Part 13: will you be my girlfriend?

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I woke up in my own bed the next morning, I must of fallen asleep during the second movie and someone must carried me to bed. I rolled over and checked the time on phone, it was 10:30am. Nobody was in the room once again. What is wrong with the boys coming to our apartment for once?

I got out of bed and walked downstairs to the kitchen to get a drink of water. I then sat down on the sofa and looked out the window to see the swimming pool, I really want to swim in it this summer. Maybe me and Brad will be one of those cute summer relationship goals... Nah, I doubt that he will even ask me out today.

Last night was a bit strange, the way that Brad kept hugging me and holding my hands. He also told me that he loved me. I think that he was just a bit tired and he didn't know what he was saying or doing.

* knock knock* I got up to open the door and saw that Brad was standing there in jeans and a top. "You ready to go?" He asked and I looked confused. "Go where?" I asked. "Yesterday I asked if you wanted to come out with me and you said yes." Brad said. "Oh yeah, I have only just woken up. Come in and sit down on the sofa while I just go and get changed." I said and Brad nodded and walked over to the sofa.

I ran upstairs and tried to find something nice to wear, as usual I have nothing nice because when you have been living in care for the past 15 years you don't really get much choice of clothing.

In the end I put on some ripped jeans and a old top that was a bit small for me but it's all I have. I then put my old trainers on and walked downstairs.

"I'm sorry that I am wearing old clothes that are too small for me but it's all that I have." I said and Brad smiled at me. "You look fine. Maybe today I can treat you to a shopping trip?" Brad asked. "You aren't spending anymore money on me. That restaurant bill yesterday was so much money! Plus, I wouldn't want to bore you by having to go shopping." I replied and Brad stood up. "I have been wanting to tell you something all night." Brad said and held my hands. "What?" I asked. "I love you." Brad said and I smiled. "I missed you last night. I took you up to bed when you fell asleep and I wanted to stay with you but I couldn't because the other girls were in here." Brad said while brushing his thumb over my cheek.

"Your apartment is much better then ours. You each have your own room but we have to share one room. I missed you too last night. I'm sorry I fell asleep without saying goodnight." I said and Brad smiled. "It's fine. Are you ready to go?" Brad asked and I nodded.

He took my hand and we walked out of my apartment and down the stairs.

"So, where are we going?" I asked. It is the middle of winter and it is freezing! Where could he be taking me? "Shopping." He replied and I stopped walking "what's wrong?" He asked. "Your not spending anymore money on me. I don't deserve anything else, I'm not worth it. Spend it on yourself, your worth more than me." I replied and Brad looked confused. "I don't understand. You mean everything to me... I would risk my life for you. I only want to buy you a few clothes." Brad said and I sighed. "Fine, but your wasting your money." I said and Brad held my hand and started walking again. "No I'm not." He replied.

Eventually we got to the shopping centre and Brad took me to Starbucks. He got a Gingerbread Latte and he then got me a Chocolate Cream. We sat down at a table and I looked out the out the window while Brad stared at me and kept on smiling. He held my hand across the table and I looked at him and smiled back. He then got his phone out and it looked like he was texting someone, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

1 message from Brad:
I love you xxxxxx :)

I smiled and looked up at him. "I love you too." I replied and Brad giggled. "So, I have been meaning to ask you something for a while now." Brad said and he started to look very nervous. "What's that then?" I asked and held his hand a bit tighter. "I really like you, in fact I love you. You mean everything to me and like I have said before I would risk it all for you. So I was wondering if maybe we could give us a go? Will you be my girlfriend?" Brad asked and then looked at me with a hopeful expression on his face.

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