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Seer: I have locked Void in a cage designed by their own art. Oh, they have been well and truly hoist by their own petard.

Reaper/Pheonix: Could you put it another way? I didn't understand a word of that.

Seer: I'm blackmailing them.

Reaper/Pheonix: Oh, happy days.


Proxima: Prof.Red, I know you snuck out to see Pheonix/Reaper last night.

Prof.Red: If you tell Louis or Cliff, I swear I'll murder you, and they'll never find the body.

Proxima: Five bucks?

Prof.Red: Fine.


Yellow: 'Technically legal', the two best words in the the English language, right before 'cowboy spectacular.'


Void: But when all hope seemed lost, I had an epiphany!

Void, earlier: I'm going to throw myself into the sea.


Rose: I left instructions for everyone while I'm gone.

Yellow: Mine just says "Yellow no."

Rose: I want you to apply it to every possible situation.


Seer: You disgust me.

Prof.Red: *eating a kitkat sideways* I realize this and don't care.


Prof.Red: What is everyone for Halloween?

Red: I'm superman.

Yellow: A clown.

Prof.Red: So I'm guessing we don't need to get you a costume then?


Cliff: If you took a shot for every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be?

Soren: Maybe a bit tipsy?

SteveLeader: Drunk.

TFC: Wasted.

Prof.Red: Dead.


Yellow: Do I sound smart, or am I smart?

Prof.Red: You sound unbearable, to be perfectly honest.

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