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NIALL: Usually it was you taking care of Niall when he was drunk, but tonight the roles reversed. It was your friend’s birthday and Niall wanted to make sure you had a good time. “HIIIII,” you slurred, wrapping your arms around Niall’s waist, interrupting his conversation with some guy. You knew it was a friend, but you were too drunk to remember his name. He laughed at you, never seeing you like this before, “Having fun?” “I’m tired,” you pouted. He chuckled, “Want to go home?” You nodded. He said bye to his friend and wrapped his arm around your waist, walking you out of the club. Driving back to your flat, you fumbled with keys to unlock your flat door. He chuckled, taking the keys from your hands to unlock your flat door. “I’m sleepy, Ni,” you slurred, as he helped you to your bedroom. “I know, princess,” he said. He sat you down on your bed. “Stay,” he told you. You pouted while he went through your clothes to put you in your pajamas. You pouted a lot when you were drunk. He came back with a pair of shorts and a shirt you must’ve stolen from him without knowing. He held out his hand, “Stand up for a second.” You took his hand and stood up. He slid off your dress. After helping you put on your shorts and shirt, he helped you in to bed. He kissed your forehead, before walking away. “Are you staying?” you asked, right before he left your bedroom. “Of course, just getting you water and aspirin,” he replied. “Mmkay,” you slurred, before turning back over. He got you a glass of water and aspirin, setting in on your nightstand. He slipped off his shirt and jeans, before joining you in bed. He wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you close to his chest. It was nice for him for the roles to be reversed for once. He liked to be able to take care of you, even if you were drunk.

LIAM: “Nobody knows me!” Liam yelled on the top of his lungs, leaving Funky Buddha, “Except you, baby. You know me,” he told you, poking your nose. You laughed, “I think there’s a few more people who know you, Li.” He shook his head, “Nope, it’s only you.” You shook your head to yourself, getting in the car, “Okay, Liam. Whatever you say.” You noticed Liam was on his phone while you were driving. He was probably tweeting something stupid. “Liam, put your phone down. You don’t need to be tweeting,” you told him, driving back to his flat. “No they need to know that nobody knows me,” he replied. You shook your head. You noticed in your peripheral view that he was taking a selfie. “Give me your phone!” you told him. “You’re driving,” he somewhat snapped at your. “Liam James Payne, give me that phone right now,” you told him, like he was a 5 year-old boy. He sighed, handing you the phone. You put it in your lap and continued to drive to his flat. You parked you car. He was completely functional, but his mind wasn’t there at all. “Come on, Liam,” you told him. He was just staring at the sky. “The stars are nice,” he commented. “Yeah, yeah, now can we go to your flat?” you asked, somewhat annoyed. It was 5 in the morning and all you wanted to do was sleep right now, instead of taking care of drunken Liam. He took your hand and walked up to his flat. Once you got in, you ordered him to go to his bedroom while you got him some water and aspirin. When you brought the glass of water and aspirin in his bedroom, Liam was laying there shirtless. “Are you mad at him?” he asked with a slight pout on his face. You gave him a small smile, “No, not mad. I’m tired.” “Sowwie,” he slurred, as you set down the water and aspirin next to him. You laughed at him sounding like a 3 year old. “It’s fine, Li. No worries. Go to sleep, okay?” He shook his head, “Kiss.” You rolled your eyes playfully, giving him a quick kiss, “Go to sleep now.” He closed his eyes and you went through his clothes to find something to sleep in. You found a huge shirt you could sleep in. After slipping on his shirt, you got into his bed. “Looooooooooove you,” he whispered, mostly asleep. You giggled, “Love you too, Liam.”

