You find out he's going to propose

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Liam: You could taste the morning and your hair resembled that of a nest, but you still were softly padding your feet around the apartment you share with Liam, looking for him. A figure bumped into you when you turned a corner and you screamed, your heart beating a million miles an hour. Sadly, it wasn’t him, but your best friend, Eleanor, Louis’ girlfriend.

"Jesus, El! You scared me!" You backed up against the wall and rested your head against it, clutching at your chest.  "Where the hell is Liam?"

She spooned at the cereal bowl in her hands and shoved a heaping spoonful into her mouth before answering, “Well 1, go brush your damn teeth and 2, he told me to keep you company today, he went out.”

You had her go upstairs with you to the bathroom so you could brush your teeth, but still ask her a few questions.

"Is he with the boys?" "No." "His other friends?" "Nuh-uh." "His family?"

She shook her head and took another bite of the sugary mixture, and you took the bowl from her hands and dumped it into the sink.

"Hey! That’s my-" "El, If he’s with none of them, where is he?"

She huffed and jumped up onto the counter, her feet swinging back and forth. “I was told not to tell you anything, but since you ARE my best friend….” You stuck the toothbrush in your mouth and began to brush, egging her on.

"He went golfing…..with your dad." You abruptly spit into the sink and coughed before declaiming, "He WHAT? He hates golf."

"Oh, we all know, even him," she replied, "and Louis told me that Liam got Niall to show him some pointers to impress your dad, apparently today is a very, VERY important day." She winked and it took you a few seconds before you caught on.

"Is he….?" You trailed off, eyes filling with hope. She squealed and frantically nodded her head before the two of you jumped up and down, shouting, not bothering to hide the happiness over the fact that at that very moment, your father was clasping a hand down on Liam’s shoulder, proudly welcoming him to the family.

Niall: You were backstage with the crew, hanging out, waiting for the concert to start. The boys were on the stage now, going through sound check, when you noticed a few hair products on the table. Since Niall wasn’t in your reach and you had nothing better to do, you took them to her, besides, you really liked Lou. Her room seemed to be a mile away as you lugged hair spray, gel, and numerous brushes in your hands. Somehow opening the door, she instantly noticed your appearance and quickly gathered the products in her arms, placing them down, not showing one sign of a struggle. “Thank you so much! I knew I was missing some stuff,” She turned to you and something must of registered because before you knew it, your left hand was in hers and she was bouncing up and down.

"The ring! The ring, I want to see it!" You made a confused face and her features softened with each passing moment, her realizing that you had no clue what she was referring to. "Oh….. there’s no ring."

Your eyebrow raised as she plastered on a faux smile and widened her eyes, looking away.

"Lou…" "Hmm?" "What ring are you talking about?" She tightened her lips together and shrugged her shoulders. You backed her up against a couch, the back of her knees hitting the edge, making her fall onto the cushion.

"You tell me right now.." "HESGOINGTOPROPOSETOYOUANDITHOUGHTTHATWHENHETOLDMEITWOULDVEBEENREALLYSOONBUTIGUESSNOTSINCETHERESNORINGONYOURFINGERYET." She gasped for a breath at the end of the sentence and you rubbed your temples, shaking your head.

"Slower, please? C’mon, Lou." She stood up and placed a hand on either side of your arms, looking you dead in the eye. "From what Niall has told me, there may or may not be a ring on your left ring finger soon." You overflowed with excitement and hugged her tightly, never wanting to let go. "Oh, oh my god! He- he’s going to propose!"

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