs her hands over her dark hair in frustration. “I’m never gonna get it right.” She sighs. I shake my head and chuckle sitting down next to her. “Yes, you will. You’re just can’t get to the end of the note. You need to take a deep breath beforehand so you have enough air to go higher.” I explain and look at the music sheet in her hands. “Where are you performing this, Penny? I wanna come see you.” I look up at her as she runs the note over again and finishes off perfectly. “Sick” I mumble feeling prouder than ever. I never thought I’d hear one of my children singing my songs. “Yes!” She grins and hugs me tight before pulling away “Thank you so so much, Dad. It’s an audition. For my school’s glee club. You can’t come see me but I’ll let you know as soon as I find out if I made it.” I smile and nod “Baby girl, with that high note you will. Trust me. You will.” I stand up and kiss her forehead. “I’m proud of you, Penny.” I tell her and she looks at me in confusion. “I haven’t even auditioned yet.” “I know but I’m still proud of you. Proud of you since I heard your voice when you cried for the first time.” 


“You’re not very good at this, Daddy.” Ruby says as I help her build a blanket fort in her room. “I’m trying Ruby. I just can’t get it to stay.” I argue grumpily and she giggles as the blanket falls again. “Mummy said you were an expert.” She looks at me and I can’t help but see myself in her. “Yeah, well… I haven’t built one of these since I was a young boy and played with my sisters.” As I’m talking to her you walk into the room in a hurry “Louis you have to come down here.” You say and pull me by the hand. “Whoa…Why the hurry, love?” We run downstairs and she smiles. “You have to listen to this.” You tell me and guide me to the basement or as you call it ‘the man cave’. We stand in front of the door and from the other side I can hear the tune playing. The guitars and drums fill my ears with a very familiar melody and I smile. “Is that my song?” I ask and immediately hear Levi’s voice answer my question. “Little black dress just walked into the room. Making heads turn can’t stop looking at you.” “He sounds just like you. It’s incredible.” You say looking at me and I agree “He does doesn’t he?” I open the door slowly and see the seventeen year old sitting down on the old couch we moved down here with his guitar in hand playing the song by memory. Levi stops playing and singing and looks up at the two of you. “Nice song you’re playing there.” I tell him with a grin and he smiles “Thanks Dad. Learnt from the best.” You nod and I cross my arms over my chest with pride. “Sorry for interrupting. Keep going. I’ll come back down soon but now if you’ll excuse me I have to go finish building a fort.” I chuckle heading back upstairs. 


“Five foot something with the skinny jeans.” I can hear Scarlett’s voice from the living room. I close my laptop and head upstairs to her room. She’s getting ready for a party and like every other teenage girl she’s been there a while getting ready. I open the door and find her applying makeup on. She looks different. Older. More mature. That worries me a little bit but right now I’m just taken back by the song she’s singing. “Midnight memories, oh, oh, oh, oh. Baby you and me. Stumbling in the street. Singing, singing, singing, singing” She hums and jumps when she sees my reflection by the door. “Dad! Gosh, I didn’t see you there.” I shake my head and sit on her bed as she finishes getting ready. “Sorry, love. I was just… Really loved that song. It’s nice to hears you singing my songs.” I mumbled and she smiled at me. “I love it. Perfect song to get ready to. Besides your music is genius, Dad.” She tells me and stands up. Her dress is shorter than I expected it to be and I’m about to have a heard attack but she stops me. “Dad I know what you’re about to say but don’t freak out. It’s just a dress.” I hold my arms up to support her as she slips her high heels on and I take a deep breath. “Alright, I won’t. Just… stay safe tonight yeah? I want you back by 1am. No drinking or… dancing too close to boys or anything like that. Call me or your mum if something happens.” I say and she giggles rolling her eyes. “Yes, Daddy I know. I’ll be fine. I promise.” She says and kisses my cheek. “Be careful with those midnight memories you make out there tonight.” I warn her with a nervous smile and guide her out of her room.

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