Part 2: introducing

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My phone beeped in my pocket as I was walking down the stairs, it was a message from Rebekah:

1 message from Rebekah:
I am with Hannah and Sophie downstairs in reception, can you come down? Xxx

I replied with a quick message saying that I was coming and then carried on going downstairs.

Eventually I found them and we all had a group hug. "I missed you guys so much!" Hannah said and everyone nodded apart from me. "Are you ok Chloe?" Rebekah asked and I snapped out of my daydream. I nodded and then helped the girls carry their stuff up the stairs.

I could not stop thinking about Brad and I didn't really know why. I said nothing for the rest of the day and by about 11pm we had unpacked all of out stuff and chosen our beds.

*bang!* we all shot up as we heard a loud noise coming from next door. "What the hell was that?!" Sophie asked. "I dunno, I think it came from next door." Rebekah said. "Let's go and ask them to be quiet." Hannah said and everyone agreed but I just stayed silent as I knew who was next door.
Reluctantly I followed them and they made me knock on the door. Great.

Brad answered the door and 3 other boys appeared around the corner in the apartment.

"Chloe! Hi." Brad said
"Hi... Erm, would you mind keeping it down a bit?" I asked and Brad nodded, his brown curls bounced on his head. I stared at him in awe and Rebekah snapped me out of it. "You know each other?" Hannah asked and me and Brad nodded. "I bumped into him earlier..." I mumbled and all the girls gave a cheeky grin to one another. "Are you going to introduce us?" Sophie asked and I sighed, maybe I wanted to keep this boy a secret to myself but like that was going to happen. "Girls, this is Bradley, Brad, this is Sophie, Rebekah and Hannah." I said and they all said hi to each other. "Who are they?" Rebekah asked, pointing to the other 3 boys in Brads apartment. I shrugged my shoulders and Brad called the boys over. "These are my friends James, Tristan and Connor." Brad said. I saw Connor give a cheeky smile to Rebekah and I felt happy for her.

Eventually we all said goodbye to each other as it was nearly midnight and the minute we went back to our room the girls would not stop talking about the boys, I sat awkwardly on my bed, I didn't want the girls to know about Brad and how I could not stop thinking about him. I didn't know what had gotten in to me, I'm never normally like this with anyone. Why can I not stop thinking about him?

*beep beep* I heard my phone go off and I rolled over to see who it was

1 message from Bradley:
Hi, I enjoyed meeting your friends today. I think Connor likes Rebekah x
1 message to Bradley:
It was nice meeting your friends too and I think Rebekah likes Connor as well x
1 message from Bradley:
Well we need to start match making then :) x
1 message to Bradley:
Yup! I also think Sophie likes Tristan and Hannah likes James x
1 message from Bradley:
How do you know? X
1 message to Bradley:
They won't stop talking about them! X
1 message from Bradley:
:) well... I dunno what to say x

Just as I was about to reply Hannah stole my phone out of my hand and started to read the messages. "Hannah! Give it back!" I shouted. "Looks like you have matched everyone apart from yourself. Me and James, Sophie and Tris, Rebekah and Connor. That just leaves Brad..." Hannah said and everyone went quiet while I blushed.

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