Your Child Becomes A Parent

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Liam: You guys sat in the waiting room while your daughter and her boyfriend sat holding their newborn baby and smiling over him. “Can you believe it? Our little girl is now a mommy herself, where did the time to?” He said and pulled you into his side and you began to cry. “She grew up too fast.” “That she did.” Liam agreed. “But now we have a grandson to love and to cherish and to spoil, just like we did with his mommy.” You blinked back the tears and squeezed Liam’s hand. “Yeah, let’s go see him, i want to hold him.” Liam stood with you and together you entered the room to meet your newborn grandson.

Harry: “Excuse me?” he bellowed, his voice echoing throughout the home and you would not be surprised if your neighbors could hear. Your son flinched at Harry’s tone but stood his ground. “She’s pregnant, i’m going to be a dad, you guys are going to be grandparents. I know i’m young but i thought you guys would be happy to hear i’m going to stand up and take responsibility for this baby.” You stand up and put a calming hand over your husband’s racing heart. “I am happy to hear that, i’m just scared with how young you are, how are you going to be able to handle this?” He shrugged. “Do what you guys did, take it as it comes.”

Zayn: “She’s beautiful.” Zayn whispered as he held his granddaughter in his arms and you stood by his side, a loving hand placed upon his shoulder. “She is. Looks like her daddy perfectly.” Your son blushed when you spoke but looked at his newborn daughter with pride. “She does, doesn’t she?” “You did good.” Zayn commented. “If you ever need help keeping the boys away from her, you just come and get me and together we’ll kick ass.” “Don’t swear in front of her.” Your son’s girlfriend warned and Zayn smirked. “Sorry, don’t want my granddaughter to get any bad habits from me.”

Niall: When the baby daddy left, Niall and yourself stood in to help your daughter with everything in her pregnancy. You took her to her appointments, her classes, provided her with anything and everything her baby would need when they were born and now that your granddaughter was here, all the hard work paid off. “What am i going to do?” your daughter asked in a whisper and as you bounced your granddaughter gently in your arms, Niall held her hand. “We’re going to help you but you’re going to be the most amazing mommy ever, i promise you.”

Louis: “We named him after you dad, are you okay with that?” Your daughter asked, recovering from surgery. “And we named her after you mom, okay?” Both you and Louis nodded, wiping tears from your eyes. “Yeah, that’s lovely baby girl.” He spoke, trying not to let his tears affect him cause once he started crying, your daughter started crying and with two newborns in the room, crying was not a thing you wanted to get going so fast and so loud. “Want to hold them?” she asked and with the help of her husband a baby was placed into yours and Louis’ arms. “Still so lucky.” Louis spoke.

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