~Part 54~

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Past Prof.Red, Before Rose became his teacher: Rose, I got suspended from school...

Rose: WHAT?!?! What did you do?

Past Prof.Red: My teacher pointed at me with a ruler, and he said "there is an idiot at the end of this ruler".

Past Rose: And...?

Past Prof.Red: I asked which end...

Past Rose, unable to contain their laughter: Okay, you just made my day.


TFC: Louis, I rebuke thee! I rebuke thee!

Louis: Rebuke? Is that a word?

TFC: You have all invoked my fury! You will all pay recompense for your transgressions!

Louis: What, you got like a word-a-day calendar or something?


TSE: If history repeats itself, I'm so getting a dinosaur!


Nightmare: How has life been treating you lately?

Corrupt : Horribly.


Corrupt : I am not an early bird or a night owl. I am some form of permanently exhausted pigeon.


Colle: Hoodie pockets are so great. I can fit like three sandwiches and a grenade in there and my hands are still warm.


TFC: What can therapy do for me that screaming in my car for 30 minutes can't?


Toxin: Make no mistake. Not only am I party rocking, but I am also in the house tonight.

Void: But are you shuffling?

Toxin: Everyday.

TSE: What language are you two speaking??


Yellow: What are you talking about Seer? You love it here!

Seer: I'm not sure I do, I think I've just developed Stockholm syndrome.

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