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Niall: The moment you took Theo in your arms and rubbed the tip of your nose with his, making him laugh, he knew how great of a mother you would be. Your hands seemed to grip in in the right place, fitting over the little boys ribs with ease. His little feet danced on your lap as you spoke to each other in noises and giggles. Niall just watched, fist on his smiling cheek, looking at the two of you. Theo played with your hair at one stage, and you made a game of grabbing his grubby fists and kissing them before he could grab your hair again. It was easy to pretend Theo was the two of yours…and that was the kind of future he wanted. 

Louis:  Daisy and Doris were a handful. When one screamed the other was inclined to join in. They did everything in sync and it made double the trouble.

‘Still not as bad as you.’ You tease Louis with Doris’ cheek pressed against yours. Louis pokes his tongue out as he struggles with a fidgeting Daisy, trying to feed her. You walk over with Doris, who seems to looks at Daisy and calms her down. ‘Maybe this might help.’ You smile softly, bringing out Doris’ hand to the bottle. Daisy takes it willingly, closing her eyes.

‘I’m your big brother missy.’ Louis laughs, but is happily relieved.

‘They’ve go this twin thing going on it’s incredible.’ You say, still bent over Louis.

You can feel his breath on your neck when he speaks. ‘I’m really glad you’re here. I couldn’t do anything without you.’

You try to hide your smile. ‘Careful, just be ready to burp her when she’s done.’

Liam: ‘Is looking after a pet babysitting?’ You ask to Liam on skype, Loki bounding around you on the bed.

‘He’s really fond of you.’ Liam laughs. ‘Come on Loki, I can’t see my girl.’ He sighs, when Loki nudges the screen with his nose.

‘Oh you’re just a big softy.’ You mumble, scratching Loki on his chin and so he falls into your lap happily.

‘I was so scared he wouldn’t like you because…’ Liam drops off, and you knew he was going to mention his exes. 

‘Ah, you and Loki are the same. Big softies who love everyone, its very cute.’ You add, smiling warmly at Liam. ‘We just can’t wait for you to come home.’ You laugh with Liam when Loki barks in agreement. 

Harry: ‘We got her to bed.’ Harry whispers happily into the nightlight lit room. Making a fist over Lux’s sleeping body between the two of you. You snuggle closer to Lux to fistbump Harry.

‘You’re lucky I’m you’re friend, and I love you so much that I let you rope me into this.’ I love you so much…of course you loved Harry…who wouldn’t.

‘Come on, admit it, Lux is amazing.’ Harry says coarsely propping up on his elbow to look at you. ‘You like kids, say it.’

You roll your eyes. ‘Kids make me…uncomfortable, but of course I don’t hate them.’

Harry smiles to himself. ‘Knew it.’

‘What, what do you think I do, eat them for breakfast?’ You tease, making reference to the Hansel and Gretel bedtime story you read to Lux to put her to bed.

‘Hmm, I just like knowing things about you.’ Harry smiles, looking away and he falls down next to Lux. ‘I’m going to sleep now mummy.’ Harry jokes.

Zayn: ‘Wait, wait like this.’ Zayn explains happily, grabbing your little sisters hands that held a paintbrush. He guides her hand over the paper , smearing the paint in a curved line.

‘Rainbow!’ She points and demands, dipping a different coloured paint and trying to copy the line with her tongue between her lips, eyebrows furrowed.

‘Don’t make a mess.’ You warn happily, watching Zayn paint your little sister…

‘You don’t mind this do you?’ You ask him from behind, resting your chin on his shoulder as you watch him paint.

Zayn smiles and turns around, kissing you on the lips quickly before your little sister could see. ‘I love it…she looks a little bit like you.’

‘Look!’ You little sister screams happily, tugging on Zayn’s shirt until he looks at her splattered mess.

‘That’s awesome little babe.’ Zayn grins as they hi five their paint stained hands. ‘Want to see mine?’ When she nods Zayn lifts her up to look at his portrait of her. ‘Yes that is you!’ He laughs when she realises what he’s drawn, grinning as she kisses him on the cheek.

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