Award Shows

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Hey guys please vote for these! I work hard looking for good preferences so I'd love for you to vote and comment letting me know how you like it! 

Louis:He smiled widely on stage, holding the rather large trophy in his hand as the boys crowded around him. It was almost sure fire that they were going to win, and he hadn’t even thought of anything to say. He being the leader, the boys expected him to say a few things, and so he stood in front of the microphone and cleared his throat as the crowd finally started to die down. “Well, first off, I I just want to thank the fans. You all know that we love you so much, and we thank you for all of our success.” he smiles widely as he finds your face, “And I just want to thank my beautiful love, Y/N, for everything, putting up with me writing and being gone all the time. Love you babe.” he smiles at you once more time before letting the other boys speak.

Niall:"Think we’ll win?" he asks excitedly holding onto your hands tightly. Smiling you fix his hair and kiss his cheek, "Im sure you did baby." you assure him as his knee bobs up adn down quickly. Once their category was announced, he sat on the edge of his seat and bit his lip, saying a quiet pleading for them to win. Once the winner was announced your heart dropped when it wasn’t them. He claps for the artist walking onto stage, as you gently rub his back. "Hey, its okay baby, you’ll win next time. I promise." you assure him as his face dropped a bit. "Just think, this can only make you work harder right babe?" you ask, as he nods. "You’re still my favorite." you try to offer as he smiles a bit at your comment. Smiling, you kiss him gently, "You’ll always be my favorite.

Liam: “L- Li.” you giggle as his hands slip under your dress under the table. He smiles widely and winks at you, sipping down the rest of his drink, adding another glass to the collection forming on his side of the table. “Baby, I think you’ve had enough.” you say as he nods and tries to pay attention as the host comes over to speak with him. “So, what are your plans? Heading to the after party?” he asks, admiring the award the boys had won. Liam smiles cheekily, and pulls you closer into his grip, staring at the camera for a second before smiling, “Nope, I’m taking this one home for our own after party.” Your cheeks heat as he laughs and the host cuts to a commercial. “Cheeky babe.” you pout as he winks, before sneaking out to the car to head home for your after party.

Harry:He hugged you tightly as you both stood backstage after the boys’ performance. He had missed only a couple notes in his song, his voice on the brink of breaking. He sniffled into your shoulder as the crowd booed him, and his performance. “Baby, don’t let them get to you. You did wonderfully.” You soothe him as he sniffled quietly. “I should be better than that. They all know it.” he sighs as your fingers run up and down his back. “Harry, you’re so talented, and they love you, millions of girls love you. I love you more than anything baby. You did great, just a little slip up.” He nods quietly and hugs you tightly still. “Can we go home?” he asks quietly, as you nod, “Sure baby. let’s go home.”

Zayn: The car stopped and he opened the door, a roaring of screaming girls came into the car. you tried ot hide your smile, but you had been waiting to go out with him forever, excited to fianlly be able to walk with him, and not be bombarded by fans. He helps you from the car and wraps an arm around your waist, as he stopped for pictures every once and a while. “You look great baby.” he smile kissing you a few times. Smiling you kissing him again, “You look wonderful too. Almost prettier than me.” you pout as he laughs and walks inside the building to the seats where the boys already were. “I’ll try my best to dull it down tonight baby.” he chuckles, sitting down after you, trying his best to make you look better than him all night.

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