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You had thought about your options, and you and Harry had discussed about getting a surget mother or possibly adoption. Having a child of your own was simply not an option. You sat on the hard, leather sofa. Your body cuddled into your husbands. You both were looking over a child’s file. Well, Harry was but you were lost in thought. Harry really wanted a child. He wanted a little girl to protect and cuddle with. He wanted to teach his baby to ride a bike, than eventually how to drive his large SUV. Harry wanted a little boy to play footy with and bond over cars. “You don’t want this, do you?” He asked you, awakening you from your thoughts. “What? No, no baby. I do. I do want this.” You answered, taken aback. Harry nodded his head, his brown curls bouncing. You sighed, taking the file from his hands and placing it on the coffee table. “Look at me. I love you, so much. Ok? And I do want a baby. I just wish my body wasn’t do messed. Don’t think I don’t want a child. If we adopt than we adopt. But I want this.”


You groaned in frustration, as you were awoken by the cries of your two month old. The old alarm clock read 2:43 am. “I’m coming bubba.” You whispered to yourself. You pushed aside the warm covers and shuffled towards your baby’s room. “Hi Raj. What’s wrong.” You spoke quietly to your baby boy. You calmly lifted Raj into your arms, rocking him back and forward. His cries were loud and obnoxious. “Bubba please, stop.” Raj had been adopted from a tiny orphanage in the middle of India. And every night, Raj would cry and whine. “Boo, go back to bed.” Louis murmured from the doorway. “No, I’ve got it Lou.” You said, I bit aggressively. Your baby was now whaling and literally screaming bloody murder. Louis approached you slowly, kissing your shoulder. “(Y/N), baby. Go get some sleep, ok? I’ll take care of him. Alright doll?” Louis said. “Ok.” You whispered, passing the child to your husband. “Goodnight beautiful.” He added. “Mhmm. Thank you, Louis.”


"Baby. We need to talk!" You said walking into the living room, holding two glasses of red wine. "You’re not wanting a divorce, now are you love?" Zayn teased you. You giggled, handed him a glass of wine and sat down beside him in the couch. "No. This is serious." You told him. "I’m listening." You took a big deep breath. "Ok. Are we going to have a child some day, or are children completely out of the picture." You asked him, nervously. Zayn sighed, his hands coming in contact with his stubbly face. "What?" You questioned him, now super concerned. "I should have told you in the beginning. I’m not capable of having children. My doctor said." You cut him off, with your lips. "Don’t worry about it. I was just asking." You told him. Zayn smiled. "So, does that mean we adopt?" "Mhmm, I’d like that." Zayn replied, kissing you.


You and Liam were in bed, getting ready to go to sleep. “Liam.” “Yes babe?” “This morning, Asha asked me a question, and I had no clue how to answer her.” You told him, cuddling into his side. “What did she ask you, love?” Liam asked you. “Well, she told me that a kid at school told her that she didn’t look like us and than that same kid told her she that she was adopted.” “So she asked you if she was adopted?” Liam asked you. “Yeah, like I was so shocked that she actually asked me that.” You told Liam. “What did you say to her?” Liam asked you. “Nothing, I literally froze up. I didn’t want to say something because we had said that we would tell her together. I feel like such an idiot.” You said. “Don’t worry about it love. Tomorrow we will talk to her together, ok?” “Ok.”


You were having a huge get together, with the boys, their wives and their kids. You were sitting next to Perrie, with your 3 year old daughter on your lap. “Baby?” Mave pointed to Perrie’s round belly. “Yes Mave. There’s a baby in auntie Perrie’s belly.” You explained to your daughter. Mave giggled then pointed to your stomach. “Baby in mama?” She asked you. “Oh no bubba. There’s no baby in mama.” You told her. You and Niall hadn’t told your daughter yet, but you were in fact expecting a child, but by adoption. Only you, Niall, Niall’s parents and Perrie knew about the adoption. “Soon?” She than asked you. “Yes baby. Sort of.” You answered her, which made Perrie laugh.

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