Your Child Catches Him Cheating Part 2

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Liam: “Mommy?” Your little boy asked, pulling on the fabric of your long Maxi skirt. His warm chocolate eyes burned into your eyes as he pulled you down to his height. His lip trembled, and his mouth almost took on a little pout. “Does-does daddy still love us?” Your heart jumped out of your chest and broke into a billion pieces. “Oh honey.” You gasped, pulling him into your chest and kissing his soft cheeks. “Of course he still does! Things are just a little…complicated between Daddy and I now.” You looked into his sad eyes and kissed his nose. “Everything will be all right. I promise.” But even you couldn’t bring yourself to believe in your own words as you dragged your luggage to the car, small tears collecting in your eyes. It had been two weeks since you had moved out of the house and into the grand suite of the fanciest hotel in London. Liam had insisted, begged, for you not to go with his son and leave him, but you had quietly stuck by your own. Every day, Liam would call you by face-time, and your little boy would shriek out in happiness, “Daddy!” And then you’d hear Liam’s voice over the speaker. “Um, is Mummy there? Can I speak to her?” And every single time you’d shake your head quietly, and your son would turn back to the screen sadly. “Mummy doesn’t want to speak to you right now.” He’d say, and Liam would hesitate. A few breaths and he’d stutter. “Well t-tell her I l-love her, all right? And I love you too. I love you both very much and I want you to come home.”

Niall: Your daughter was deeply hurt, refusing to go to school or see anyone. But after a few days, a few weeks; her wounds healed, and the frown disappeared from her face. Now all she wanted was her past, all those times where you were a beautiful and perfect family. Always hugging, always laughing. But how could that be when you no longer ate dinner with them? Or she never saw Niall kissing her mother “good night” anymore? And so she decided to play match-maker, thinking it was the only to save the family, and bring you and Niall back together. Niall seemed to know what was going on, but he knew that things were not as simple as his little princess thought they were. He had screwed up big time, and he would do anything to take back his actions so that he could finally hold and kiss his wife comfortably again. But little by little, the daily bouquets of flowers started putting a smile on your face, the little notes, the fresh cookies from the bakery, the new pair of heels that he bought you; it started feeling like normal again. So when you saw Niall the next day as you were preparing to go to work, you didn’t hesitate to press a small kiss to his lips before darting out the door. You didn’t see the large smile that spread across both your daughter and Niall’s face, but at least everyone knew that the other was forgiven.

Louis: Your son was furious; furious at Louis, furious at the situation, furious at that strange woman, but most of all, furious at you for forgiving his Dad so easily. It was another one of those nights, where he would stay yelling at you in the kitchen. How could you? He cheated on you, don’t you understand!! And you’d take it, tears pooling from your eyes, before whispering. “Son, you don’t know how powerful love is. What he did was wrong, but at the end of the day, he’s the father of my children, and I love him.” It hurt seeing your teenage boy like this; so angry, so pained, as if a disease was taking over his mind. But how could you explain to him, what even you couldn’t fully understand? All you knew, was that you loved Louis, and you would stay with him until death. You also knew that Louis felt the same way, despite his mistake. But alas, things only seemed to worsen over the weeks, until one night your son heard a noise as he was going upstairs. He listened harder, tiptoeing to his father’s office and eavesdropping outside the door. Louis was crying. He had never heard his Dad cry before, and before he knew what he was doing, he threw open the door, walking swiftly to the desk and throwing his arms around his father’s in an embrace. Louis gasped out, his tattooed arms encircling his son’s as they finally forgave each other, their breathing ragged but complete as they came to terms at last.

Zayn: Despite everything that had happened, you decided to stay with him, knowing that no matter what, you wanted to do what was best for your son’s future. But there was no talking, no kissing, no touching between you and your husband, just pure and painful silence. Zayn had retreated to the couch, knowing that he fully deserved it over the plush master bed that he usually frolicked around with you lovingly. Sometimes the silence didn’t even bother you because of the incredible hurt you felt over the affair, but what you hated most was what it was doing to your little boy. During “family night,” you’d watch as he’d look between you and Zayn, eyes worried and uncomprehending as to why Mummy and Daddy were sitting on opposite ends of the room when usually they were snuggled up close to each other. He’d crawl up into Zayn’s lap, pressing his mouth against Zayn’s lips quickly and then running over to you and doing the same thing. “There!” He said proudly. “Finally Daddy kissed Mommy! Is everything going to be all right now?” That evoked a small smile out of you, and you felt Zayn’s eyes boring into yours questioningly from across the room as if he too was asking the same question. You didn’t answer, instead hugging your little boy closer and kissing him on the top of the head.

Harry: “No, you can’t take her away from me!” You screeched out, tears pooling down your cheeks and tracking on your dress. “Just because you’re Harry Styles just doesn’t give you the right. It’s my poor baby! My poor…” You broke down, sinking to the floor and head burying into your hands. “You can’t.” Harry’s eyes flashed sadly, and he dropped down with you, taking you into his arms even though you resisted. “This is what you want.” He said calmly. “It’s not what I want. I don’t want you to leave, but if you do, I get her.” That made you wail louder, and you tried pushing him away but he held you firmly, plump lips approaching your face. “No.” You barely whispered, before his mouth was on yours once more. His lips moved sweetly against yours, and all you could see were his copper locks. “Mommy?” A little voice came out from behind you. Your daughter scampered up to you, small arms encircling your and Harry’s legs. “See everything is all better! You’re hugging Daddy!” Harry smiled down at her, fingers brushing the tears from your face. “You’re right darling. Everything between Mommy and I will be okay.”

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