How you meet

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Niall: “Hurry up, Niall!” Louis retorted. “I’m coming, I’m coming!” Niall shouted back in response and bolted out of his dressing room. He took a turn on the left hallway and bumped into something, making him land on his ass. “Watch where yer-” he cut his sentence half way, staring stunned at the person in front of him who had fallen on the floor as well. “I’m such an idiot,” you groaned. He shot up and offered his hand to you. “No, it was my fault.” His strong hand pulled you up and your eyes widened when you realized who he was. “Oh wait, you’re Niall, right?” you asked and sighed,”well I made a good first impression.” You let out a chuckle. Your smile faded and you blinked a few times, raising an eyebrow when he seemed to stare at you absent-mindedly. “Uh, hello?” you asked, confused. “You’re the most beautiful girl I have ever seen,” he blurted out and blushed immediately. You felt your cheeks grow red as well. “Did I say that out loud? - I mean,” he began but shook his head,”sorry, way for me to make a first impression,” he laughed awkwardly and extended his hand for a shake. “Niall.” “Y/N,” you responded and shook his hand,”your new hair stylist,” you continued. “Niall!” All his band mates shouted. “Oh right, the concert!” He mentally slapped himself and paced past you. “Oh yeah, meet me after the concert! I’d like to have your number!” he looked over his shoulder while he ran and gave you a wink. 

Louis: You snapped pictures with your camera over and over again before growling out of frustration. “Could you please keep a normal face for few seconds?” One Direction was on their photo shoot and you desperately attempted to take good pictures, but Louis kept making weird faces. “Alright, alright,” he smirked and positioned himself, giving you a proper smile. “Thank you.” Unfortunately, that didn’t work and he turned his smile to a huge grin, second before you snapped a photo. “Why can’t you cooperate with me?” you said, completely fed up with him. “I’m sorry, it’s hard to concentrate when there’s a very pretty girl standing in front of me,” he grinned. It took couple seconds for you to register his words and your face was burning up all of sudden. “You mean me?” you asked flustered, pointing at yourself. “You see any other girls standing in front of me?” he replied. “How about this - I’ll pose and smile as you tell me to, but I have the permission to take you on a date afterwards,” Louis suggested cheekily. You rolled your eyes, a smile growing to your lips anyway. “Fine.”

Harry: He liked to stroll to the nearest Starbucks and relax on his day-offs. However, today was different when he sat on his casual spot and waited for his drink. Harry went to get it when his name was shouted and gazed up to meet with the most beautiful eyes he has ever seen. “Here you go,” you smiled. He took it but continued to stare at you. “Thanks,” he responded shortly and turned away to walk back to his seat. He couldn’t help but have a quick glance towards your direction few times. After it, he started visiting a lot and was now a regular customer, but every time he couldn’t get his eyes off you. You noticed his stares, but decided to ignore it. When he almost came every day and gazed at you, your curiosity and annoyance finally got the best of you. Harry was scrolling down his Twitter feed when you walked at his table. He lifted his eyes off the phone and was surprised when he caught the sign of you. “Alright, mister,” you said bluntly,”I have seen your stares and I’d like to ask is there something I could help you with?” You folded your arms. He smiled widely, cute dimples showing. “Well, actually,” he began and leaned to his seat,”I’d like to take you out.” You raised your eyebrows in pure surprise, not expecting that answer at all. “Okay.” “Really?” “Yeah, I’m very curious and honored about my fan club,” you said sarcastically and he laughed in response. “Excuse me, it’s hard to take eyes off from such a gorgeous girl.” You blushed at his words but remained cool. “My shift ends in fifteen minutes, I’ll meet you here then, pretty boy,” you winked and his laugh being the last thing you heard before you returned back to work.

Liam: You were interviewing One Direction, the famous british boyband. You were excited since you were a huge fan of theirs but managed to remain cool during the interview. “So, Liam,” you started,”what are your family’s thoughts about you being away all the time?” “They take it well, actually. Of course, because I’m away a lot they rarely see me, but yeah, they’re good.” He answered, couple of his words stuttering out of his mouth. Louis and Niall laughed, gazing at Liam. “He’s nervous because he totally fancies you, Y/N,” Louis whispered loudly. You saw Liam tense instantly. You smiled at him lightly and he blushed, smacking Louis on the arm. The boys explained about their tour and family, before it was time for another question. “And now the question every fan of yours want to know,” you chuckled,”who’s free on the market?” Harry, Niall and Liam raised their hands. “As you see Liam’s free,” Louis hinted and wiggled his eyebrows. “And he wanted me to tell you he wants to take you out.” Niall joined to the teasing. Liam’s face was red from all the blushing, murmuring couple ‘shut ups’ to the boys. “Well, Niall,” you smiled,”tell him, I’d love to.” After that, the interview continued casually and you noted Liam staring at you couple times, but stealing his glance away when you looked at him. When it was over, the boys literally pushed him towards you. He was acting shy, but you just thought it was cute, after all, you had to admit you were kind of crushing on him too. “Did you mean what you said,” Liam asked, hint of nervousness in his tone. “Of course.” You saw his eyes light up. “Give me your number then and I’ll call you when I’m free.” You giggled and nodded.

Zayn: You strolled down your little hometown, attending to go shopping. You sometimes stopped to look at clothes in the shop’s windows when you hear a shout. “Get back here!” You whipped your head on the right and saw a guy near your age chasing down a dog. The puppy was running straight past you and you decided to catch it. You managed to get a hold of its strap barely and waited for the black-haired boy to catch up. “Thank you so much,” he said out of breathe. “No problem,” you smiled and handed him over the strap. He crouched down to ruffle the top of the dog’s head. “I was chasing this little guy for a while now,” he laughed. “I suppose you’re new to this,” you smirked and looked at him, his brown eyes meeting you. “Yeah, I got him as a birthday present couple weeks ago,” he replied and stood up. “Oh yeah, I’m Zayn,” he offered his hand for a shake. “Y/N,” you answered and shook his hand. “Well, Y/N,” Zayn started, “how about I take you on a coffee, as a thank you for catching my dog,” he suggested and smiled. You had to admit, he was cute. “Sure, I’d like that.”

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