Part 3: best friend?

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"What gives you the right to steal my phone and read my messages?" I asked her in an angry tone. Who does she think she is? "That was a bit out of order Hannah." Rebekah commented. "I'm sorry but I don't think it is right that you are texting about us behind our backs." Hannah said. "It's not my fault that you are making it so obvious!" I was starting to get very angry and upset now. "How is it obvious that I like James? I don't! I actually like someone else so don't go spreading things around until you know the truth." Hannah shouted.

I got up and left the apartment. I didn't want to argue anymore. I ran down the corridor and sat with my back up against the wall, the tears started to fall and they wouldn't stop. I thought Hannah was my friend, she never normally starts an argument and she would never normally take my phone and read my messages.

I then heard footsteps coming down the corridor, I didn't bother looking to see who it was, I just kept my head in my hands and my knees pulled up to my chest while I carried on crying. The footsteps stopped right in front of me and I was getting worried that it was Hannah. "Chloe?" I heard a familiar voice say. I looked up to see Brad.

"Are you ok?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "I heard a lot of shouting coming from your apartment. What happened?" He asked. "Nothing." I replied. "Chloe, I know something is wrong."
"Hannah took my phone out of my hand while I was texting you and she read my messages. She doesn't like the fact that we were talking about her, Rebekah and Sophie behind their backs, I don't think it was right that she took my phone out of my hand and started to read the messages. She then said that she doesn't love James and that she likes someone else." I blurted out.

I then had a thought. Who does she like? It must be either Brad, Connor or Tristan because she hasn't met any other boys here and she kept on saying how horrible and ugly the boys were back in London.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Brad said, he sat down next to me and wiped the tears off of my cheeks. He put am arm around my shoulders and pulled me in to him. I can't stop thinking about how cute and caring he is towards me. "I think Hannah was in the wrong. She had no right to look through your messages." He continued. "She never normally gets angry like that. That's the first time, when I was texting you." I said.

We both heard footsteps coming down the hall and looked to see Hannah walking towards us. She looked quite shocked to see Brad sitting with me but she still looked angry.

It then hit me, does Hannah have a crush on Brad?

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