So This Is Love...

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Harry: You leaned on the counter next to Anne, eyes glowing as you watched Harry race along the kitchen floor with Lux, screaming his head off as she threatened to get him. “Are those stars in your eyes?” She asked you with a nudge of her shoulder. Even though you’d been with Harry a good long while, you couldn’t help the blush that spread across your cheeks. “Maybe,” you teased, nudging her back. She was so welcoming, so sweet. She easily became a second mum to you despite the fact that you and Harry weren’t even married-yet. Harry let Lux tackle him, crawling over his lanky body and pressing kisses to his cheeks. “It’s the kiss monster!” He shrieked, making her erupt into laughter. “So this is love, huh,” you said quietly to Anne, watching Harry flip over to give Lux a piggy back ride. “This is what it feels like when you find your soul mate?” She smiled, arm sliding around your shoulder as she pressed her lips to your temple. “It is my girl, isn’t it beautiful?” Harry finally stood and made his way over to you, arms snaking around your waist. “You better watch out, the kiss monster might come from you too,” he laughed, kissing you quickly on the cheek. This was love alright, you thought to yourself, and it was wonderful.

Niall: “Sir, I um,” he fumbled over his words, hands shaking as he looked at your dad, eyes lifting to meet his. There were two beers on the table, both greedily gulped down to calm the nerves. “I know that asking for your blessing means the world to her, and I was, I wanted to ask for your permission to marry your daughter.” He finally blurted, a splotch of color rising on his cheeks. “I love her sir, more than anything in the world and I promise to do right by her and take care of her and protect her with my life,” once the words came, they didn’t stop. Your dad looked at him, gaze quiet and Niall began to fidget. “She’s my world sir, I’m crazy over her.” Niall laughed now, hand plowing through his hair, fingers scrubbing down his face to rest under his chin. “I don’t know what I would do without her and I hope I’m the man you would want for your daughter, I hope that you’re proud of her choice and I hope you’re proud of me for how I’ve treated her.” Your dad finally smiled, leaning back in his chair. “She couldn’t have chosen a better man,” he finally said. Even though it broke his heart to let go of his baby girl, Niall deserved you, and he adored you. “You’ve got my blessing, yes,” Niall let out a relieved laugh and stood, wrapping his arms around your father. “So this is love, huh?” He asked, stepping away. “No sir,” Niall said quietly, “this is forever.”

Zayn: “How do you know what love is?” You asked him one day, lounging across his bead. Your legs were in the air behind you, ankles crossing and uncrossing and he just blinked at you, expression unreadable as you looked at him. “I, um, well,” he cleared his throat, mind racing as he struggled to think what love was. “I don’t think it really can be defined, and it’s different for everyone,” he said with a shrug. You hummed in your throat, thinking about his response. “What is love to you, then?” He really wished you’d drop it, he didn’t want to answer you. To him, love was the drawings he had of you stashed away. To him, love was letting yo pick a movie every night even though he hated most of your choices. Love was letting you sleep on his chest, and him trying to stay awake, to just look at you for a moment longer.The silence dragged on too long and he slid his sketch pad across the room. You paged through the book until you found the last page, a sketch of you with flowers in your hair. “So this is love to you then?” You asked quietly, heart slamming in disbelief. He smiled, chocolate eyes sparkling in the mid-afternoon sun. “That’s my love for you, yes,” he said quietly, the grin on his face growing bigger by the second.

Liam: He blinked lazily, eyes adjusting to the early morning light that streamed in through the windows. Your body was warm and soft behind his, your sleepy breaths on his neck. It was a surreal moment for Liam. He couldn’t believe he was here, couldn’t believe he had battled all of his demons to get to a moment like this-and now looking back, this had been worth the struggle. Your skin turned cream in the pale sun and he let his lips touch down to your bare shoulder. Your lashes fluttered, breath quickening as you began to wake up. And then suddenly you were looking at him, a smile on your face and he felt his own heart stopped. So this was love then, he thought to himself as he let his knuckle trace your cheek. This was what it was like to love someone so completely, so fully, you couldn’t be with out them. “Good morning,” he whispered, vice still raw with sleep. Lazily you stretched, rolling on to your back as your arms reached over your head. Liam took advantage, letting his mouth graze along your tummy. “You’re beautiful, did you know that?” He whispered, kissing his way up to your belly button. You grinned, fingers tangling in his hair as his lips touched your heart. “Never seen anything so beautiful in my life.” Gently his mouth touched yours, lost in the warmth of your heart and your arms.

Louis: It’s not like he doesn’t know what love is like, he does. He’d been in it a time or two. But somehow, it just didn’t have that wow factor, you know? The wow factor that kept people up at night or made them think of fireworks. And then he met you and something immediately felt different. There was a connection, a communion between you both and that felt a lot like the love he had been searching for. But even still, he had to test his theory out. He was walking with you through the park, hand linked through yours and the spring sunshine on your faces. “That way,” he pointed to the break in the path and you let him lead you down. People thinned out, the trees became heavier. There was a small bridge that linked over the creek and you both paused on it, looking down into the water. “I-look I know we’ve only been dating for a short while and I like yo a lot, but I have to ask-” he cleared his throat, blue eyes on yours. “Can I kiss you, please?” you laughed, eyes delighted. “You don’t need to ask me that,” with a small smile, he pressed his lips to yours and there it was-fireworks. His skin chilled, knees became week and he pulled you closer, forehead against yours. When he pulled back, he pressed his lips to your nose. “So this is love,” he whispered, making you gasp as his lips touched yours again.

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