Part 14: the big news

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I thought for a moment to try and work out if I am ready for a relationship, I also didn't want to get into a relationship and then Brad goes off with another girl. Can I trust him? I really want to talk to Rebekah about it but I can't right now.

Brad was now panicking a bit as I wasn't answering him. "Yes." Was all I said and a smile crept on to his face. I am now Brads girlfriend and I really hope that nothing goes wrong. I really like him and I want this to work. "What is Hannah going to say?" I asked. "Nothing, I have spoken to her and she is leaving us alone. Plus, she is too busy staring at James." Brad said and I nodded. "I am so glad we are together! I don't think I could of waited any longer!" Brad said and I giggled. "Can you just promise me something?" I asked. "What's that?" Brad replied. "I don't want you to cheat on me and I don't want this to be one of those relationships where you dump me after a week." I said. "I love you too much to cheat on you and I want this to last forever." Brad said and I nodded.

After a while we finished our drinks and Brad took me to the first clothes shop, New Look. I had no idea what to buy because I have never really been shopping before. Brad picked out some skinny jeans and a nice top and told me to try them on, they actually looked really nice so Brad told me to get a few more jeans and some more tops.

"Are you sure your ok with paying for this? There is a lot here and it's getting quite expensive." I asked. "I'm fine with it." Brad said and I reluctantly nodded. We walked up to the tills and Brad paid for it. It came up to about £25 and I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. He then took me to a shoe shop so I could get a couple of pairs of shoes. "I'm going to treat you to some Converse." Brad said and I looked shocked. "No your not! They are way too expensive." I said and Brad giggled. "Fine. Go over there and have a look at what shoes you want." He said and I nodded. Brad walked off in the opposite direction and I wondered what he was doing.

About half an hour later I had picked 2 pairs of shoes and Brad came back with a bag in his hand. "Where did you go?" I asked. "I got myself some new shoes." Brad said. That explained what the bag was for.

Brad paid for my shoes and that came to £35. So he has spent £40 on dinner yesterday, £25 on clothes and £35 on shoes. "Brad, you have spent £100 on me!" I said and Brad smiled. "I know." He said and held my hand. "I am going to pay you back at some point. I feel really bad." I said. "Don't feel bad. You aren't going to pay me back, I chose to spend the money on you. I would rather spend it on you than anyone else." Brad said.

We eventually got back to the apartment and Brad came into my room to help me put my new clothes away. When I had finished putting them away Brad gave me a shoe box and laid across my bed, I giggled at him. "What's that?" I asked. "Open it and see." He smiled at me cheekily.

I opened the box and there were some Converse sitting in it, I looked shocked. "When you were trying on some shoes I went to buy them for you. I didn't buy myself anything." Brad said, I jumped on top of him and hugged him. "I love you! I am going to pay you back." I said and Brad smiled. " I love you too and no your not." Brad said.

We then heard a knock on the door and I walked downstairs to open it, it was James. He walked upstairs with me and looked at Brad. "It's time Brad." He said and I looked at Brad confused, he took my hand and we walked into his apartment. The girls sat on the sofa and the boys stood in front of them.

"We have something to tell you." Connor said and all four girls looked at the boys. "We signed to a record label and we are now a band called The Vamps." Tris said and all the girls were so happy apart from me.

I didn't want to get loads of hate from fans just because I am Brads girlfriend and this just gives Brad more of an opportunity to cheat on me. He will be in different parts of the world and I may not be able to see him for months at a time. We won't be able to spend time together and we may even have to move out of the apartment.

I got up and walked out of the apartment. Of course I'm happy for them but I can't be let down all the time, I'm not strong enough. I can't do it.

I ran all the way to the park and sat down where me and Brad were yesterday by the lake. It was freezing and I didn't bring a jacket so I started shivering. I stared out to the water and started to think about what I was going to do next. Should I stay with Brad? Should I move completely and leave everyone behind?

I sat there until it started to get dark and I was freezing, I couldn't feel my arms and my feet were starting to go numb. I decided to slowly make my way back to the apartment and on the way I bumped into Rebekah.

"Chloe! There you are! Everyone has been worried sick! We have been trying to find you for hours! Where did you go? Are you ok? What happened?" Rebekah fired so many questions at me and I started to feel a bit belittled. "Chloe?" Rebekah asked and then saw that I was shivering and my arms had gone blue. "Oh gosh! Let's get you inside."

She walked me back to the apartment and everyone seemed relieved to see me, but Brad wasn't there.

"I have just texted Brad and told him that we have found you. He is coming back now." Connor said and Rebekah smiled at him. I still can't get over how adorable they are together but I sat in silence. I didn't answer anyone's questions, I just want Brad to be mine and I don't want him to have to go to other countries and I don't want to have hate thrown at me by fans.

Brad ran through the door and hugged me as soon as he saw me. "Your freezing!" He said and wrapped his hoodie around me. "Chloe, what's wrong?" Brad asked and I burst out into tears. "I don't want to have loads of hate thrown at me just because I am your girlfriend, I don't want you to go and cheat on me by dating a fan, I don't want you to go and travel the world on tour and leave me behind, we won't be able to spend time together and we might have to move out of the apartment..." I blurted out between sobs and Brad hugged me while rocking me from side to side to try and calm me down.

He took me up to his room to give us a bit of space and so I could calm down. "You aren't going to have any hate thrown at you, I promise. I'm not going to cheat on you, I have already said that I won't do that and if we do travel then you will be coming with us, all of the girls will be and we can spend even more time with each other in different countries." Brad explained and I nodded. "I love you." Brad said but I was still crying a bit, he wiped the tears away and kissed my cheek.

"Don't ever forget that I love you and please never run away like that again. If you have any problems then just come and talk to me about it." Brad said and I nodded. "I like... Your hoodie..." I said between sobs and Brad giggled. "Keep it then." He said and I hugged him. He is so nice towards me, I feel so stupid for running away now. I now know that I can trust Brad with anything.

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