HARRY: “What’s your name?” Harry asked as you were taking him into his house. “Y/N,” you told him, helping him in. “Really?! That’s my girlfriend’s name!” he said excitedly. You laughed and played along, “Really now? What a coincidence.” “Yeah, she’s nice and pretty. She has hair like you,” he said, twisting a strand of your hair around his finger. “Maybe I should meet her sometime,” you told him, playing along with him thinking you are someone else. He pushed himself away from you, “No! You can’t meet her!” he yelled. “She’s going to kill me, I took home another girl. I love her, what did I do?” he mumbled to himself. “Harry, don’t worry. She won’t kill you. How about you go in bed and I’ll call her, yeah?” you told him, trying to calm him down. “Okay,” he said, stumbling his way to his bedroom. You laughed slightly to yourself. You’d never seen Harry like this, but it was pretty funny. You got him some water and aspirin and headed to his bedroom. “Baby girl, you’re here!” he said excitedly. “Yes, I am,” you said, setting down the water and aspirin next to him. “This nice girl also named Y/N brought me back here. She said she was going to call you. She was nice,” he slurred, lying down. “She sounds nice, Haz. How about you get some sleep now, yeah?” you suggested. He pouted, “No.” You sighed, “What if I stay with you?” He nodded, “Only if I get a kiss,” he said, giving you a kissy face. You chuckled and kissed him. “Better now?” He nodded. “Okay, go to sleep now, Haz.” After getting in to bed, you closed your eyes, almost asleep, when you felt someone poking your cheek. You opened your eyes, “Yes, Harry?” “I didn’t cheat on you with that Y/N girl. I never would cheat on you. I loooooooove you. You’re the love on my life. We’re going to get married and have kids someday,” he slurred, giving you his drunken confession. You smiled, running your fingers through his hair, “I know, Harry. I love you too.”

ZAYN: You were dancing by yourself in the club; no one around and you didn’t give a crap. You felt someone wrap their arms around your waist. “Get off me you perv!” you yelled, not knowing who it was. “Whoa, Y/N, it’s me, Zayn,” he said, with his hands up. “Zaynie!” you said excitedly, wrapping your arms around him. He chuckled, “It’s not to see you too. You want to go home?” “I want to go to your house,” you pouted. “We can go to my house, then,” he told you. “YAY!” you yelled. He shook his head to himself, with a huge smile on his face. It was cute and funny seeing you like this. You took a taxi back to his house. He helped you into his house, since you could barely walk without stumbling by yourself. “I love you Zaynie,” you said, walking into his house. “I love you too, Y/N. Let’s change you,” he said, walking you to his bedroom. He started to take off your dress, to change you in some of his clothes so you could sleep. You crossed your arms, thinking he was doing something else, “I don’t want sex,” you told him. “We aren’t going to have sex. I just am going to change you into these, okay?” he said, holding up his shirt and boxers for you. “Okay,” you mumbled, letting him finish taking off your dress and putting you into his clothes. “Let me get you some water and aspirin, okay?” You nodded in reply. By the time he got back, you were already asleep. He laughed quietly, putting the water and aspirin down next to you and kissing your forehead. He climbed into bed, wrapping his arms around you and falling asleep.

LOUIS: You were having a girls night, but it wasn’t going as planned. A couple of your friends got in a drunken fight and now you were left with no ride home. You drunk dialed Louis, hoping he’d pick up. “Y/N?” he answered. “My friends got in a fight and now I don’t have a ride,” you told him, with a pouting face, even though he couldn’t see. “I’ll come get you soon, okay?” he replied. “Okay!” you said excitedly, before hanging up. Within 10 minutes, you saw Louis’ car pulling up. “Hi Louis!” you said, excited getting into his car. “You alright, babe?” he asked. “Mhmmmm. All good here,” you slurred, happily. He laughed; never seeing you like this and it was entertaining for him. “I’ll bring you back to my place, okay?” he said. “Okie!” you replied. The car ride was quiet, but you kept making silly faces to yourself on the camera in your phone. Louis noticed it in his peripherial vision and chuckled to himself. You got to his house. “You can just wear my clothes,” he told you. “Can we play a game?” you asked. He looked at you, with a confused face, “What game?” You shrugged, not knowing, then you thought of it, “20 questions!’ you said excitedly. He chuckled, “Let’s get in bed and we’ll play.” “Mmkay,” you slurred. He got you in some of his clothes and put you in bed, getting you water and aspirin before joining you again. “Can we play can we play can we play?” you asked. “Yeah, you go first,” Louis said. You rested your head on your chest, “What do you see in 10 years?” He caressed your hair, smiling, “I see us, married, with children in a big house with a big yard, so they can play and run around. Maybe you’ll be pregnant again, who knows. We’ll be happy.” He heard soft snores already. He looked down, realizing you were already asleep, not listening to a single word he just said. He smiled at himself, before kissing the top of your head, going to sleep himself.

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