Part 65: truth or dare

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After a while we both went downstairs and sat on the sofas with everyone else, I sat on Brad's lap and he played with the necklace around my neck. "So, how are you all liking the tour?" James asked. "I really love America!" Rebekah said. "Same here, I do miss our apartment but I really like traveling." Tris said. "I miss Jesse..." I mumbled and everyone looked at me. "Chloe, you can last 4 more weeks, you have already done 6!" Sophie said. "I know but I still miss her." I said. "I know baby, you have me." Brad said and I nodded.

"What has been the best part of the tour so far?" Connor asked. "Touring." James said.  All the girls looked at each other and smiled "Spending time with the best boyfriends in the world!" Me, Rebekah and Sophie all said in unison, the boys giggled and gave us all kisses. "I love you." Brad whispered and kissed my head. "Love you too." I replied and held his hands that were resting on my lap. "I think my favourite part of the tour was the day when me and Chloe went to the beach and we had a lot of fun." Brad said and I smiled at him. "Aaawww." Tris said and I giggled. "I quite liked writing Wild Heart." Tris said and the boys nodded. "Why are we are talking about the best bits? We haven't finished the tour yet." Rebekah asked. "I was just wondering." Connor said and kissed Rebekah. "You two are adorable!" I said. "So are we." Brad and kissed me, Connor and Rebekah and me and Brad were now kissing. "Guys! Give it a rest!" James said and then Tris and Sophie started kissing. "Guys!" James said and I giggled in the kiss, Brad opened his eyes and winked at me.

We all eventually pulled away and James didn't look impressed. "Cheer up James!" Tris said and we all laughed. "Actually, I have something that I need to tell you all..." James said and looked at me and Brad, we nodded back at him and he smiled. "I have a girlfriend." James said and everyone went silent. "What?" Connor asked. "When?" Tris asked. "We met just before we went on tour, it was too late to ask her to come with me so I didn't. She is called Amy and she is very nice, I was hoping you could all meet her when we get back to the UK?" James explained and everyone was silent. "Guys! Come on! Give her a chance, she might be better then Hannah." I said, and everyone looked at me. "Ok, we will meet her." Tris said and everyone agreed.

"She is very nice." James said, everyone smiled at him and me and Brad winked at him. "I'm sure she is fine." I said and Brad wrapped his arms around my waist. "So, what are we going to do?" Rebekah asked. "I dunno, we are running out of things really..." Connor said and we all nodded. "We could play truth or dare?" Tris said. "That never ends well..." Brad said. "Why?" I asked. "Me and the boys used to play it all the time at school, it always used to end up in an argument. It was always the same question that started the argument..." Brad said. "What question?" I Sophie asked. "Do you have a girlfriend Brad?" Brad said. "Why did that start an argument?" Rebekah asked and I kissed his cheek, he smiled at me and sighed. "They never used to believe me, they always used to say things like 'your lying' or 'you like someone, I can tell' and it got me annoyed because I had never had a girlfriend before Chloe and I liked it that way." Brad explained. "Boys!" I said and they broke in to giggles. "What?" Connor asked. "That wasn't nice." I said.

"Can we just play truth or dare? Brad has an answer for that question now anyway." Tris said. "We will give it a go but if anyone gets upset or if anyone asks an inappropriate question then I'm not playing." Brad said and we all agreed. "Who's going first?" Rebekah asked, my phone then vibrated in my pocked and Brad felt it. We both giggled as I took my phone out of my pocket, it was a message from Alisha:

1 message from Alisha:
Hey Chloe! I heard that you are in Florida? I am there too! Do you and the girls maybe want to meet up with me again? X

Brad read the message and I looked up at him. "Go ahead." Brad said and smiled. "Before we start can I just say something?" I asked and everyone nodded. "Rebekah and Sophie, I just got a text from Alisha and she is in Florida too. She wants to meet up with us soon, is that ok?" I asked. "Yeah sure!" Rebekah said. "Are you ok with that?" I asked Sophie. "Yeah, but I will have to see how I feel because recently I haven't been very well with the pregnancy." Sophie said and I nodded.

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